15 - Failure

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» i forgot to say on the previous chapter how 18 (i wished i could shout numbers *sigh*) IS SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL AND THAT REMINDS ME MY BOOK ???? IT SCREAMS LOST/BUILT MEMORIES oKAY (AND LARRY BUT OH WELL ED SHEERAN WROTE IT SO NO BLAME)
sorry needed a moment
or two because hell i'm only updating once a week and that's not okay.


"Louis?" Is the first thing Louis hears when opens the door from the flat and gets in. Zayn is sat on the floor, his back pressed against the door from his room, his phone in one hand and his car's keys placed next to him.

Louis gives a step back when Zayn gazes at him with his glassy eyes, standing up quickly. "Jesus, Louis." He brings Louis close to him, wrapping his arms around him, while the older man keeps his arms next to his body, holding the shopping bags. "You got me so worried." He sighs, his body is cold against Louis and he hugs him tightly, with his hand holding Louis' nape.

The blue eyed guy frowns and pulls him away, by his chest. "What the hell are you saying?"

"I've been trying to call you since I got home, like four, five hours ago." He says in frustration now. "You didn't answer and I saw you made tea and toasts and they were left in the kitchen's counter. I thought something had happened. Or that you just ran away like the last time."

Oh yes, the last time.

When they first moved to the flat, since the beginning Louis didn't like it. The nightmares got worse and Zayn kept asking him (in a joking tone that it hide seriousness) when they were going to look for Harry. It seems such long ago but it's only been four months. But Louis was so lost and desperate to find home that simply ran away, walking through the streets feeling more lonely than when he first felt.

Zayn went mad and spent all night looking for him, finding him sat on a bus stop freezing, the next morning. It was just another moment that Louis didn't take advantage of, to see how much Zayn cares. How he has someone who cares for him, might not be like he wants but it's like he needs.

"I was with Harry." Louis simply says looking at Zayn in confusion and wanting to open the door behind him and walk away again.

"Why didn't you answer my calls? Even Liam tried to call you. Jesus Louis, what the hell?" Zayn shows being upset with the blue eyed man, he doesn't know quite well where to place his hands, his eyes are narrowed looking at Louis, not believing the situation.

"I didn't... Listen to it?" Louis didn't mean it to sound as a question, but he shrugs anyway and walks past Zayn to the living room.

"Bullshit. You always hear it, it's always with you." He speaks a bit louder and Louis clenches his fist next to his body. He walks to the counter and puts the grocery there.

"Well this time I wasn't paying much attention to it, okay?" Louis says firmly, looking truly at his friend. He was in such a good mood, the fact that this is happening now, plus the way he has been feeling towards Zayn, this past days just makes it all worse.

"I was worried, why are you acting as if it didn't matter?"

"As simple as that, it doesn't. I'm okay, see?" He points at himself, moving his hands in front of his torso. Zayn snorts and shakes his head.

"I hate when you do this to me." He sighs pulling his hair back and looking up at the ceiling. Louis rolls his eyes, it's not me who is telling the other's secret to people, Louis wants to say but damn, he trusts Zayn... He deserves to listen to Zayn telling him for himself that.

"It was a long night, you should go to sleep." Louis decides to say, clenching his jaw when walks towards Zayn, but just to give him a quick look and walk past him to take his jacket off and put it on the couch.

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