26 - Wait

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Photograph by Ed Sheeran

Flowers in your hair by The Lumineers

I will wait by Mumford & Sons


Louis doesn't really know how it happened but suddenly he is in London again and on his way to work. He had come back from America with Harry the previous day and he might feel relieved to finally be back home, but he is also feeling different. Weirdly different.

But going a little bit back in time to the morning after everything, meaning everything happened and he woke up. Harry was next to him, making the first thought from the day being the luck he got to finally wake up in peace with Harry actually next to him. That had never happened before. Well, it didn't happen in years. So he just started looking at him for a little, which was weird but didn't make him uncomfortable. Much less made Harry because he was sleeping with his mouth opened and snoring loudly. He just needed to start drooling and it'd be perfect. Not beautiful but Louis was smiling like the asshole he is and thinking what a beautiful bigger asshole I am sharing the bed with.

Then Harry woke up, around eleven o'clock and Louis actually wonders if he is the same guy who would go for his morning run at seven. He looked sleepy, cosy and warm. Louis wanted to kiss him right there. But he didn't. Why? Because Harry was the one leaning over, cupping his cheek with a smile on his face and joining their lips together. It was slow but quick.

And when was the last time Louis had this kind of greeting by the morning? He fucking missed it. And afterwards they spent the whole day in bed, eating the food and drinking the small bottles of alcohol (Harry drank the most of them) and then water (Louis kind of drink, see) from the small fridge from the hotel room, just talking, literally, they just talked and maybe shared some lazy kisses and that was their morning and evening.

After a shower – not together though, which was a shame – they decided to go out and walk around the streets till 2am, losing themselves thrice but at least they saw a little from the city. Only to come back to the hotel since they had to be up by six to go to the airport. Louis should have known that Harry had only planned to stay there two days, not sure about what would happen but at least he had the date to come back.

So that happened and kissing each other became a habit too so Louis doesn't understand what is going on, especially when he sees Liam and Zayn flirting right in front of him and almost eating their faces with their eyes while they eat lunch together. He wants to puke, but at least Harry appears – because of course they went to the coffee shop – smiles, attends their orders and that's everything Louis needs. Not to understand the meaning of this, the meaning of his life at the moment but to feel good about it. He looks around and he actually sees things as they are, he sees in colour and not in black and white anymore.

Eventually they go back to school and Louis wants to tell them I already know you two are together so please kiss and break the tension but he doesn't because he knows it'd only make Liam blush too much and Zayn find it too cute and he is trying to be the calm type, even though they're disgusting him.

He is strong.

That's why when he gets in his classroom – half running to get away from beside the two only people from this school he calls friends – he literally sinks in the chair from the piano and drops his bag on the side making it a loud noise. He is almost out of breathe, meaning he will consider starting to go for runs with Harry.


Louis is smiling. Louis just suddenly starts smiling by thinking about that name, that person, then it turns out to be a full grin until he is laughing, basically at himself, by himself, throwing his head back on the chair till he can spot the roof from the room. It's insane, he feels like going crazy, this isn't normal. His life is strange but he is finding himself liking it. Just a little bit, there's still a lot to learn.

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