27 - Flower

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» quick info, i might not be able to update next week, im away for a week to london so i wont have much time and opportunity to write. So yeah, also im never happy with these kind of chapters so i'm sorry if it isn't like you expected it would be. 
Happy valentine's day. 


"I don't want to come yet, please. Want you." He half whimpers, half moans. "Need you. I need you inside me."

Harry stops. Harry stops so instantly that it almost makes Louis feel worried for a moment. He takes his fingers out from Louis so quickly that it makes the older guy pant by how empty he suddenly feels. He widely looks at Louis, his eyes focused on his face but the blue eyed man knows he is analysing his expression, trying to check if there's something there it shouldn't be. But Louis is still in trance and Harry isn't doing anything and he needs something.

So Louis moves his hips, desperately trying to find some kind of movement or touch and while one hand is grabbing the blankets behind him, the other is covering his eyes. "Say something. Do something." He says but Harry doesn't react and it passes too many seconds – not that many but it feels like minutes – and Louis starts feeling embarrassed and maybe a bit nervous a thing that he never experimented with Harry in this kind of situations, when it involves them naked and sharing touches. "Harry," and maybe is the way he calls the green eyed lad, almost sounding that he is about to cry that makes Harry finally move and react.

He gets closer from Louis' face and pulls his hand away, the one he is covering his face with. "Hey," he whispers. "I'm sorry, Lou." Louis looks at Harry, whose hand is on his chin now making him keep looking at his eyes. Harry wants to green meet blue, to keep them dry.

But Louis thinks too much and the fact that Harry does this, apologises even, makes him frown. He does his best to pull Harry's touch away, trying to release himself and he wants to go away, he feels too exposed and what the fuck? He is with Harry, is Harry not a stranger not a guy from college, is Harry and Louis truly wants him.

"Baby," Harry whispers understanding what Louis is feeling, what he made him feel. "No, no, no," Harry actually struggles with the words in his head and desperately gets even closer from Louis' face, starting to kiss every feature of him. His cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his jaw, his chin even his eyes and after every peck he gives he speaks words like Not what you're thinking and I want you so much and also You're so beautiful, I'm so glad you still trust me. It kind of relaxes Louis but he needs to know what's on Harry's mind. "Love, I just want you to be sure of this. I never... I didn't imagine us going that deep tonight." And Louis wants to joke saying deep is where you should be and I'm still not feeling anything, but he doesn't because now he can't even joke about anything. Is he sure? Is he sure about this?

"I am sure." So he answers. And it's easy for him, it's actually easy. "Of course I'm sure, Harry." He puts his hand above Harry's and joins their foreheads. "It's you, remember? It's you, Harry. I always wanted you, no one else. I trust you so much, so much it scares me a little." He shuts his eyes and breathes above his lips, Harry listens to him attentively. "I've never been so sure about something in these past years. That I want you." He confesses.

"But..." Harry speaks and Louis opens his eyes.

"Do you want to? Let's make things right, yes? So... if you don't want to, we can stop here. Or we can do like the other times, I don't mind. Or cuddle. Maybe go back outside." Louis assures him and Harry only keeps looking at him for a minute till he decides to answer. And he just nods at first and Louis isn't sure if he is agreeing with his last or first words.

"I want you for so long." He smiles. "I need you all the time." He continues and Louis is smiling too and it only feels right, it makes Louis think this is where he belongs, next to that boy on top of him, who never fails to him, who makes things always okay. "And I want you to be okay with everything we do. With everything I say."

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