5.the storm

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It's been a month since I've started working at the cafe. Me and Violet have become pretty close and Max has become a good friend. Things were pretty well. Everything was perfect. So peaceful and happy. I was sleeping well . I had food to eat and I payed my rent on time. Life was going well.

But as they say the good things last for a while. I knew that this phase was the silence before the storm.

I woke up this morning, got ready for work, had my breakfast and left. I reached the cafe on time. I changed into my uniform and went towards Violet. She was happy and cheerful as usual. I feel that having happy and cheerful people around you makes you feel positive and happy.

(A.N- I think the same. Well these are my words so it's obvious)

I was serving the customers when exactly at 11 am I saw max running inside the cafe in a hurry. His back was all wet with sweat and he was huffing and puffing. I knew his usual order and seeing him in such a state it was better if I didn't annoy him by asking what he wanted to order.

Till his order was getting ready Vi and I interrogated him about his state. "Uh well my boss is pretty angry due to some reason and he's releasing it all on me. He'll be more angry if I don't bring his coffee to him. Could you please make the work a little faster". To this Vi went in towards the kitchen to see how far his order had reached.

I was angry. I couldn't bear it anymore. Why should a person release their anger at someone who wasn't even there when it  all  happened. The person should have the guts to face whoever they're angry from. They should not hide and then release their anger at someone else.

I felt bad for Max. It was clearly visible how tired and exhausted he was. I've had enough of this. I need to do something about this. Afterall such a sweet and sensitive guy like Max does not deserve this.

As soon as Vi had kept Max's order on the bar table. I picked it up and ran out of the cafe with Max following me. I reached towards a black Lexus parked a few buildings away from the cafe.

I walked towards the Porsche . Sitting inside the Porsche was the most handsome man I had ever seen. He was clean shaved with deep brown eyes and deep brown tousled hair. It was as if he had put no effort in looking this good and he knew he looked good. He was in a good shape. He wore a  crisp white shirt with the top three buttons opened. They gave a good view of his muscular chest. He also had black shades and was so engrossed in typing something on his laptop that he didn't even notice me staring at him.

I was staring at him when suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts by Max. And then I realised why I really was here. I knocked on the window but Mr Richy rich did not notice me. After 4-5 knocks he looked out of the window and that is when I did what I was here for.

I opened the lid of the paper cup and threw the coffee on the window. The black Porsche was now covered in coffee. The guy sitting inside the Porsche he took off his shades and looked at me right in the eye. I could see the anger on his face. He looked at me with a look that said "you won't get away with this".

Some ppl walking on the pathway started staring at us. It was the reason why I was alive at this point. Because if this crowd wasn't there this billionaire would have ripped me off into pieces. As I had assumed, he was not in the mood to make a scene in public.

I looked at max who was in an uncomfortable situation. He was looking at me with pleading eyes that said "don't go any further than this ". I heard the rich guy commanding max to sit inside the car. As soon as Max got seated the Porsche drove away.

I returned back to the cafe and continued with my work. Vi asked me about everything that happened outside and she was concerned about Max . Maybe my sudden will to stand up for him brought him into a more dangerous position than he already was.

It has been three days since the incident and I haven't seen Max. I missed seeing his face. And so did Vi. I missed him. Not as a lover but as a friend. And I think I lost a good friend just because I was trying to stand up for him or maybe I wanted to stand up for myself and see how it feels like when you stand up for yourself.


Chapter 5. Tell me if you like this chapter. And also tell me if there's anything you want me to add into the story. Word count - 835.

Oh and btw the next update might be a little late cuz I've got school coming up in a week ig. So I've gotta prepare.
Now I'll see you guys soon. Peace ✌🏻

Edit- omg guys thankyou so much for 100 reads. Means A lot to me. I'm at a loss of words. Ily❤️😭

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