Chapter 11

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A year had passed since G and Giotto had last talked about Daemon’s betrayal. Both were able to do what they wanted, though going to walk around the town was off-limits still. Neither minded since they were more focused on building their strength up to where it had been.

Giotto had learned that all of the generations knew next to nothing about the secrets he and his friends kept. That gave him peace of mind to use the hidden training grounds with G. That way the two of them could progress without much hindrance. Talbot had helped build the space and Giotto wasn’t sure if his friend was still alive. While G was more interested in the technology than Giotto originally thought.

Giotto sighed lightly taking a break. Something wasn’t sitting right with him, his intuition feeling restless. He sat down in the far corner of the training ground to unseal his flames. Hoping that would give more clarity to his intuition. He closed his eyes sitting in a meditation pose. He needed to be careful or there would be serious consequences.

G was heading to the training ground when he felt his bond with Giotto flicker to life. He smiled and ran the rest of the way there. When he got to the room his eyes landed on Giotto’s form in the far corner. Not wanting to disturb the blond he quietly walked over and sat down next to him. Waiting for the blond was a bit annoying since G could literally feel the bond grow once again. Yet at the same time, he felt relief flood him. G smiled happily, he no longer had to guess what his friend was feeling.

Giotto opened his eyes an hour later, his flames fully unsealed. G was leaning against the wall dozing. Giotto chuckled softly and slowly got up, the rush of insanely pure sky flames though his body after so long made every muscle sore. He gently kicked G’s knee to wake him. The pink-haired man woke up with a small snort making Giotto laugh. G huffed as he stood blushing

    “What was that?” Giotto asked, amused.
    G folded his arms. “I did have kids.”

    “Oh…” Giotto mumbled before sighing.

    “We should probably get back so Decimo doesn’t… freak out.”
G nodded slightly before walking back with Giotto. The walk back to the manor through the tunnels was quiet. The bond had been restored and both were sorting the feelings from the other. 

They stepped out from under a fallen tree into a forest clearing greeted by silence. Giotto looked around not liking the silence. There weren’t many animals in the area which was odd in general.

    “Something isn’t right here,” G commented as he looked around staying close to Giotto.

    “I don’t know- wait… Vindice…” Giotto said and looked in front of them just as a black flaming oval portal appeared. G stiffened looking at the portal as two figures stepped out. Giotto recognized Jaeger immediately but didn’t recognize the shorter one. He glanced at G who was standing warily next to him. Giotto looked back at the two surprised to see they were just standing in shock, their portal closing behind them.
     “Jaeger… and… Bermuda von Vichtenstein?” Giotto questioned looking at them.
     “How are you alive Giotto Vitali?” Bermuda spoke up startling G who wasn’t expecting the shorter one to actually be the Vindice leader.
     Giotto sighed lightly. “Both G and I were used in a suspended animation experiment by the Esterano. When we last spoke Berumda was give or take four hundred years ago correct?”
     “That’s about right.” Bermuda nodded slightly. 

      G shook his head. “That feels like a year ago to me.”

      “And seven years ago for me.” Giotto said.

      Jaeger glanced at Bermuda in realization. “So that is the experiment those scientists were going on about.”
     Bermuda nodded. “It would appear so.”
Giotto and G looked at each other a bit confused. Though they didn’t get to say anything as Bermuda and Jaeger turned to leave saying they would talk to Decimo. The Vindice left, leaving Giotto and G in the clearing stunned.
     “Why did they come here?” G asked, looking at Giotto.
      Giotto put a hand to his chin thinking. “It’s been four hundred years. I sealed my flames away when I went to Japan.”

      “And you just unsealed them, so it gave the illusion of you coming back from the dead.” G finished.
      Giotto nodded. “Exactly.” 

     “Then we better get back to the manor.” G said. Giotto nodded in agreement and they hurried towards the manor. They got to the manor rather quickly having long since memorized the short cuts. Walking in through the side door they could sense Bermuda and Jaeger somewhere in the manor, probably in Tsuna’s office. Giotto glanced at G nodding lightly. G smirked lightly and headed to the passage that headed to the office with Giotto. Giotto opened the passage with his flames before heading in the entrance closing behind them. They walked the familiar path to the office, up stairs and down the dark hallways before coming to a stop in front of a thin wall hidden by a bookcase which wouldn’t move unless it was activated by flames.
    “The scientist told you why they did this to Primo and G?” Tsuna’s voice came through the thin wall.
     “Yes, their plan was several generations in the making from what they have said. Vongola’s destruction seemed to be their goal.” Bermuda replied.
Giotto and G glanced at each other quietly. Neither sure of the extent of Esterano's plan.
      “I see. Then it’s a good thing we put a stop to it.” Tsuna said.
      “However we have reason to believe they are not done.” Jaeger said.
      “Agreed, unlike Giotto who sealed his flames G did not. And we had felt his flames signature for four hundred years. There is one more flame signature that also has not gone away either.” Bermuda stated. Giotto and G both held their breaths when the light darkened as someone moved to stand in front of the bookcase. 
     “One more?” Tsuna questioned.
    “We believe this flame signature belongs to one Cozart Shimon, but without proof we cannot say definitively.” Bermuda replied. Giotto and G quickly and quietly left the hidden passage and went to the blond’s room. Giotto closed and locked the door to his room looking at G. G was pacing in front of him thinking. 
      “If what Bermuda says is true then that means Cozart is in this time period somewhere.” G said thinking aloud.
      “I didn’t detect a lie in his words G. Cozart is in this time period. Yet, something is bothering me and it seems to revolve around Cozart being in this time period.” Giotto mumbled, moving to sit on his bed.
     “Could it have something to do with Esterano’s plan?” G asked, looking at Giotto.
     Giotto shrugged. “It’s a possibility.”
     G tisked. “Shit…”

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