Chapter 3

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Giotto's eyes shot open, his breathing panicked as he looked around the cream-colored room. Giotto began to slowly relax when his memory of his home in Italy surfaced. Steady beeping than filled his ears, as well as other familiar feelings that were similar to what he had experienced at the hands of Mirko and that elderly man. He tried to move his weak body to remove the IV that was in his arm. A gentle hand stopped him which he flinched away from as he looked towards the person who touched him. Giotto blinked in surprise at the person who looked so similar to Knuckle.

"Please don't try to move Primo. Your body is still very weak from being in that tank," the silver-haired man said pulling his hand away. Giotto couldn't help but tense wondering how this person knew who he was.

"Who are you?" Giotto asked voice quiet from lack of use.

"My name is Ryohei Sassagawa, I'm Vongola's sun guardian," Ryohei said. Giotto looked at Ryohei for a moment longer before closing his eyes again.

"Vongola, I see..." Giotto mumbled. Ryohei nodded lightly as he moved to go alert Tsuna that Giotto was waking up. Giotto had fallen back to sleep since his body and mind needed the rest.

Some hours later Giotto woke up his mind now clearer than before, even though his body refused to move. He looked at the ceiling he didn't quite recognize fully. Giotto sighed internally closing his eyes almost bored. He only opened them again when the heard the door to the private room open. He looked over at the door, his head being the only thing he could move. He saw a brunet that look similar to himself.

"How are you feeling?" The brunet asked gently.

"I'm feeling better, thank you," Giotto said as the brunet walked over to him and sat down in a chair next to the bed.

"That's good to hear. My name is Tsunayoshi Sawada most people just call me Tsuna," Tsuna introduced himself. The last name was surprising to Giotto as he looked at Tsuna.

"Sawada?" Giotto questioned.

Tsuna nodded. "Yes, I'm your great-great-great-grandson."

Giotto froze in shock and most of all disbelief. "That's- how?"

Tsuna looked down sadly. "It's been a very long time since the Esperanto put you in that tank, Primo. Vongola is now in its tenth generation and the family you started in Japan now has four more generations after your son Yoshimune."

Giotto shook his head disbelief running through his mind, that wasn't possible. Tsuna sighed understandingly sitting back in the chair.

"How can I help you, believe me, Primo?" Tsuna asked. "I can show you proof once you're well enough to travel. But that will be a while."

Giotto closed his eyes thinking. "Pictures?"

"There are pictures of each generation of Vongola if that helps, not of your wife and kids, however," Tsuna said.

Giotto nodded slightly. "Okay."

Tsuna stood. "Please wait here, I'll be right back."

Giotto nodded silently watching the brunet leave the room. The door clicked shut causing Giotto to sigh. If what Tsuna said was true, then he has missed his children growing up and seeing his grandchildren. Why did this have to happen to him? He didn't want to be alone.

Just as Giotto's thoughts began to spiral into darker territory Tsuna returned. Giotto opened his eyes looking at Tsuna. Tsuna grew worried at the look in Giotto's blue eyes.

"Primo, may I help you sit up?" Tsuna asked. Giotto looked at Tsuna hesitantly before nodding slowly. As Tsuna helped Giotto sit up, he was patient and gentle trying to show Giotto he meant no harm. Once Giotto was sitting up the blond relaxed against the pillows that propped him up. Tsuna sat down in the chair that still sat next to the bed pulling out his phone where he had the pictures of the portraits of the Vongola generations. Giotto looked at him confused. He wasn't sure what Tsuna was holding.

"Here Primo," Tsuna said holding out the device so Giotto could see the screen. Curious Giotto looked at the screen seeing his cousin Ricardo and his guardians. He wasn't too happy about seeing Daemon among them. The next picture Tsuna showed was of a group Giotto didn't recognize.

"Trezo and his guardians," Tsuna explained seeing Giotto's confusion. Giotto nodded a bit before Tsuna moved the picture to show another of a group that he didn't know. Tsuna kept naming each generation after showing Giotto the picture. Soon Tsuna got to the generation he was the don of.

"And finally, the tenth generation. The group I'm the don of. My friends look a lot like yours don't they," Tsuna smiles sheepishly looking at Giotto's surprised expression.

Giotto nodded barely. "Yeah they do, I'm shocked."

Tsuna looked at Giotto. "Please don't blame yourself for what has happened to you Primo. The family that took you are to blame for many things, and they have been taken down permanently. I'm here to help you, as are my friends."

"What did they do to me?" Giotto mumbled looking at his hands.

"According to their notes, they had given you a drug which aided in the suspended animation state they had been experimenting with. The tank we had found you in was filled with below freezing water which had further aided in that state. That state causes nearly every bodily function to stop, they only things that remained active was your heart and lungs," Tsuna explained. Giotto froze in shock, not knowing what to say to the information Tsuna was giving him. Tsuna sighed softly. "I know it's a lot to take in Primo, so please take your time. If you need anything please call for either me or my sun guardian Ryohei."

Giotto nodded slightly still looking at his hands. Tsuna looked concerned as he stood and left the room to give Giotto some space to sort out the information. Once Tsuna was gone Giotto brought his hands to his face starting to cry.

Primo of VongolaWhere stories live. Discover now