Part 30

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Suddenly she threw her head up in the air and flames spewed around her forming a phoenix/human in the air. I backed away in amazement at the sight. Her body was trying to let out the emotion. It was slowly draining from her as she cried golden tears and radiated the flames. I needed to help her control it though. She couldn’t always rely on the necklace.

The flame was part of her. When she tried to get rid of it, she would lose parts of her memory and thus losing parts of her that allowed her to feel. She would slowly lose herself if the flames escaped. Her body knew this. It knew that it couldn’t shatter into pieces. Hope tried to fight the flames from being a part of her because she was scared of them, hence the crying.

The body of flames that was hers tried to reenter but she faught it and so there was a spirling flame trying to get around the force field know and it created spirling flames just before the flames were able to reach her skin. I could talk to her now. Now that there were no flames spewing in all directions. I was still scared out of my mind though now that the spirals of flame had turned into blades around her.

I slowly walked over to the spiraling flame that tried to engulf hope.

“Hope can you listen to me?”

“Help..” she whimpered as she choked it out through tears. I could barely hear her through the whipping sound that the spiraling blades of fire were making.

“Yes. I will help you. First. You need to stay focused.

“Okay” she cried, the golden streaks falling down onto the cement floor.

“Look at me” I said calmly. She slowly lifted her shimmering face with the gold still falling

“I’m scared Luke” she croaked as she weakly looked towards me. The minute she met my gaze, the spiraling flames slowed down. It was working. The flames would soon sink in to her. I just needed to keep her calm.

“I know you’re scared, but crying won’t help. Think of a happy memory.”

“Like Christmas morning?” she gave me a weak smile as she asked

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