Chapter 5- Majoring in Confusion

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A/N: Quietcove wrote some of the start, to get her idea in, not that she was doing it forcefully, I liked the part she wrote and we write differently, so if you are confused, Quietcove wrote it (not that her writing is bad, I love her writing), now the title, ehh, an example of a major is, Alex is majoring in law, this Chapter is majoring is confusion between the characters.

Alex's POV

"It is. How do you guys know each other anyway?", I asked. I was really confused. I feel like I know everyone in town. So even if John had come in the last 2 days. How would they know him?

"Oh well...", Peggy began.

"JOHN AND PEGGY ARE SOULMATES!!" Eliza yelled in excitement. I choked on the crappy coffee that the college was giving out for free, which I could get used to. They were WHAT!?

"R-r-really?", I said, still choking. Although I did notice something weird. They were both looking kind of weird. Like they were hiding something.

"I know, isn't it great Alex!!" Eliza exclaimed, jumping around like a maniac. But then something hit me, I knew that Peggy was lesbian. I mean she didn't tell me but as her friend, I knew her.

"Can I talk to you Peggy?", I said pulling her over to a corner.

"What's wrong Alex?", she asked.

"Only the fact that your lesbian!", I whispered loudly at her. She just stared at me in shock, not saying a word.

"H-w-I-what?", she asked astounded.

"It was obvious, but I can't tell you how!" I said, watching Peggy's expression.

"What!" she said.

"Thanks, now I know you are at least 120% gay," I said. "But the real question is, is John you're soulmate?" I asked, hoping that she would say no- wait, why do I care? Do I- nope Nope NOPE NOPE!

"OK, this might take a while.." Peggy said, rubbing her shoulder.

"So, Eliza came home early that day, she was with John so I was like OMG! ELZA HAS FOUND HER SOULMATE! And then she said 'Actually I think he's your soulmate' So then I brought him to my room to get to know him better, I was going to confess but when I turned, our noses almost touched, then... Eliza came in, she thought we were about to kiss, so she was like OMG ANGIE COME HERE! But I gave her my death glare and she left." Peggy said, I laughed, her death glares are scary, like white hot fire shooting into your eyes.

"And then there was some 'Oh, I'm so sorry' and 'I didn't mean to' but then we both turned to each other and kinda shouted 'I'm not your soulmate, I'm gay!'" Peggy said.

"Okay, that makes more sense, plus, the colors on John's scrunchie are either lighter or darker." I said.

"Colour," Peggy said with a devilish smile.

"Color!" (Alex)

"Colour!" (Peggy)

"Color!" (Alex)

"Colour!" (Peggy)

"Colour!" (Alex)

"Color!" (Peggy)

"Fine, it's 'color' then," I smirked and heard a laugh, I looked beside me and saw John laughing, he's so hands- nope Nope NOPE NOPE. I can't help but blush a little, hopefully Peggy won't notice.

"You guys are weird," John commented after his laughter dying down. Eliza walked over and put her arm around my shoulder, she always thought that we were soulmates since I never showed my scrunchie, she thought I was too shy, ohh, she was wrong. I saw John's smile fade a little.

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