Chapter 3- Coffee and Kings College

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A/N: I wrote this chapter, so, yeah, have fun reading this!

TW: Long paragraphs 

Alex's POV

"ALEXANDER!" The shop owner shouted at me.

"WHAT!" I shouted back, walking towards him.

"I NEED COFFEE!" He shouted, my thoughts were to run and keep the coffee for myself but he would call the popo, and the head policeman, George Washington, is kind but since Washington is a teacher at the college, John Adams takes charge, he is a coward and hates me and my gut.

"Fine..." I handed the man one of the coffee cups I was holding, we made a deal, if I studied or worked overnight, he would give me free coffee beans, but only if I gave him coffee as well, I made a coffee grinder, the best one in Scotland so it's a win-win. 

"Thank you, Alexander," The man said, setting his coffee on his stand (for toys, like the elephant) then the man walked over to a handsome man with blonde hair in a neat ponytail, he was wearing black sweatpants and a light green shirt with a turtle on it. Cute- nope, nope, nope, get your coffee and get outta here.

"Hey..." I blurted out, looking at the blondie, I looked away when I saw his colorful scrunchie, I look down at my feet.

"Here you go," The man said to the blondie, handing him a purple and blue polka-dot elephant. 

"See you later old man!" I called, running down the dirt road.

"I AM NOT AN OLD MAN!" The man shouted, I smiled and kept running ti'll the end of the road, taking a left and entering a forest of classic trees that you see everywhere. I walked for about half a mile then found my little cottage in my ainsley (my own meadow), Betsy, my cow moo-ing with her bell ringing.

"Hello Betsy!" I said happily to my cow, she mooed back, as if to respond. I walked past her after an ear scratch, entering my run-down cottage that my family used to live in, it was mostly underground, dug into a hill, it keeps warmth inside in winter, which helps me stay alive, Betsy also comes in, one area tall and wide enough for her and sleep in and eat hay. 

I sigh, I upgraded my cottage a while ago, so I can get internet and steal Wifi from a neighboring house, they don't know I'm here. I walk into my room, brown walls and floors made of wood planks, a dresser full of dirty clothes, a bed and a computer, covered in one blanket so if someone does break in then they can't take the most expensive thing in this cottage. 

I opened my computer, sitting on my bed, I started to type about my life, not before 10 years old though, I shivered at the thought of the hurricane (Just pretend the hurricane came when he was ten, then they moved to Scotland, Alex's father found a better job and used it as a better excuse to leave), all the bodies rushing through the streets that were now like rapids, I had made it to the highest hill after I predicted the hurricane, but it still terrified me, rain, thunder, lightning, oh, the lightning, my older brother...

(James was helping orphans up to the second highest hill, which was still tall, and it was closer to the village. Then lightning hit a tree nearby and the tree was so weak that it fell over before the lightning hit, the lightning then hit the hill, and since the whole hill was wet, most things in the area were electrified, including James, who slipped and fell into the deep water, never rising up again.)

I took deep breaths to slow my heart and breathing. I stared at the screen for a minute before beginning to type again. I typed about 21 essays about something then went onto a college app, apparently, Kings College was moving to Scottland, so I wanted to enroll, but much like entering Harvard Law School, you need to write a personal essay, or 51 personal essays. Once I was done, my fingers were shaking and totally dead.

I sighed, closed my laptop and went to bed for the first time this week (being Saturday)

                       Time skip brought to you by this random character I can make with my keyboard, if someone knows what these means plz tell me 鏉, 菈, 珇, 揆, 叅, 䏄, ㏃ (wut is this one), ⏃ (WUT IT THIS), Ꮑ like, please tell me, all I know is what this one means --> π 

I wake up, hearing my old crappy laptop ding. I grab a cold coffee and drink it, opening my computer. I go to my notifications and check the time in the bottom right of my laptop, I nearly spit out my coffee, 8:00!? I slept in!? I look what someone wrote, I have two notifications, since when do I have friends? I open the second most recent, taking little sips of my coffee.

I nearly spit out my coffee, again.

Hello, this is an email from Kings college, today is the last day to submit your personal essay, if you don't then you have no hope to get in. Have a great day! 

Good thing I submitted mine already- did I? Hmm, lemme check, yep, I sent it to Kings College. I smiled to myself, going to the other notification. Yet again, I almost spit out my coffee.

This is Kings college and we wanted to notify you that you have been accepted into our school and will gladly have you attending our classes. Write an email back about what you want for your major and minor if you would like to attend. If you do, the school offers 2 year old computers to all the students for free.

Alexander Hamilton, state your age, minor, major and what you look like if you would like to attend. Kings College starts tommorow.

"YES!" I shout, covering my mouth, I don't want the neighbors to know I live here and steal their Wifi.             

                     Time skip brought to you by the 21 times I hit the spacebar before writing 'Time skip brought to you by' (the next day.)

I kept the same clothes I had on yesterday, too lazy to change but too energetic that I didn't need coffee, I woke up at 2 pm. I can't believe I got in, my major being law, my minor being cabinet battles, both classes with Mr. Washington- he better not call me son. I thought, closing my computer and leaving it on my bed, ready to get the 2 year old laptop, about 9 year newer than my current one. 

Kings college better be ready for a 15 year old Frenchman- freshman  I think as I epic-ley walk out of my cottage, heading for the college, hoping not to get lost or stuck in a bush on the way to Kings College.

A/N: Word count: 1200, and remember, you can always ask about something if it doesn't make sense, I know I can be confusing sometimes- all the time, hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Da da doop, then end!

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