Chill Day

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Today wasn't a challenge day. Chris said he needed a break. We all needed one. This was actually going to be an okay day. I sat outside my cabin next to Gwen and we drew together.
"Gwen, I love your art style! It's so pretty!"
"Thanks, Y/N! I like yours!" Gwen and I giggled and talked with each other, talking about what school was like where we lived. Turns out she didn't actually live too far from me. Just then, my arm is grabbed and I'm quickly dragged off.
"Uhm, b-bye Gwen!" I chuckled nervously and looked up at who had taken away. The grip wasn't familiar. It wasn't Mal. "Uhm, who are you..?"
      "You don't know me? Huh. Scott."
      "I wanted to tell you a little something you might want to know..."
      "Uhh, okay..?"
      "Mal is not who you think he is. I've known him for two years. Well, sort of..."
       "How do you mean?"
       "Let's just say... I knew him under a... different name... back then..."
      "Oh, that makes sense. Just as much sense as the green sky." I gave him a serious stare. "Can I go now?"
      "No, not yet. I want to start a secret alliance with you. You know more about Mike- Mal... than I do. But you can't tell anyone we're working together, though. We're gonna vote him off together, alright?"
      "Who's Mike? You know what, don't answer... You seem nice, Scott, but I have to say no. I made a promise to Mal that I'm with him and I can't vote for him."
"Why do you need him?"
"You heard me. Why do you need Mal?"
"AHEM." A dark figure appeared from the trees. Mal.
"H-hi... Mal..."
"Get away from the rat boy. Now." I stood up and went to Mal nervously. Scott stared at me and I bit my lip nervously. Mal could've gotten the wrong idea there... maybe he thought I wanted him to leave me alone, which, to be fair, wasn't wrong, but he could never know that. "Don't try and make deals with Y/N. She'll screw you over. Why, you ask? 'Cause she learns from me. Got that, dirt boy?"
"Shut up, toothpick." Just then, Mal's fist flies towards Scott's face and, from flinching, Scott hits his head on the side of the cabin. "Got it. N-never mind."
"May I leave, please?" I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. He nodded and I skipped off to Gwen. "Hey, I'm back..."
      "Where even were you, Y/N?"
      "Oh, I was... uhm..." I cleared my throat and looked around. I was so nervous. I didn't want Gwen to know what's been going on with my life. "Uh.. uhm... Doing.. business? Eheheh..."
       "Eewww, weird... anyways, want to keep drawing?" Gwen smiles at me and I've never felt so safe with a friend.
       "Sure thing, Gwen!" I got my pencil back out and drew with her for a little while. The intercom goes on. "I can't believe how many times I get dragged off by guys. I guess they can't keep their hands off me." I chuckle and hear a bang on the side of the cabin. Curiously, I look to my right. Mal is stalking me from the side of the cabin.
      He tried to play it off like he wasn't doing anything. He is SUPER bad at acting apparently. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I walked over there. "H-hey... Again..." Mal stammered.
      "Are you okay?" I felt Mal's forehead. "You're.. umm.. burning up.."
      "Yeah.. why do you care..." he said in a tough-guy voice.
      "Because you're my friend."
      "I'm your... friend..?" He smiled. His smile turned into laughter. Scott was eavesdropping and he laughed like a maniac. I looked over at him with a "dude, what is your problem?" kind of look.
"Whaaat? You friendzoned him! Of course I'm gonna laugh!"
"Why are you even listening in, Ginger?"
He scoffed and walked away. He sat and drew in the dirt, spelling the word "DAWN." And then a heart next to it. Huh. I didn't know he could... love... That's nice. I noticed a scratch on Mal's cheek and my first instinct was to kiss it better, for some reason.
I kissed him on the cheek when nobody was looking and giggled at his expression. He was bright red and had the silliest smile ever. He pulled me in and made out with me.

CONFESSION(MAL): "Best moment ever, I'd say." He clears his throat. "Ehmm... I mean.. it's all strategic... I'm, uh, giving Y/N a... F-false sense of security.. Yeah. A false sense of security! I'll keep her around a few more challenges because she's... useful... but once she fucks me over, she is gone..."
CONFESSION(Y/N): "Wow, what a guy~" I chuckle, then sigh. "I want to take him to the finale with me, y'know... if I get that far... And then confess all my feelings towards him. Ughh, love. I'm going to try my hardest just for that perfect moment. My only fear is that he's just gonna reject me. I mean, it's not like it's happened before with other guys, but it'd just feel... special. It'd feel special if he rejected me. T-the bad kind of special."

"Woah, easy there cowboy. I just noticed the scratch and wanted to kiss it better is all..."
"And.. I.. noticed a scratch on your... tongue... and I wanted to kiss it better." Ahh, what an idiot. A cute idiot, nonetheless. Chris called everyone down to the campfire. I sat by myself because I simply wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at the time.
"So, how was today? Yeah, I just needed a huge break from you losers. You guys are just- just insufferable, ya know?"
"Yeah, 'cause WE'RE insufferable..." someone mumbled. I didn't notice who it was, I just knew it was a girl. Chris glared at a girl, who must've been the one to say it.
      "Anywho... I decided that next elimination is a DOUBLE ELIMINATION! You know, to make up for nothing happening today," he grinned. I nervously looked at the ground. A double elimination gives me more of a chance of being eliminated... Mal suddenly picked me up.
      "Hey, let me go.." I smiled a little bit. He shrugged and carried me to my cabin. "Uhh, did you hear me? Let me go, man." I struggled in his grip and he just looked at me. I sighed and then slowly fell asleep in his arms just before he got to the cabins. I wake up in the morning back in my bed.

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