29 - Learning

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At the last day of the festival they all decide to sit down around the bonfire, after watching the show, not caring if it's 1 or 2am, they talk. Just catching up with the whole group, including the new one they met from Australia. Louis asked for Chloe's number so he made her promise him that when she visits the UK again she'll call him, also she told him to search for her Facebook page on Ed's so they can keep in touch.

However, next year they're probably all coming back together and the fact that they actually talk about it, with all seriousness makes Louis' heart melt. It's a bizarre situation but he has friends, he made new friends and they're expecting to still be friends next year. That doesn't scare Louis. What's planned. It could scare him. He planned so many things during his life and more than half of them didn't become what he wished to. But he grew up, he changed. He sees the changes in himself and it's actually a good feeling.

He looks forward and sees Harry laughing at something Ed says to the group and Louis finds himself smiling just with the view. He didn't really hear what Ed said, honestly. They agreed on staying separated, as well as Liam and Zayn because everyone knew if they sat together they wouldn't take their eyes off each other. At least Liam and Zayn. They included Harry and Louis but it was just for teasing because they know – at least Delilah, Stella, Niall and Ed know – that they aren't like Zayn and Liam. Especially because they aren't boyfriends. Yet. And also because they don't do that; public affection.

Louis doesn't know what kissing Harry in front of their friends is, walking through the street holding his hand. Yes they've shared some kisses in public but for example Zayn never saw Louis' lips near Harry's. Even at home, they always waited till he went to bed to touch each other. Ed never saw Harry's hands squeezing Louis and getting his body close to him. When they go to Ed's house they act just like mere friends. Niall... Niall only knows that they might be a thing because Harry tells him, otherwise he'd be oblivious of it. Or maybe he'd notice it on Louis' jealousy. Or he'd see it the way they look at each other.

It's rare for them to show the affection they feel towards each other in front of their friends, which is weird because Louis remembers when they were kids, even close to his family he couldn't stop touching Harry. He'd sit on his lap, touch his leg, hold his hand while they hung out and even kiss him. Louis liked to have that public exposure, show to everyone that Harry is his and no one can actually touch him unless it's him. Because Harry would only trust Louis. It was Louis and Louis always.

Now he finds himself enjoying this kind of space but of course that when he sees someone touching Harry, even in the most platonic way he wished he could pull that person away and keep him next to him instead. Close. Of course he would like to kiss Harry every time he says something that makes Louis look at him like he is the whole universe in one person, keep Harry's feet locked with his under the table when they're eating with Liam and Zayn out or at home, like the couple do. Of course there are times that Louis wants, needs to touch Harry, like pulling that hair that is out of place where it should be, touch his arm for no apparent reason, kiss his cheek when he sees him at work, hold his hand when they go down the street and of course he would want to introduce Harry as someone more than this is Harry, we know each other since we were seven.

But he lets it go.

And he doesn't zone out, either isolates himself from the conversation. He shares the thoughts he had during this amazing experience in the festival, he hears what the others have to say, he even shares the episode when Zayn wanted Harry to give him a piggyback and fell on the floor, which resulted in him apologising to the girl that was walking behind them and trying to convince Liam that he sure prefers his piggybacks.

It reaches the point that it seems like everyone feels too tired and sleepy or maybe they already smoke too much and ate too many marshmallows – Stella and Niall's case – so the comfort of something with a pillow calls for them. So they start walking to their tents, Chloe deciding to stay with Stella since Delilah runs away with Ronny, Liam already takes Zayn in his arms asleep and Niall makes a tantrum for Ed to do the same with him. It ends up being Harry, Louis and him at the end because Ed doesn't give two shits about the Irish, which is... uncomfortable.

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