Hey, Sports Fans!

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      "Get out here in five, it's important!"
      "Urgghhh.." I groaned, rubbing my eyes.
"I'm going to kill someone if you do that again!" Mal yelled, leaving his cabin. Everyone else tiredly left their respective cabin, except for Lightning, who basically leapt out of his cabin.
"Good sha-morning, people! And good morning to you, my beautiful biceps," Lightning then started to kiss his his biceps.
      "Alright, quit the kisses, Lightning. It's challenge time, sports fans! Today, you losers are gonna bleed, sweat, and cry!"
"Uh, no thanks," Noah said, rolling his eyes. "Count me out."
"Okay, thanks, Captain Killjoy!" Chris exclaimed, getting in Noah's face, then afterwards flipping his greasy, black hair dramatically. "Today, you guys are going to be stretching the ability of your athleticism! You losers will be doing volleyball, tennis, basketball, and track!" Chris laughed.
"While we supervise!" Chef smiled at Chris, and he smiled back.
"Yep, while we supervise," Chris replied, patting Chef's back.
      "For your first challenge, you guys will be running for your lives!"
      "For our lives...?" I ask timidly.
      "Yes, Y/N. For your lives. From FERAL EZEKIEL!" Chris yelled excitedly. Everyone gasped besides me.
      "Who's Feral Ezekiel?" I asked. I got no response from anyone. Chris' phone started to ring. "Uh oh, it's the lawyers. Hold on, I have to take this. Yellow, it's Chris. Yeah, yeah, I know. Ezekiel is dangerous to be around, ya-da ya-da ya-da! Nobody is gonna be hurt! Whatever!" He hung up on his lawyers. Chef chuckled and sat next to Chris. "What are you waiting for? On the track!"
      Everyone walked on the track. Everyone, even Mal, was absolutely terrified. An intern pushed out a crate and opened it. Feral Ezekiel crawled out, then started chasing us. I ran next to Mal and kept the same pace he had. "Hey Mal!" I smiled at him. He looked at me and made a weird look.
"Ugh, what," he replied. I didn't notice this but I slowed down a little. Zeek was right on my tail, and I didn't know he was right behind me. "Hey, how about you speed up?" he grabbed my arm and pulled me up to him, starting to sprint.
"See? I told those lawyers nobody would be hurt!" Chris smiled. We kept running while I was being dragged along. He was a lot faster than me, like a rabbit running from a dog. I blushed while watching him run fearlessly from Feral Ezekiel, falling almost head over heels for him. He knows what he's doing, and I love it! Anyways, an intern had to tranquilize Zeek. It took four shots to get him down. "Alright, people, next challenge is tennis!"
"Oh, great, what's the twist this time," Noah said sarcastically.
"You'll be doing this with a BOMB!" He laughed. Everyone gasped.
"A bomb?!" Cameron seemed extremely anxious.
"A stink bomb, Jumpy McChicken," he said. Cameron caught his breath. "Alright, the people up are... Sadie, Katie, Alejandro, and Noah!"
      "Uhh, no thanks, Chris," Noah said blankly.
      "Uhh, yes way, Noah!" he exclaimed.
      "Like, ohhhh my gosh, Sadie! Remember when we did that tennis phase in 7th grade?"
      "Ohh my gosh, Katie, we were soooo cute! Eeeeeek!"
      "Chris, hold on! We need to get our cute tennis outfits on real quick!" Katie and Sadie skipped off and came back minutes later in "cute" tennis outfits. Watching the match, I realized Noah made Alejandro basically carry him through the match so he could sit and read. Suddenly, Alejandro made a wrong move and the stink bomb went off. Whoever it went off on lost, so Katie and Sadie won.
"That was pathetic, Noah!" I yelled.
"So what?" he said back, going back to the team. Alejandro growled and went back to the team after Noah.
      "O...Kay...? This next challenge will be swimming!"
      "Ooh, I'm really great at swimming!" I exclaimed. Mal looked at me, looked away, and grinned.
      "I am too!" Lightning yelled, looking at me from across the field like he was trying to set me on fire.
"I hope you guys don't mind being followed by piranhas!" Chris laughed. "Get over to the pool, unlucky ones! Time for you two to meet your doom, hahaaaa!" I looked at Mal in fear.

CONFESSION (Y/N): He looked like he didn't care, but I can see past that face. His eyes were telling me that he was scared for me, but I'm not about that "mind reading stuff." You know what I mean? I don't want to feel like I have special powers or anything, since I don't.

      "Well? Go up there. You were being cocky anyways," he looked back with that "no-sympathy-I-don't-care-at-all-obviously" look.
     "Thanks for the help," I gave him an angry look as I walked up to the pool.
      "Time for you to sha-lose, Y/N! Lightning is the best swimmer! Sha-" Chris hits lightning over the head, causing him to fall in and get bitten by a piranha. "AGGHHH!!" He had a very girly scream. I chuckled and dived in the pool. The piranhas stopped going after Lighting and after me. I out-swam them, but not Lightning. He won, and I climbed out of the pool. I went up to Mal, shivering.

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