The Cake is a Lie!

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"Hey, losers! It's challenge time!" We all stumbled out of our cabins and Mal grabbed my wrist, pulling me next to him. "Today, Chef and I are going to give you random ingredients and you'll all be baking cake. Why cake? Because I said so!" He smiled and sent us all off. Mal dragged me along and flicked me in the head once we were all there.
"Ow, Mal! Why'd you do that...?"
"'Cause you're an idiot who has no brain and can't be trusted without someone smart like me near you at all times."
"Wow. Tell me how you really feel, jerk." I hit him as hard as I could in the arm. He started laughing like a hyena. "Shut up. You're mean!"
"Thank you, Y/N. That's my goal." I groaned and I walked away from him.
"Who here knows how to bake a cake?" asked Chris. Nobody raised their hand. "Okayyy.. Well, here's the twist," people groaned. There's always a twist, I thought to myself, "You have no recipe to follow and there's just random ingredients, mostly from Chef and his kitchen. Ooh, nasty!" he laughed. "You'll be working with your team to create an awesome cake and feeding it to... none other than... me and Chef! We'll be grading on taste, look, and texture. Go!"
"Oho, mi ángel, would you like to cook for me? Since you are the woman of the co-" CRACK! Heather kicked him right in the kiwis.
"eeeeggghh...! it... feels like... dying...!"
      "You just got hit by a gi- AAAH!" Mal let out a girly scream as I also kicked him in the kiwis. He fell on Alejandro. Heather and I high-fived. I walked to the rest of my team and helped others carry ingredients. On the other team, I heard Lightning bickering with the other team.
      "We need some sha-protein powder! Everyone loves that!"
      "No, not everyone 'sha-loves' protein powder, idiot!" Beth said.

CONFESSION (Beth): "Was that too mean? I'm sorry!" Beth looked at the camera nervously.

      "Excuuuuse me? You talkin' to the," he made a flexing pose, "SHA-LIGHTNING?" I was so busy focusing on the other team that I didn't realize Mal had gotten up and was walking towards me. I didn't know he was behind me until he cleared his throat. I nervously turned around.
      "Do you want to know something, Y/N?"
      "n-not in particular," I looked up at him anxiously.
       "Too bad. Here's what you're gonna know. Y/N, you are mine. I am in control of you. Me. You are not in control of me, because you are too dumb to be in control of me."
      "I'm not controlled by anyone! You don't control anyone! You just think you could go around thinking you're a tough guy and being a huge jerk to me!"
      "And to think you were actually pretty nice." I sighed.
      "I'm not nice."
      "I know that now! Get away from me!"
      "Whatever. I don't care. Just go help your team since I don't care about you right now." He patted my cheek and walked away. I growled and he went to chill out in a corner. By the time I went back to helping, we were almost done and had a few minutes left to finish. I continued to help gather ingredients and then helped with decoration.

CONFESSION (Mal): "She's starting to get on my last nerve." He sighed and held his head in his hands. "I like that girl." He giggled.
CONFESSION (Y/N): "He's so mean, and sometimes I just can't stand him! He just thinks he can just.. Just push me around! Why does he always want me near him?! I hate him!" I did the same thing as him— sighing and holding my head up with my hands. "I like that guy."

"Sorry about the whole 'not-helping-for-a-bit' thing, I was just bickering with," I looked at Mal, who was looking right back, " old friend..."
"Hey, it's okay. We're done, anyways. You did help a lot with decoration. By the looks of it, I'd say we have this in the bag, Y/N!" Gwen said, giving me a high-five. A timer went off, the other team being completely shocked by it. They anxiously brought their cake to Chris and Chef, who taste tested it. Chris' face scrunched up.
"What is this? It tastes like protein powder and vomit. It feels like a brick in my mouth. Not to mention it looks HORRIBLE! No points for you, Turtles!" I put the cake on the table. They tasted it and Chris' and Chef's eyes widened. "Woah! That is awesome! This tastes great, dudes! Rabid Bears win!"
"Yes!" I did a group-hug, then looked back at Mal. He glared at me and then walked back to the cabins. After we all headed back, I hear the elimination ceremony outside my cabin.
"Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, Beth, Lightning, and Lightning. Wow, dude. Literally everyone voted for you. To the boat you go."
"You made us lose with that protein powder cake! It's only fair!"
"Whatever, Lightning! Just get out of here, since you got voted off!"
      "SHA-NO!" He got dragged off by Chef. "Wait, no! I'm not done yet! I'm not! No, don't do this Chef! Sha-NO!" And then he was gone. I snuck out of my cabin to go back to Mal. I don't know how or why, but I feel really bad for standing up to him. I snuck into the guys' cabin.
      "Mal... I'm really sorry..."
      "It didn't phase me, now get out. If you want to be a moron on your own without me to guide you out of being dumb, then do that. I can always just use someone else to get me far."
      "Was that really all I was to you...?" I felt a little heart-broken.

CONFESSION (Y/N): I know I shouldn't have liked him. He was evil, for God's sake. But, for some reason, I saw something in him...

      "Yeah. Why? Did you think I liked you?" He did a mocking voice.
      "Yes... you make it really obvio-"
      "I'd never fall for an idiot like you, Y/N. You could never have someone like me."
      "Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing it up..." I walked out and tried to make it look like I wasn't hurt. I have no idea if he was lying.

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