30 - Fireworks

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Philadelphia - Parachute 

Pretty Face - Sóley


Harry has been basically living with Louis and he only doesn't pay rent because Louis has been basically living with him as well. They both have a spare toothbrush in each other's flat, they own each other's keys and that's pretty much when they notice that they actually have been driving from house to house and never sleeping alone in cold sheets again. Always together, always too close.

Louis' wardrobe suddenly starts to overflow with clothes while Harry's one tends to get the otherwise and is only mainly because Louis prefers to wear Harry's clothes instead of his own so if Harry starts wearing the same three shirts during the week, every week, and one of them is too tight in his body, it's none of Louis' business. Especially because Harry is the one doing his laundry now and Zayn tells them they are starting to look more married than him and Liam, and they've bought a puppy and Liam has introduced Zayn to his family and vice versa. 

But seeing things that way, that had happened to Louis and Harry as well, plus Harry had made part of Louis' family once. It's still not quite that yet but is almost, especially when Fiona starts calling Harry son again, Peter asking for his advices and Zoe treating him like an older brother. Louis has been visiting his family more often, which might or might not have a bit of Harry's influence.

They didn't tell them they were a thing right away, they waited. It wasn't intentional, it just never seemed the right moment and the topic didn't come up.

But of course Zoe and Fiona – mostly Fiona since Zoe isn't always around because she has her husband now – reach that point where they start wondering why the hell are the two boys looking at each other so often and since when Louis started to touch Harry's hand that way or leaning over that close.

So she just casually throws it out then, the real meaning a bit covered though. "Why are you behaving as if you were eighteen?" And by that time Louis knows that it was the moment he and Harry were a more official thing even though years ago they were already a huge thing, an I never want to let you go thing.

Harry looks back at Louis, they smile and Louis interlaces their fingers together above the table. "I guess we can say me and Harry are together."

"Again." Harry feels the need to add and that's the end of the conversation. For now because later Louis sees Fiona crying in the kitchen and when she sees them she hugs both tightly whispering my precious family is back again and then Carl appears and mocks them but looks at Louis that way and he knows he is in the right path of life.

So maybe Harry is, in fact, back considered family again and Louis feels like he couldn't be asking anything more now. Because on top of every amazing thing that happens with him and with Harry... it happens that they're together. Louis has Harry. And that's beyond everything the universe had reserved for Louis at this point.

The universe gave him night walks at two in the morning and late talks till four. Gave him coffee in bed, the smell of Harry's perfume in his car and massages while he is working on school papers. Gave him Polaroid's while laid down on the couch, furniture out of place so they could dance and lazy kisses in a Sunday afternoon out eating an ice cream like they were thirteen. At the end the universe just made him go back in time and living a life of a child in a grown up body.

And Louis always loved the thought of growing up, having his own life and making plans for the future but then he felt scared and hated the fact that he was growing up, he had responsibility, his destiny was in his hands and everything was uncertain. But he got back to see things from the bright side because he has his sun back in his life.

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