Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We walk towards the Cornucopia to get more weapons and whatever supplies we can find. Peeta is drawing a perfect circle on the sand and divides it into twelve pieces. He and Finnick are talking about the things that happen at each hour and where we should go every time just to be safe. Johanna and Beetee are inside the Cornucopia looking at the supplies while Wiress is near the water singing about a mouse inside a clock.

I walk over to where Finnick and Peeta are and sit down next to them.

"So we should be in constant movement and on the beach preferably." Finnick says.

"Yeah. Also, the Cornucopia is pointing to the twelfth hour area, just so we have a reference." I add.

Finnick looks at me and smiles. "Good eye."

I smile back at him, and just then I notice it. Silence. Wiress isn't singing anymore.

I turn around just in time to see Gloss' knife cut through Wiress' throat. I reach for an arrow and shoot it at his chest and he falls into the water, motionless.

Brutus, Enobaria and Cashmere are running towards us at full speed, I aim at Enobaria but miss. They have reached the Cornucopia by now and Johanna is fighting with Cashmere. I get distracted by her axe cutting through Cashmere's body and I don't see Brutus coming at me. I'm to startled to react but I feel Finnick pulling me away and chasing after Brutus. Just as I'm about to run after them, the ground begins to move beneath my feet and I fall. The whole island where the Cornucopia is at is spinning and I grab onto a rock to prevent myself from falling. I turn to look at Peeta and his doing the same as me. My hands are slipping from the dampness of the rock and my hands let go completely but a hand grabs onto my wrist. I look up and see Finnick: redfaced, and flawless as always.

"Hold on tight." He says, and smiles.

"Don't let go of me." I say.

"Never." He begins pulling me up slowly to where he can put his arm around my waist and pushes me against his chest. I put both of my arms around him and shut my eyes.

I feel the Cornucopia spinning more slowly now and suddenly, it comes to a stop. I allow myself to hold on to Finnick for a few more seconds. His chest is rising and falling quickly but doesn't let go of me either.

I open my eyes my eyes and look up at him, his eyes are open as well and he's staring back at me. I've never felt such a need to be close to him, to his embrace, to his lips.

He gives me a sympathetic smile and lets go of me to stand up. I stand up as well and go check on Peeta. He's lying on his back but he's alive, and that's what I care about.

I help him get up and hug him. Being embraced by Finnick must've seemed weird for the spectators so I should look more in love with Peeta.

He grabs my face between his hands and kisses me. "Are you okay?" he whispers against my lips.

"Yeah. You?"

"Yes. What do you think that was for?" He asks, moving a little away from me.

"Probably just trying to see if they could drown someone." I say.

"But, if they wanted someone dead, why didn't they just let us fight with Brutus and Enobaria?" He looks around him. "Speaking of Brutus and Enobaria, where are they?"

"They must've gotten away. I didn't hear any cannons that could mean they died."

Finnick, Johanna and Beetee walk towards us. "We should get back to the shore." Johanna says.

We sit down near the jungle and see what we still have with us. Thankfully the parachute where I keep the spile and the pearl are still attached to my belt and I still have my bow and arrows. Finnick has his trident, Johanna has one of her axes, Beetee has his wire and Peeta has a knife.

We stay there to catch our breaths when I hear a horrible sound, a scream. And not just anyone's scream. It's Prim.

Nothing makes sense in my head right now. How is she here? Why is she here?

My body reacts before my common sense and I run towards the jungle.

She's screaming my name, and so is someone else behind me: Finnick.

I don't stop running, I can hear her closer, just above me.

I look up, trying to find her and see where the sound comes from: a bird, a Jabberjay. I aim at it and shoot. Prim's screams stop abruptly.

"Katniss." I hear behind me. Finnick has caught up to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it was just a Jabberjay." I say, out of breath.

Just then, we hear another pair of screams: Gale and an unknown woman.

"Gale." I whisper, and Finnick doesn't think twice about chasing after the sound.

"Finnick! Wait!" I run after him.

He's too fast for me to reach but at least I can still see him. "Annie!" he screams repeatedly. I remember Annie is Finnick's best friend, just as Gale is mine.

He stops running and when I catch up to him I shoot both of the Jabberjays that are making the sounds.

"Finnick, it's not her. It's not Annie. It's a Jabberjay." I say, trying to make him look at me. When he does, his eyes are red.

"Yes but where do you think they got that sound? Jabberjays copy!"

Before I can answer, more Jabberjays begin to scream with familiar voices. I grab Finnick's wrist and begin running towards the beach, pulling him with me.

After a while he stops fighting me and runs along. We're very close, I can see Peeta motioning something at me. Why can't I hear what he's saying? Why doesn't he come meet us?

Just as I'm about to reach him, both mine and Finnick's bodies slam into and invisible wall. Peeta is on the other side saying something I can't hear. The Jabberjays have caught up to us and are screaming all around us. I cover my ears trying to ignore the sounds but I can't shut them out completely. Just then I feel Finnick's arm go around my shoulders and hold me tightly. I know that as much as he wants to comfort me, he also wants me to do so for him, and so I do.

We just stay there, holding on to each other and waiting for our nightmare to be over.


Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it :)

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Ally xx

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