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A/N:  Hello people, that picture is incorrect, these are historical appearances, I just like that drawing, AnYwAyS, I need to give thanks and credit to General-Washington for brainstorming and reflecting ideas that eventually came to this, (read the detail of the story plz) and especially That0neHamiltonFan, for writing chapters with me and being a great online and IRL friend. Credit to the artist is unknown, That0neHamiltonFan made the cover (not the art) so maybe ask her?

Me and That0neHamiltonFan wrote this prologue together (though That0ne wrote more)

John POV

I angrily threw my clothes in my suitcase laid open on the floor, my backpack laid next to it. It was filled with my computer, my phone, turtle posters and more things. Today me and my family were moving to Scotland because 'father' had gotten a promotion and is now a secretary of some sort, filled with glory that he was blabbing random words like 'yeeey' 'youreee' and 'beteeeeer', half drunk.

I winced at the memory of yesterday's beating, I felt my shoulder blade and hissed in pain.

I was saying my 'goodbyes' and 'thank you, come again soon!' to the people staying over for the celebration of Father's new higher stats and I heard something hard, like metal, hit the floor.

"Oh, I need to see what that was, see you soon, Mister Manning," I said, wearing a convincing smile. I shut the door and ran to the kitchen, a simple kitchen, fridge, oven, stove, microwave, toaster, cabinets, drawers, long wood table, four seats that we had to sit at each dinner, two were missing, the ones that belonged to my mother and my older sister, Martha, who is in college with her soulmate Sally. She escaped my fathers grasp, keeping her relationship secret from him.

I looked around for the two missing chairs. I had picked up a pan just in case my father went to hurt me or if something else came up. I mainly wanted to be able to defend myself for once. I still haven't found my soulmate and my father was really mad because he was all about needing to have a woman so that I don't have to do anything.

I thought that was totally wrong because women have very strong voices in this world. I always thought that women should be the ones in charge. They are the ones that give birth to you. So I think that women play a very important role in this world.

My father was also against LQBTQAI+ even though I was gay. He thought I liked girls though and I think that I will tell him at least when I am eighteen so that he doesn't have the right over me even though if I told him now he would probably freak out and kick me out of the house.

I walked out of the kitchen and slowly went down the hallway and looked into my fathers room. Oh no. He was drunk and he was in their room throwing all of my mothers stuff on the floor. That's what the metal had been. It was my mothers jewelry box hitting the floor. My father had his back turned so while he was focused on the thing he was holding I snuck in and grabbed the picture that I drew of my mother. Then grabbed the jewelry box. All of my mothers jewels were in there.

I snuck out just in time because the moment I was in the shadows my father turned around. I walked down the hallway to go check on what James and Martha were doing. I knocked on the door and saw James's head poke out and he smiled at me then let me in.

"John! I was so excited I am already packed and ready to go!" James said bouncing up and down. I looked over at Mary to see what she was doing. She was playing with her doll set. This doll set was very special because it used to be our older sister Martha's old doll set. Our mother made it for us. So it was also very special to me.

"John..." Mary whispered.

"Yes darling," I said picking her up and setting her on my lap.

"Did daddy hurt you last night?" Mary said looking at me scared. I put a calm face on and started to talk.

"No darling. Me and him just got into an argument about some stuff," I said, booping her on the nose she giggled and I started to sing their lullaby.

As I sang both my siblings slowly started to fall asleep and soon I had two sleeping kids on me. I smiled and I started to fall asleep myself. Then my eyelids slowly started to drop and I was asleep.

~<:>~ The next day ~<:>~

Alex POV:

I had been writing all night and I was really tired. I had been finishing my homework. I had to write a small essay on the revolutionary war. It was supposed to be about five pages. I grabbed the scrunchie on my wrist and put in a messy bun that would cover it up.

I usually hide my scrunchie because I was embarrassed by it. It was all black, everyone else in the world had very bright cool colored scrunchies with intricate designs. I mainly hid my scrunchie because no one would ever love me. When I had tried to take both of them off I had been stung and then my scrunchie reappeared on my wrist.

I grabbed my wallet and walked out my door to go get some black coffee. Well another day of school with no friends. Yay....!

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