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There he was in a new set of clothes probably more expensive than the previous. This time light blue knee ripped jeans, a white turtleneck,some white nike air force and paired it with a gold chain. He smiled and pushed his hands in his pockets.

"Oh Kevin hi" I said, hoping this will be short I really don't want to miss the movie. Unathi will probably tell what happened even if I don't ask.

"We meet again mi amour" he leans against the wall and continues to smile at me.

"Yeah" I looked around, scanning for his friend. He definitely came here with someone, hopefully his friend will show up and I can leave.

"So what are you doing here?" he asks.

"Came here to watch a movie with my friends, what about you?" I ask back.

"Came here to grab some few stuff and now that you're here we can have lunch together at a near by hot restaurant" he said.

Okay firstly it means he came alone and secondly he wants to have luck with me and thirdly he didn't ask me he just told me.

"I can't my friends are waiting for me inside" I said, I was getting even more impatient and I really wanted to leave.

"If I can't have lunch with you then can I please have your phone numbers?" he said and I can see he was hopeful well at least he asked this time. But what could he possibly want my phone numbers for?

He pulled out his phone, mind you it was a new iPhone 12 Pro Max, I wonder what he did with the previous one and how the hell did he get one in 3 hours. I gave him a curious look and just as I was about to take his phone and fill in my numbers Sam grabbed my arm.

"Hey the movie has started and you've been out for a long t-" he stopped talking when he realized Kevin was in his presence.

"Sorry I have to go" I gave him apologetic eyes and I took Sam's arm and walked back into the cinema. Kevin followed behind before stopping to say and called my name.

"This isn't the last time you'll see me amour and believe me I will get your phone numbers" he said with a smile before going out.

Sam and I walked back to our sits, I could tell he had something to say with that smile on his face but he kept quiet. I wasn't even interested in the movie like Unathi and Sam, it ended and we got an Uber to take us back to our building.

Sam walked in after us and made himself comfortable on the couch. He has definitely become a friend even though we just met him. The world works in mysterious ways I guess.

"So what were you talking about with Mr Kevin James" I knew he was going to bring it up sooner or later. Unathi gasped and stopped what she was doing to look at me.

"Wait as in thee Kevin James? Are you serious? You can't possibly be serious"
she said with wide open eyes.

"Nothing we met earlier when I went to the ladies at varsity and I so happened to bump into him again and he was just greeting. Nothing more!" I said and walked to the fridge to grab a yogurt. I searched for a spoon and eventually found one.

"That's not what it looked like when I saw you guys" Sam said with a really naughty smile.

"Hold on! You met Kevin James and didn't tell me?" Unathi looked at me bewildered.

"It's not a big deal guys, now can we move on to another topic please" I took my yogurt and sat down then turned on the TV.

"Yeah yeah sure but he did say you guys will meet again and he will get your phone numbers" Sam said.

Unathi was about to say something before I gave her the death glare and she shut her mouth. These two were blowing this out of proportion, I mean it's not like he's a big celebrity.

Even though he has over 800k followers on social media and his family is popular. Okay maybe he is some sort of celebrity I guess but it isn't something to be really excited about.

Sam announced to leave after watching an episode of some reality show about some stuck up rich house wives. We all exchanged phone numbers and we planned to go to the park tomorrow. We need to make most of our time before class begins.

The sun was starting to set, it has been quite a day from making a new friend to meeting Kevin and it hasn't even sunk in that we're really here.

Unathi was taking a shower when I decided to search for this word 'amour' on the internet. My phone was slow, I mean it is a Mobicel after all with a badly damaged screen. Unathi has tried to give me her Samsung phone saying she will buy another one but I'm not having it.

It finally popped up, okay so amour is a french word that means 'love'? So what I'm his love? He must be out of his mind or maybe he was just being playful. Either way that was probably the last time we met and he is definitely not getting my phone numbers. Let's not forget I came here to study not play games with some cute rich kid. And he said he graduated and he's only twenty two years old. Yes I know his age so what?

Unathi finally came out of the shower and I quickly ran to also get a shower before the hot water runs out. I took the shampoo and washed my hair. I took my time and washed my body until the hot nice water became ice cold and I shivered. I quickly got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

I grabbed my pile of clothes that were on the floor. I ran to my room to change into my pyjamas. I tied my hair into a ponytail and joined Unathi as she prepared dinner for us. The door squeaked as Sam's head popped in.

"What's that smell? I'm staying" he finally walked in and closed the door behind him. He helped us prepare the spaghetti and meatballs, we all settled on the couch after dishing up and tuned in to some dramatic telenovela.

We definitely clicked with Sam, it was just the energy that pulled us to him and made us trust him. Unathi was talking to him like she never had a mini crush on him. How hilarious!

"You know Sam before knowing you were gay Unathi was drooling over you and wanted you all to herself" I say and earned an elbow from Unathi. Sam just burst out of laughter.

"I don't blame you for what it's worth, I mean I am really good looking aren't I?" He posed dramatically.

"Geez thanks Enhle" Unathi rolles her eyes and continues to eat but then also laughed at herself.

I was about to clean up when my phone started ringing and my mother's name flashed through the screen. I looked at the phone in disgust, I took the phone and swiped right.

What could she possibly want after that episode. This gotta be interesting I thought as I waited for her to speak and Jesus how I wished I had not picked up after hearing what she said.
What do you think Enhle's mother said??

Anyway I had someone inbox me and asked how do they comment on a certain paragraph. Well you long press on what you want to comment in and then the comment button will show up, you press it and that's how you comment.

Thank you so much for reading it means a lot and please vote and comment if you liked the chapter.

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