10 - The sun

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» crying bc of the gif on above


"Are you fucking kidding me?" He shouts, forgetting about the pain in his head, it hurts like hell but that's what he wanted, shutting the door hard enough to wake Niall and Harry up from his bed.

Here they are, Niall with his bare pale torso exposed looking sleepy and maybe not with the best humour and Harry raising his head up from the blonde haired guy's shoulder and looking at Louis startled, wearing only his briefs and a shirt.

"Louis..." Harry calls his name making Louis give a small step back. The younger guy seems to still be a little oblivious of what is happening since he is just waking up now.

"Oh don't you Louis me!" the blue eyed guy says harshly and looking at both men in his bed in such a way that he seems to feel ten times worst from his hangover.

"Hey dude, calm down." Niall says, rubbing his temple and sitting up. His accent is strong and his voice sounds a bit different now in the morning.

"Don't you dare to tell me to calm down on my own flat, on my own room when you are laid down on my bed with him." Louis shouts, literally shouts making the closer neighbours to know it's happening an argument in there, while pointing at Harry when refers to him.

"Louis please, there's no need of doing this." Harry says way too calmly and Louis doesn't need that right now. He is seconds away of pulling his hair out and the way Harry speaks, casually sitting up on Louis' bed, the same one he had sleepless nights wishing to have a Harry in there but hadn't and now he is there. With another guy.

"You better not talk to me with that calm tone of yours, which I'm not that fond of at the moment." He says harshly and Harry is taken back with it by the way he freezes and looks at Louis. "I can't believe what I'm seeing."

"I can explain." Harry says lowly, lowly because there's no need to shout, he needs to stay calm. But he looks down, pulling his shirt down his tights fearing the way Louis is looking at him.

"No need of that," Louis laughs ironically. "You two fucked on my bed. On my bed." He shouts, and he says it in such repugnance, disgust and out of control that it's like the room is going in circles and he feels so sick... It's unbelievable what he is seeing, what he saw. He never imagined this could ever happen. He doesn't know quite well how he feels about it, how he should react but he sees this as something wrong. He thought Harry (and Niall) would have some more respect. Louis didn't even expect to see Harry in his house for God sakes.

"What?" Harry looks at the blue eyed man in disbelief, his eyes go wide, his lips part and his fingers find the way to the end of his shirt to get a grip of the fabric in his hand.

Louis follows the way Niall's hand makes towards Harry's back to squeeze it and it just pisses him even more. "What the hell man?!" Niall speaks this time, his tone not matching his kind touch on Harry's. Louis thinks he was better quiet because he wants to punch him, or just put the two out of his room.

Well actually...

"Get out. You two get out!" He keeps shouting and this time he steps back from the door and points at it, making gesture for them to leave. When Harry opens his mouth, trying to speak Louis doesn't let him. "I said get out." He says louder.

"What the hell is going on here?" The door is opened quickly, making Louis look at Zayn, who walks in with dark circles under his eyes, the same messy hair and an angry expression.

Rule number one when you live with Zayn: you don't wake him up in the morning, especially when the night before he had been drink. Rule number two: he is the only one allowed to wake someone up, if he really wants to. Rule number three: you don't piss him off in the morning. (Louis breaks this one a lot)

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