22 - Answer

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Beautiful Pain - Eminem ft Sia 

You don't know how lucky you are - Keaton Henson

Honest - Kodaline 

» i've been taking so long to update it's frustrating but heyyyyyy long chapter to compensate it.


Louis has been waking up every day at 6am so he can get ready on time to get the bus and go to work, he has been eating left overs and ordering take away too much, he has been watching TV alone and falling asleep on the same couch with the same silence he got used to and not really waking up in the middle of night because no one was there to wake him up. So he got stuck in his nightmares. 

It fucks him up honestly, everything fucks him up. The house smells like cigarette all the time because he doesn't even goes by the window to smoke anymore, he doesn't do his laundry often, he gets home and the only thing he feels like doing is sleeping because at least he won't be alone in his dreams. For not too long. 

It's sounds crazy but it's been almost more than a month that he doesn't speak with Zayn, making him absent from the flat obviously, which means Louis paid the bill alone this time and he doesn't know what to do anymore. 

He feels left out and maybe his pride is too high to even go to speak with him first. Well... he doesn't really want to. He needs a break but he also needs a break from this break. Basically Louis is a mess. Again. And he feels pathetic because once again he feels dependent from people he thought he would never really feel. Even from Liam. He took Zayn's side apparently – isn't he surprised? –, probably because the day from their fight Zayn went to his place and crashed there. If that's what he wants Louis won't beg him to come back. He will eventually come back, he still has some of his stuff in the flat – a lot of stuff – he just can't make him stay.  

It doesn't even feel a bother for Zayn the fact that they work on the same place. He manages a way for Louis to hardly see him and when they do and walk by each other it seems like it doesn't even matter, he doesn't look at Louis' face. The blue eyed guy doesn't know how to interpret that, so maybe that's why he still gained the courage to go talk with his friend. He chose to go and Louis is actually thankful that it was him who told Zayn to leave, otherwise it'd be too painful to watch him leave that door with a suitcase. 

Louis hates the fact that since he has no one else to actually be with, he spends more time with Harry and maybe half of that time with Ed too, eating pizza and watching football games, just guys being pals – even though Harry keeps playing on his phone while the two guys discuss what's on TV, once almost hitting each other because they always cheer for the opposite team, or for the opposite contestant when it's playing the xfactor. 

Louis also hated even more the second day after he fought with Zayn because he called Harry after ignoring his texts the whole two days, it was 8pm when he decided to call him and ask if he wanted to come over and eat something. Maybe because it was going to be the second day he was going to have dinner alone, and that would only hit him harder that Zayn was actually doing this. Of course Harry asked a bunch of questions, of course Louis avoided them, of course Harry ended up knowing that he and Zayn weren't in the best terms, of course Louis didn't tell him the truth but... Harry kind of wanted to make him speak because he noticed the state of him and the state of the flat – Louis might had broken some things and didn't even clean it, and it already smelled too much of cigarette – but Louis wouldn't tell him, he wouldn't. He won't. But Harry insisted until Louis got tired and said leave because two more words out of Harry's mouth would make him freak out and talk shit.  

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