Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

We all take turns to wrap the wire around the tree and make sure to leave some for it to reach the water. While Beetee makes some calculations before we start, I decide to walk over to Finnick. He's sitting on a rock, tracing the pattern of his trident. He looks so peaceful surrounded by the chaos that's about to happen, almost like a steady ocean in the middle of a storm.

"Hey." I say and sit next to him.

He doesn't respond, instead he just lifts his eyebrows a little and jerks his head back.

"You think it'll work?" I ask.

"If I didn't do you think I would've agreed?" his tone is dry and cold.

"I guess not. It's almost over. For one of us, at least."

His knees are bouncing up and down like he's nervous. Is it about Beetee's plan or something else?

"I'm gonna see if Beetee needs help." He says and leaves me alone on the rock.

What's wrong with him? Is he mad because what happened earlier with Peeta? No, he understands what I have to do, doesn't he?

For some reason the fact that Finnick's mad at me makes me mad at him, so I decide to play the same cards he's playing and ignore him.

After what seems like hours Beetee finally gathers us up. I stand up next Peeta and avoid Finnick's gaze.

"Alright so, Katniss and Johanna, you too will take the wire to the beach. When you're done go back to the jungle but not to this section, go to the 1 or 2, do you understand?" Beetee says.

Johanna and I both nod.

"I'll go with them to protect them." Peeta says.

"You can't." Beete tells him. "You're too slow and besides, I need you and Finnick to protect me."

"Finnick can protect you on his own."

"Is there a problem here?" Finnick asks with his arms crossed.

"We all agreed to the plan." Johanna says.

This doesn't seem right. Something's wrong but I don't want to give away the fact that Peeta and I might leave them after Beetee's plan so I have to pretend like everything's all right.

I turn to look at Peeta. "It's fine. I'll see you at midnight." And kiss him briefly on the lips.

He knows he has to stay but I see the struggle in his eyes when Johanna and I walk away.

Johanna and I take turns to unwrap the wire while the other one keeps guard. We go on like that for about half an hour and then something weird happens: the wire is cut.

We see the cut end of the wire sliding on the ground. Someone, not far away from here has been following it and cut it. I put the wire down and grab my bow. Just when I'm getting an arrow ready I feel a something hit me on the side of my head, the shooting pain comes next. Everything goes blurry and I fall to the ground and I feel someone over me. Johanna.

I can't see what she's doing until I feel something cut my forearm and a hot substance falling down from my arm.

"Keep still." Johanna hisses. Then, she runs away.

I hear footsteps coming but I can't move.

"She's as good as dead." I hear Enobaria say. "Let's go."

Then the footsteps fade away.

So this was their plan all along. To divide me and Peeta to kill us separately.


My eyes shoot open and I remember I have a promise to keep. I stand up and look at my forearm which is just a mess of blood and skin. I try to ignore it and walk as fast as I can with a concussion and a blood-dripping arm.

I feel like I'm going to faint several times but I keep going. Who knows what they did to Peeta? What did Finnick do to Peeta? And then it hits me. Everything must've been a plan to take us out. Finnick pretending to be my... I don't even know what to call him. No, Finnick showed me a part of him that no one knew. He wouldn't do this, my Finnick wouldn't do this. He saved Peeta and I so many times, maybe it's just Johanna's plan.

I hear the cannon and my hearts starts racing. Ten thousand possible scenarios are going through my head right now and I need to push them all away. I only need to think of one thing: find Peeta.

I reach the tree where the lightning is supposed to strike but I see no one but a figure lying on the ground: Beetee.

I approach him carefully and see that he's unconscious but his body is shaking uncontrollably.

"Beetee." I hiss, "Beetee what's happening?"

I hear footsteps approaching fast and I duck under a bush.

"Katniss!" I hear. Is it Peeta? And then I see a pair of eyes like the ocean: Finnick.

He stops a few feet away from where I'm hiding. I get an arrow ready and aim straight to his chest, he has to die for Peeta to live so I might as well do it now. But I can't. It's Finnick, my Finnick.

Then he sees me. Confusion flashes through his face and he stares at me.

"Katniss." He says, almost like a whisper. "Remember who the real enemy is."


Haymitch told me the same thing before we entered these Games. And it's true, I don't see an enemy in that pair of ocean-like eyes. The real enemy is the one who put us in this situation in the first place.

I stand up, grab one end of the wire and wrap it around the tip of my arrow.

Finnick finally realizes what I'm doing but it's too late.

"Katniss!" he begins to shout, but I'm already aiming at the force field. "Katniss get  away from that tree!"

The lightning strikes the tree and I let the arrow go. For a few seconds everything goes black and then everything explodes.

The force of the explosion pushes me to the ground and I can see the arena falling in pieces. I don't know where Finnick is but I hope he's okay, or at least better than I am right now.

I spot a hovercraft flying over me and a claw descending to take my dead body. I'm not dead yet but I hope I die before I reach the hovercraft.

The claw goes around my body and as I ascend, I can only think of one thing: the ocean.


Heeeeey, sorry it took me like a month to update! I was busy with final projects and such hehe

Also, next chapter will probably be the last chapter of Allies :( thanks for reading this far!

Anyway, please share, vote and or comment! Thx

Ally xx

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