My Destiny

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Chapter 29

My knees felt like they were about to drop as I and Kevin's parents stood at the front door
where she lives with her pig
of a boyfriend.
Kevin's parents fetched me
at 4 am and we have just arrived
at KwaMashu .
I knocked with a faint smile
I haven't seen or spoken to
Sihle in so long.
She opened the door and she
looked quite shocked but what
was more shocking is seeing her
bruised face. Oh my god has he
been hitting her?
I could see the tears in Kevin's parents eyes
Sihle "Enhle"
Me "Hi, um we need to talk"
Sihle "Um.."
Mr James talked before she
could say another word
"We will talk later but right
now we need you to come with us" Mr James said.

Sihle "Where"
Me "To my parents"
She looked shocked that I used
the word 'my'.
Sihle "For what"
Me "Please"
She hesitated at first but eventually nodded as she put on
her flip flops.
Mrs James had teary eyes I could
see the resemblance between her
and Sihle oh right Kimberly.
My parents's house was a two minute walk and I felt like I
was about to throw up when
Mr James knocked and my
mother opened wearing a
worn out brown long dress and
a scarf wrapped around her head.

"Hawu Enhle!" my mother said
and opened the door for us
to get in and we went to the
living room where my father
was seated but he immediately
stood up when he saw us.
Mr and Mrs James looked around
looking at the dirty and dusty
"Hawu Enhle unjani"my father said .
I looked at him trying to hide
my disgust.
They looked excited when they
noticed Mr and Mrs James.
"Senzeni savakashelwa abantu
abanamandla kangaka"
(To what do we owe
the pleasure to get a visit
from such important people)
my father said.
"Nginganenzela itiye"
(Can I make you tea) my mother said.

Finally Mrs James spoke
"No thanks we shall be quick"
I glanced over at Sihle who
looked clueless to what's going
on here.
Mr James didn't beat around
the bush he just jumped at
the heat of discussion.
"we know you stole our daughter" Mr James said
keeping a straight face.

My parents looked like they
have seen a ghost and they even
coughed meanwhile Sihle
looked confused.
"Asazi nikhuluma ngani" my
mother said.
"Do you know who we are"
Mr James said.

"Yebo ningabo James umndeni
onemali namandla"
(Yes you are the James the
wealthy and powerful family)
My father said looking as scared
as shit.
"Good then you know what
will might do to you if you
don't tell the truth we know
that you stole Kimberly the one
you call Sihle" Mr James said
dropping the bomb.

Sihle-Kimberly looked shocked
and she coughed as she tried to
gasp for air.
My mother looked like she
was about to piss herself
"Now spill the truth or we get
the police to throw you in jail
and with our connections we
can get them to convict you
a life sentence" Mrs James said.

"Yebo uSihle akuyona ingane
yethu kodwa besingazi ukuthi
ingane yenu"
(Yes Sihle isn't our biological
child but we didn't know she
was you daughter)my father
said with trembling hands I
knew he was lying.

So it's actually true they stole
Sihle . Sihle looked like she
was about to burst in tears
at that moment as Mrs James
glanced at her and smiled.
My parents looked scared for
the first time .
I'm glad their day of doom
has finally arrived.

"How did you steal our daughter"
Mrs James asked with tears in
her eyes.
"uhhh mina angikhoni ukuzala
futhi mina no myeni wami
besiphila enhluphekweni until
ngelinye ilanga sadobha iphepha
leli elithi uzoba nemali ngokushesha uma ungabona
esinye isangoma"
(Um I'm infertile and me and
my husband were living in
poverty until one day we
saw one of those pamphlets
that say you can get rich over
night if you consult a witchdoctor) my mother said
with tears falling down her face
but that didn't move me. But how was I conceived if she is
infertile? My heart was pounding.

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