Let's Dance!

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"For your first challenge, I'll call two people to go up to this platform," Chris pointed to a platform, "and do a dance together!" He laughed maniacally. "This'll be so much fun! Mal and Y/N, you two are up first!"
"Ooh, alright," he smiled evilly. I looked at him and he looked back. I felt a chill go down my spine as he gripped my wrist and pulled me on the platform. Tango music started playing and I got all nervous and sweaty. I shook my head, and he just grinned a little wider.
"One more thing before we start," he threw something on the platform and fire shot out onto it, "One wrong step on this platform and," he chuckled, "you're toast!"
"Oh no..." I mumbled. We looked each other in the eyes. His look was evil and with some bad intent most likely, while mine was genuinely horrified about what was going to happen. He grabbed my waist tighter and looked at everyone. Everybody looked at us like he was about to murder me, and he just looked back at me afterwards, like he was trying to say that he was going to.
His grip was tight and a little sweaty. He looked me dead in the eyes for a moment, but then pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear, "I don't want to do this, but I'm going to win the million. Don't get in my way, or you're dead." Mal seemed really harsh with his dancing. He'd usually just jerk me around the platform with me having almost no free will to move. I mean, I guess it's good that Mal knew what he was doing, but it was hard to keep standing straight with him pulling and pushing me everywhere. "Hey, quit trying to do stuff, I'm doing this for you."
"It's hard to keep standing when you keep jerking me around everywhere!"
      "I'm not letting go of you because I want to win this challenge, you moron!" Just then, Staci came out from the cabin.
      "Oh my gosh, my great great great great great uncle invented the tango!"
       "Can SOMEone shut this girl up?!" Leshawna exclaimed.
"OKAY, fine! Staci, you're getting an early elimination, because you won't SHUT UP!" Chris yelled. Chef dragged her off to the elimination area, throwing her on a boat and sending her home. On her way to the boat, she kept screaming and struggling.
"Finally," Leshawna said. Mal continued to practically throw me around the platform. I got dangerously close to being burnt because of him, and it made me scream loudly.
      "YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" I stared at him angrily like I was trying to set him on fire.
      "That was the point, Y/N!" he yelled.

CONFESSION (Gwen): "Okay, Mal was soooo close to burning that one girl, who's-it. Oh, Y/N. That's her name, yeah... well, anyways, Y/N looked like she was about to [CENSORED] KILL him! It was... actually, kinda funny."

My yelling apparently caused him to get off his "A-Game" and I made him trip. The tango "we" did ended with me holding Mal in a dramatic dip. People were shocked and silent, but then everyone clapped. "Wow, nice, Y/N! Alright, it's Leshawna and Justin's turn!" Chris exclaimed. Leshawna and Justin went on the platform and hip-hop music started playing.
      "Ooh, get out of my way, Justin! It's Leshawna time! I love this song, mhm!" She shoved Justin off the platform and started dancing. Everybody else looked confused and a little concerned by her dancing, except for Harold, who was actually drooling a little. This even got Mal to look weirded out, and, like everyone, including me, thought he was evil and just emotionless...

CONFESSION (Mal): "Okay, this girl SERIOUSLY needs to learn how to dance. She looks like she's trying to walk on sharp rocks barefooted."

"Okay, you know what?" Chris said, "I'm stopping this challenge early! Leshawna, that was honestly incredibly painful to watch. Mal and Y/N win this for their team!"
      "Thanks for winning for us, I.. guess.." I said.
      "Whatever. I just have an urge to win a million bucks, I don't care at all." He looked around all nervously and blushed a little. It was kind of funny to see him nervous.

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