Bony Island

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"Mmnn..." I stretched, and hit my head on the top bunk. "Ow!"

"Have a nice sleep, (Y/N)?" Gwen asked teasingly.

"Yeah...what happened..?"

"Nothing much. Hey, how come your prince charming carried you away last night?" She chuckled. I shrugged.

"Oh, that reminds me! I-I gotta see him or he's gonna be-"

"Slow your roll, (Y/N)!" She grabbed my shoulders.

"No, he's gonna be upset. I gotta go, Gwen." I pushed her out of my way and ran to the other cabin. Realizing no one was there, I walked around. No one was anywhere.

"(Y/N), I tried to warn you, man! Everyone else is on Bony Island."

"Huh? What's Bony Island..?"

"It's an island, obviously. Look, I don't know how to explain it, but when Chris noticed you weren't here he got pretty mad. So he sent me out to get you. Actually, Mal offered. He was pissed when Chris refused to let him get you. So, let's go."

"Oh, okay!" I followed her to a small boat and we paddled to an island. "So, this is Bony Island?"

"Sure is."


"Don't take anything back. Trust me, Beth learned that the hard way..."

"Alright.." I stepped off the boat. "Right, I'll see you later, Gwen!" I ran off until I heard voices.

"So, THERE'S (Y/N). Great job on keeping us waiting!"

"Right.. Sorry..." I replied. I walked to Mal, who seemed really mad. I couldn't tell if it was my fault or not. "Hey, Mal..."

"What do you want, loser?"

"Nothing... just saying hi." I cleared my throat.

"ANYways. You will be split up into groups of two and look for specific things on Bony Island."

"Groups of two? Good. (Y/N)-"

"Shut it! I'm picking teams." He was reading off of cue cards. "(Y/N), you're with Gwen. Mal, you're with Beth. Heather, you're with Alejandro." Alejandro winked at Heather, earning a grunt of disgust from her. "Justin, you're with Lindsay. Cody, you're with Cameron. Harold and Scott, Katie and Sadie, Owen and Izzy."

"Wait..." I started. "I'm not with Mal..? But... he'll be upset-"

"I know. That's the fun of it, lovebird."

"Ohh, okay." I nodded and looked away.

"Well, guess we got lucky, (Y/N)! We're partners!"

"Heh, yeah..." I looked back at Mal, who was just... standing there. Not doing anything. Beth came up to him, and out of nowhere he just socked her in the face angrily.

"Woah! Calm down, dude!" Chris distanced him from Beth and her broken glasses and bleeding nose. That man can throw a fucking punch, that's for sure. I ran to Mal.

"Mal, it's fine!"

"No it's not."

"I promise I'll hang out with you after the challenge..." I tried calming him down.


"The people on the winning team can pick one person each to have immunity." Chris added.

"You better pick me if you win." He demanded.

"I-I will, I will!" I responded. I went back to Gwen. "So who are you gonna save if we win?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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