Chapter 4~ Why Does Everyone Go to King's College

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A/N: title made by the one who made this chapter *tumpet noises* That0neHamiltonFan !! Thank you for making this BTW, I did not change anything in this chapter because I don't like changing things other people make so... Yeah. Enjoy!

Alex POV:

I walked in slow-mo for a bit until I finally ran into a bush. It came out of nowhere so I screamed. My red hair was stuck in the bush which was a whole OTHER problem. I first needed my sweatshirt out then my hair. I tried for like 5 minutes and I just kept screaming, not in a scared way but mainly in anger.

"UGG YOU GOSH DANG BUSH GET TH-", I yelled but then all of a sudden someone was there.

"Hey you ok?", The person asked me.

"No not really. A little help please?" I said still stuck and not knowing who I was talking to.

"Yes yes. Ok.", He said. It took a bit but I was finally able to get out with the person's help. I turned around before I could see the person, and before the person could see me and my scrunchie. I didn't have time to put my hair up into a bun so I just shoved it in my pocket.

"Th-Thank you.", I said stuttering as I turned around. I gasped it was the cu- the guy from the store!

"O-oh it's fine!", He said staring at me.

"You ok?", I said looking at him with my eyes raised. It took him a moment but he shook his head and started to blush like crazy.

"I-Im s-so-sorry.", He stuttered. He started to rub his neck in embarrassment.

"Oh I am so sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.", I said really sorry. I hated it when someone does that to me so I feel bad doing it.

"Oh no it is really fine!" he said, shaking his head.

"Ok so I am sorry to cut this short but I really need to get going.", I said, trying to get this cut short so that I could get to the college and get my interview.

"Hey I didn't catch your name! Im John!" He yelled as I started to run away. I smirked at that because I think I was going to leave him Hanging. I ran away to the college. I know it sounds mean but I really needed to get to King's College in time.

I was now in front of King's college ready to knock their socks off. I pulled my red hair behind me and put it in a messy bun. I need to get in, then I can buy my own coffee and I can get myself a job that can help me become good at something. I know I'm going to be a lawyer. I need to be a good student and not let a grade slip. If that happens I'm out. I was going to blow them all away.

John POV:

"I didn't catch your name! I'm John!" I yelled as he ran away. I laughed because the only response I got back was a smile as he went into the tree line. I knew he meant to leave me hanging. Every time I had seen him he was always making me laugh.

I need to get to King's college. I had an appointment at 12 pm. I was really excited. I didn't know what to expect. Hopefully I could meet some nice people and hopefully be friends with them. I don't know if I was going to make friends but I hope I could see that guy again.

I couldn't wait. I wasn't a very social person but I still loved to be around people. I liked to be around people if I trusted them. It was like I could talk all day, but only if I knew them. If I didn't then I kind of just hid in a corner. But if the person was right I was comfortable from the start.

I looked at my watch and noticed that I had five minutes to get there. Shoot. I ran for my life, no like, actually. A wolf found me and I was running for my life.

It took me about three minutes to get there and then two minutes to catch my breath, and to get my crazy curly hair under control.

"Mr. Laurens!", A man yelled from the doorway. I brushed down my suit for the hundredth time then went in.

"So you said you are majoring in Marine Biology?" the man asked.


"And your minor is art? Correct?" he asked.

"Yes sir."

"Why did you pick those things?"He asked.

"Yes well I am doing art because I love scenery, I always think about capturing moments. I always have a notebook and pencils or pens on me. I can draw pretty well in my opinion. I can put emotion into faces I can capture, sadness, happiness, many others. The reason for Marine Biology is that I love animals under the sea. Sense pollution and people being terrible and acting like they want to kill the earth", He laughed at this comment," But I want to help them, and one more Scientist could save the earth.", I said finishing and taking a deep breath with how much I just said how less I just breathed.

"Wow you sure do have some strong words. I think we will consider you into our school.", The man said and I almost screamed in excitement. I was going to college! AHHHHHHH!

"Thank you sir, really thank you.", I said shaking his hand. He nodded his head. I walked out of the room and bumped into someone.

"Oh I am so sorry!", I said on the floor rubbing my head.

"Oh its you. Jeez its only been what... a half an hour?" the person said," Here.", the person said probably giving their hand. I looked up and gasped. It was the guy that was at the little shop and the guy that was stuck in the bush," It-i-it's you!" I said in shock.

"Its me.", he said laughing. This was like a cheesy rom-com.

"Sorry that was weird. I'm just so shocked that I would see you so soon. Also quick question: are you going to King's College too?" I asked really hoping he did so that I could be friends with him.

"Yes I am. I'm about to go do my personal essay. By the way, what are you majoring in? I'm majoring in Law and minoring in cabinet battles.", He said.

"Oh Marine Biology and art. Also I still don't know your name.", I said laughing.

"Oh right my name's A-"

"ALEXANDER!", Yelled a voice I knew very well.

"Peggy! I thought you were going to go to New York so you can go to Princeton!", Alexander said.

"I wouldn't leave my friend behind.", she said punching him lightly.

"Hey Alex!" Eliza said walking over.

"Alex!", Angelica said.

"Oh John you know Alex!?" Peggy said.

"Not really- well kind of- I don't know. I've bumped into him a few times.", I said not knowing if that counts as knowing someone.

"Cool. Let's do a proper getting to know each other. John this is Alexander Hamilton. Alex this is John Laurens." Peggy said and we shook hands.

"Well that's your name. Hi.", I said, trying not to look at him for too long.

"It is. How do you guys know each other anyways?" He asked. Well time for more lying.

A/N: I didn't change anything so if you have questions, ask That0neHamiltonFan about stuff, she also posts the chapters on her page. Word count: 1242

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