9 - The stars

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Me by The 1975 

Wings by Birdy

I need you by M83

Slow Breath by Farewell J.R

» shout out to octobertwo because she made some of my covers for my fics, she's amazing and so friendly and god dammit such a good writer you need to check her stories out , because it's rare to see people like her in this website


"He came..." Louis whispers but it's loud enough for Zayn, next to him to hear him.

"Well of course he came." Zayn says as if it's the most logical thing ever said. "Go on, go talk to him."

"Are we in high school now for you to talk to me that way?" He asks Zayn half in amusement half wryly. But in fact, when he was in high school no one would talk to him like this... "Besides, he is with..." He makes a small pause. "With whoever that blonde guy is for him." He finishes, making Zayn roll his eyes.

"It's your party, our flat, I think it's just normal for you to go there and greet him. Please Louis, stop seeing problems on everything. Especially where there is none."

Louis snorts with his comment but walks away anyway looking like a little kid who just heard a no from his parents. If Harry looked at him now like that, he sure would recognised that expression. Well, maybe.

"Hi Louis." Niall is the first one noticing his person getting closer from them, he waves and Louis forces a smile not really looking at Harry, yet.

"Hello Niall. Glad you came along with Harry." he keeps smiling and he surely is just seeing the time when the blue eyed chap jumps to his side and hugs him. Honestly. But he has no time for that when Harry speaks.

"Hi." He smiles briefly and this time Louis' smile isn't forced just a bit unsure.

"Hey, good to see you."

"Wasn't sure if you would say that." He says and Louis gives a step back with the comment.

"What do you mean?" Louis asks raising his eyebrow and Harry's smile comes back, after vanishing for some seconds.

"Nothing. Happy birthday, by the way. Should have said it sooner, I'm sorry."

"Thank you!" It's good to just hear it after this time.

"Yeah, happy birthday, mate." Niall grins and Louis smiles at him as an answer.

"This looks good." Harry says looking around and Louis sees Niall following his movements with his eyes. Almost like Louis used to do. Dammit. "There's also more people in here than it actually should." He chuckles

"Probably. Most of them are old friends from college and Liam's friends."

"Oh, you went to college then..." Harry's face drops and Louis feels like he is going to throw up a strange creature from his stomach. He sure is feeling some weird and unpleasant stuff lately.

"Of course, do you think I wouldn't?" And this shouldn't had come out rude. And most definitely as if he was screaming, do you think I didn't move on, like you did, after you left? Do you think I wouldn't get through college without you? Louis didn't mean it but he is not sure if that's what he exactly thought about...

"No, I just..." Harry starts, clearly taken back by the comeback.

"Right. I'm sorry." Louis sighs taking his fingers through his hair. This didn't start well and it just made Louis remember that he shared nothing about his new life with Harry. He still didn't give him the sun or the clouds after Harry giving him the sky. Will he ever need to? "Anyway. We've got the same drawings in our face." Louis makes himself grin this time while pointing at his face.

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