Noah's Ark

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      "Okay, Rabid Bears. That was just humiliating to watch. Meet me by the cabins ASAP," Chris sighed and walked away. I was still super cold. Mal sighed and took off his shirt. He, for some reason, had a tank-top under his shirt. I don't know why, but I didn't ask questions. He handed his shirt over and I put it on.
"Thank you, Mal. You're not so bad," I blushed and continued to walk next to him.
"Whatever. I'm only near you all the time because you'd be too dumb on your own. You'd probably get me killed with the given chance."
"You'd probably get me killed with the given chance," I looked away.
"Now you're learning." We walked next to each other. He had his right arm holding me right next to him. I looked up at him and smiled.
"You care about me," I chuckled. His face went pink.
"I do not!"
"Okay." I looked away. "Who are you voting off?"
"Me too. I love you- I mean- Yeah. That's cool that we're voting for the same person..."
"Uh, okay.. Just give me my shirt back later. I don't want you getting your moron germs on it." We sat next to each other by the cabins after voting.
"Time to read the votes. Noah, Noah, Y/N, Alejandro, Mal, Noah, Y/N, Y/N, and... Noah."
"Wow, why would someone try to vote off Y/N? She did nothing wrong!" Alejandro stood up for me.
"Step off, Alejandro. She doesn't like you. You don't like him, right?"
"I've never talked to Alejandro."
"Okay, whatever."
"Can't believe you morons are already voting me off. Seriously, I'm not that bad. Wow, you guys are sheep!" Noah was dragged off and thrown on the boat, which drove off.
"Come on, you're going with me. We need to talk." He grabbed my arm and dragged me behind the cabins. "Hey. So, I don't like you, but I'm sure you're just madly in love with me, so..."
"Hey, if this is about the shirt, I can give it back now, I was just cold-"
"No, keep it for now~" He leaned in and went in for a kiss. We locked lips and I turned bright pink, but for some reason, I pushed him off of me.
"What was that for?! Oh my gosh, Mal..." I didn't know what to do! I threw his shirt at him and ran away, hiding in the girl cabin. I won't lie, that was actually really amazing! I came out of hiding and went back up to Mal, who was just chilling out behind the cabins. I went up to Mal and I hugged him. "That wasn't that bad, actually. It just startled me..."
"I did it because you like me," he teased.
I chuckled. "Well, goodnight Mal. I told you you weren't bad. Anyways, we need to get some sleep for the next challenge." I headed back off to the girls' cabin and went to sleep. Chris woke up everyone at 5 AM.

(if you don't get the name: it's because he was eliminated and put on a boat for losers.)

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