Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I wake up startled and out of breath. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the shining bright light above me. When I look around I find myself in a hospital bed surrounded by a bunch of other empty beds except for one.

I stand up carefully and  slowly. My arm has been bandaged and most of my wounds healed. I walk over to the bed in front of me and see that it is occupied by Beetee. But where are the others?

I begin to panic. Has the Capitol killed them off already and Beetee and I are last? Or is Snow torturing them because I blew up the arena?

My head still hurts from where Johanna hit me and I have trouble focusing but I manage to concentrate on one last task: save Peeta, and in this case maybe killing him would save him.

I grab a syringe from one of the bedside tables and hide it in the bandage on my arm. A tiny air bubble in Peeta's blood system could save him from being tortured and I promised myself I would save him.

I begin wandering around the hospital, not really sure what I'd do if I encounter a peacekeeper or someone but I don't care, I just need to find Peeta.

After a few minutes of failed searching for him I reach a door and hear voices on the other side. I hesitate for a few seconds and then I open it.

Sitting around a table are Haymitch, Plutarch Heavensbee and none other than Finnick.

"Hello, sweetheart." Haymitch says, before I pull out the syringe and launch myself at him.

I didn't really expect that I would beat him, I'm much smaller and weaker than him but it still surprises me how easily he has me pinned against the wall and is now holding the syringe.

"So it's you and a syringe against the Capitol, huh?" he says in a mocking tone.

I turn to look at Finnick. "What are you doing here?" I shout at him.

"Katniss, it all has an explanation, if you would just listen-" he begins to say.

"You're a traitor! You're working with him!" I say jerking my head towards Plutarch.

"Katniss," says Plutarch. "This has been the plan since the beginning. To get you out of the arena to lead the revolution. To be the Mockingjay."

"What are you talking about? Where's Peeta?" I demand.

"Half the tributes were in on it. On getting you out. That's why Johanna cut the tracker out of you. We are on our way to District 13 right now."

"District 13? There's no way-"

"It exists. It wasn't destroyed. It is underground." He says as calmly as possible.

This is too much to take in but there is still one question that hasn't been answered. "Where's Peeta?" I ask again, and turn to Haymitch.  

He struggles to give me an answer. "In the Capitol. They got him, Johanna and Enobaria."

My heart sinks. All that I did, all that I didn't do to save him and now Snow has him. My body reacts first and I begin punching Haymitch uncontrollably. "You promised me! You promised you would save him over me! You're a liar!" Just then I feel a syringe entering my body and everything goes dark.

I wake up in the hospital room again, but this time I'm not alone.

"Hey Catnip." Says Gale.

"Gale." My voice is hoarse.

"How are you feeling?"

"I've been better. Much better."

He just smiles.

"Gale, where's Prim?" I ask confused on why he's here.

His smile fades and his expression darkens. "She's fine. I got her and your mother out on time."

"Got them out? You mean they're not in twelve?"

"When you blew up the arena... Hovercrafts came, they threw fire bombs-"

"They're not in twelve?" My chest tightens and I know what he's gonna say.

"Katniss, there is no District 12." He says.

A single tear falls from my face. My home, destroyed. Most the people I know, dead. Life as I knew it,

Gale holds my hand but I don't want to break down in front of him. After a few minutes he leaves me to take it in and I just feel like I'm gonna collapse. Not only is District 12 destroyed but also the Capitol has Peeta. I don't know what they will do to him and I don't even want to imagine. Thankfully I drift off and fall asleep and the next time I wake up, I'm not alone either.

Finnick is sitting on a chair next to my bed, staring at me. "Katniss, I'm sorry-"

"Save it." I say coldly.

"I wanted to go back for Peeta and Johanna but I couldn't move. They have Annie as well."

"Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?"

"No, I just wanted to apologize-"

"For what?" Now I'm shouting, "For not going back for Peeta? For not telling me what was going on when you had plenty of chance to? For betraying my trust? Or for pretending to be interested in me?"

"I didn't pretend to be interested in you." He says quietly.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't. Haymitch said not to tell you."

"And since when has a drunk pig like Haymitch been right?"

"Katniss, I swear, I am so sorry. And I don't deserve your forgiveness but the plan wouldn't have worked if you knew."

"This is your definition of a successful plan?" I need to keep myself from punching him. "Peeta is in their hands, probably being tortured as we speak. So is Annie. My home is destroyed. Tell me, what part of this looks like a successful plan?"

He holds my hand and I don't move it, I'm just hoping he will say something to make me feel better, but I break down. Sobs come uncontrollably and my whole body is shaking.

Finnick puts his arms around me and I burry my face in his chest. He kisses the top of my heand and whispers "It's okay."

"At least, one part of the plan succeeded. We got you out." He says.

I push him away because this angers me more than it comforts me.

"That's right. You always considered Peeta dead weight so the plan was a success to you, right? And that's why you saved him all those times, just so I would still be alive for you guys to get me out."

"Katniss, I didn't mean it that way." He says.

"Yes, you did. Please, leave me alone."


"Get lost, Finnick." I say.

I can see the hurt in his eyes but I don't care, if only he could see the mess my mind and heart are. So he just stands, and does as I ask him.

A part of me wants to tell him to come back and comfort me but the other part sees all the things I would've done if I had known what was going on: I would've stayed with Peeta, I would've insisted that we left, I would've told Haymitch that it would just be us two in the arena and I would've never been allies with Finnick Odair.




So, we have reached the end of "Allies" and I'm sad it's over but don't worry, in case you've been wondering there WILL be sequel, I can't just leave it like that ;) Thank you guys so so so much for reading this story, it did better than I thought it would and it's all thanks to you guys! I hope you enjoyed it! I'll upload the sequel as soon as I can, but I'll let you guys know about the exact date soon!

Again thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting, etc.

Love you all .lll.

Ally xx

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