Chapter 10- Card Games

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Alex POV:

The flooding was calming down, I felt safe with all my friends and... My soulmate, I still kind of don't want to accept it but John is a great person o I force myself to. Though I'm not back to my happy-ish state, I feel happy, especially with John- AND PEGGY.

I jump a little when Peggy comes in shouting her 'AND PEGGY' It seems like she's happy, which is good because we were crying and suicidal a couple of chapters ago- wait what? It's not like we're in a book or anything... Or am I? If so, would I be the main character? Why would I be the main character though? Because I have a hard life and my family died because of me? Because I seem happy but wanted to kill myself one time? Hmm. Naaaaw, why would I be the main character?

"Aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex!" Peggy says, snapping her fingers in front of my face, somehow, like HOW do you snap your fingers?! It just makes a quiet clapping sound for me!

"Hm?" I ask

"Can you make me hot chocolaté?" Peggy asks in a hispanic accent, saying chocolate in Spanish, which is chocolate, BTW. Just pronounced like it's spelled, so cho-co-la-te instead of cho-co-late. Why am I explaining this? Because I'm bored

"Si, señorita," I say (Yes unmarried-woman, though there's a word for that)

"Yaa," Peggy says, pushing me off the couch and laying on it lagjuriusly, lagariously, luxuriously, however you spell that

"Pero no tengamos chocolate caliente," I say, though I know she doesn't understand it. (But we don't have hot chocolate)

"Uhh... Sí?" Peggy asks, we both burst out laughing, even Peggy knew that she said the wrong thing in response. Once the laughing dies down, Peggy says,

"Your ponytail looks nice, I've never seen your scrunchie- or even just your hair in a ponytail, who did it?" Peggy asks, getting very close to my scrunchie.

"John did it," I say, I see Peggy wiggling her eyebrows.

"Not like that!" I shout, facing the other way and waving my hands in her face.

"Mhm..." Peggy says, unconvinced

"He just put my hair in a ponytail, that's it.. Though, I have a question.." I say a little mischievously.

"Hmm?" Peggy asks

"Have you met her yet? Your soulmate? I sent her your way," I say, wiggling my eyebrows, how about that! Ha!

"I did meet someone who I like, she had the same scrunchie as mine, but she already has a soulmate.... His name is-" Peggy starts, looking at the ground.

"Henry Reynolds? Yeah, he stole her scrunchie just for her body, and he thinks that he's 'blackmailing' me for pulling Maria's hand but really I was pulling her away to talk about you and I'm going to be the one blackmailing him soon," I say, Peggy's face instantly lights up and blushes. She hides her face in her hands. I laugh a bit.

Suddenly everyone (like EVERYONE) comes in looking all happy. Except John, he's looking at Athena with bloodlust.

"Alex, we are going to be related!" Laf says

"Huh? Does Washingdad want to adopt me or something?" I ask

"No, mon amie, we're going to be related because... *drum roll*

Martha and Athena are soulmates!" Laf shouts happily

"Much to my dislike..." John mumbles

"Ooooh, I get it, Athena and Martha are going to be married, Athena is related to Herc, being siblings, and Herc is going to marry Laf, and on Martha's side, she's related to John, being siblings, and John and I might marry someday so... It's a stretch but yeah! Laf and I are going to be related!" I shout happily, I've always thought of Laf as a brother, though I don't know what kind of relative he's going to be, like you have your cousins and aunts and uncles, but what would I call Laf? Step-step-step-step-brother? Was that too many 'steps'? I think it'd be step-step-step-brother, yeah... Three 'steps'...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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