32 - Colour

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»i updated this yesterday but wattpad decided to publish this in private and it wasn't working well apparently so don't be surprised when there are words censored

»rough week for us, i'm not going to talk much about the fact that Zayn left since i've talked enough on my tumblr about it but i just want to say that after those days that the fandom looked so down and sad, now i'm freaking proud of us. Of us and the boys. It's all going to be all right, we are going to be okay!
so yeah, this first part of the chapter was made just because of zayn so let's just appreciate the fact that he is not going to leave my fics, ever.


“Do you realise that you’re a fat piece of shit?”  

“Wow Louis, I think we should go slowly, I’m feeling the love you have to give all at once.”  

“I’ve been feeding you for a month now,” Harry raises his plastered hand that first was against his chest, showing him the obvious. “You still have your left hand…” Louis rolls his eyes but at the same time lifts the fork towards Harry’s mouth, he opens it and chews with a smile. 

“You know my left hand can’t do shit, honey.” Harry teases, he might or might not be exaggerating because Harry’s left hand literally has less coordination that one from a right handed person. Is literally the worse and Louis is conscious of it even though he still thinks Harry is doing a bit on purpose. “Besides, feel grateful for me being able to walk properly already.”  

“Yeah I bet it does now since you’ve been wanking every time I go to work or out.” Louis says clearly just focusing on his first words. Harry opens his mouth in indignation and that’s Louis’ cue to put a forkful of rice in his mouth, almost making him choke.  

“That’s so not true.” Harry speaks with his mouth full, Louis shakes his head and is ready to lift his hand to give him more food, when Harry raises his left one to stop him. “Do you realise I’ve been horny all these past weeks, Louis? It’s been three weeks since we don’t have sex. This should only happen when are married and with seventy years old.” 

“Excuse me.” Louis fakes being offended, dramatically taking his hand to his chest. “Are you even thinking about me as well? Like, me? Your boyfriend, who has been taking care of you? Lonely, sad and horny while undressing you every day?” 

“I can let you suck me.” Harry smirks, leaning over Louis’ lips. 

“And what’s the benefits for me?” Louis raises his eyebrows, trying not to show interest on the subject, crossing his arms against his chest.  

“I can kiss you a lot, my mouth still works pretty well too… I can, you know, touch you... with my fingers.” He trails his fingers through Louis’ lips down, from his cheek to his neck and collarbones. Louis feels himself shivering and gulping with the gentle touch and by how close Harry’s lips are from his.   

“Yeah, with your left can’t do shit hand.” Louis says seriously, with the most monotone expression he can manage to do even though he is about to give up, fall to his knees and just give everything to Harry at this point.  

“Louis!” Harry groans and literally looks like he has loosen a battle, Louis doesn’t waste time on breaking the role and start laughing.  


“Stop laughing you jerk, I’m sad.” He pouts and Louis notices how he even tries to cross his arms over his chest but is impossible due his right hand, groaning again in frustration and pain then. “I’m literally tired of this hand.” 

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