Chapter 6

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Giotto looked around at the older teens that surrounded him. They were obviously ganging up on him for whatever reason. He was outnumbered as usual. Yet that made no difference to the blond as he waited for them to make their move.

The fight started like it always had two coming at him with fists. Others followed the example of the first two and attacked. Giotto ducked, weaved and retaliated. He caught one's foot pulling them off balance seconds later before moving to dodge a punch from another.


Giotto staggered forward when a wood plank made contact with the back of his head. His sight went blurry as he moved to both turn and move away from who hit him. When he did that one of the others who hadn't run during the fight tripped him. He landed face-first in the dirt, dust being kicked up from the impact. Giotto slowly rose to his hands and knees. A shoed foot rammed into his stomach kicking him to his side as he coughed up bile. He didn't have time to curl up to protect himself before shoes met his side, stomach, legs, head, and face. When the group of boys were done they kicked Giotto hard in the stomach. Gaining no reaction they left the area laughing.

When the group was completely gone Giotto coughed struggling to get up, his body shaking with the effort. He managed to move to a wall before his body gave out in exhaustion. He held his side pretty sure a rib or two were broken given the pain he was feeling. Giotto looked up at the sky his head leaning against the wall behind him ignoring the pain and blood running down his neck.

"I need to move..." Giotto mumbled slowly standing using the wall as support.

"Hey! You alright?" A redhead called running up to Giotto. Giotto looked up at the taller teen eyes hazy with pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Giotto mumbled as he limped along the wall. He stopped when a hand pulled on his shoulder.

"You're not fine, you have blood running down your neck and you're clearing limping. Are you an idiot or something?" the redhead stated moving to look Giotto in the eyes. Crimson clashed with blue, one worried the other pain-ridden. Giotto pulled away adverting his eyes away from the redhead in front of him.

"Just leave me alone..." Giotto mumbled and slowly moved away. Yet the blow to his head finally was catching up to him. His vision slowly blacked out as he toppled forward. The redhead caught him grumbling about how stupid could this blond be.

Giotto slowly blinked his eyes open, his eyes taking forever to adjust and focus. He turned his head towards where he heard voices confused. He didn't know where he was nor how he got there. He began to sit up, but pain flared from both his ribs and head in protest. Giotto groaned he really had taken a beating.

"Lay back down you idiot," the redhead snapped gently pushing Giotto back onto the bed he was laying on.

"Ngh...don't shout." Giotto groaned putting his hand to his head closing his eyes. The redhead rolled his eyes sitting on the chair beside the bed.

"Well, you're being an idiot for moving before you should. Those bastards who did this to you broke a few of your ribs and gave you a concussion. Why did they even do this to you? Oh, the name's Gaglioffo, but just call me G," G stated. Giotto laughed hoarsely at what he heard.

"Gaglioffo? Seriously?" Giotto snickered.

"Well, that's why people just call me G goldilocks," G huffed folding his arms.

Giotto looked at G. "That's not my name. My name is Giotto."

"And my name is funny? Yours sounds like you're being called a cat," G mused gaining an indignant huff from the blond.

"That's not my fault, that's the name that was found in a letter that was with me..." Giotto mumbled trailing off looking away from G. G fell silent now understanding why Giotto had been beaten up like this.

"You're an orphan?" G asked expression softening. Giotto nods silently. "So am I," G continued leaning back in the chair he was sitting on. Giotto glanced at G wondering why the redhead was telling him.

"Why are you telling me that?" Giotto finally asked.

G shrugged. "I felt like it."

Giotto sighed closing his eyes again fighting back the headache he had. He heard the floor creak as G walked out of the room. Giotto didn't get why the redhead had helped him, most would have left him in the dirt. Yet at the same time, he was happy G helped him. Maybe the redhead could be his friend. He really needed good friends, not those jerks that beat him up even though they called themselves his friends. He also needed a way to thank the redhead for helping him. That was going to be difficult.

Giotto smiled at the memory despite him being beaten up by bullies. He had met his best friend, that was more than enough to make the memory a happy one.

"Something on your mind, Giotto?" Tsuna asked drawing Giotto's attention again.

"Yes, a good memory of my teen years," Giotto nodded smiling fondly still thinking about the memory and the person it revolved around. He missed his friends, G more than any of them. G was someone that he could rely on no matter the situation.

"That's good to hear," Tsuna said standing from the bed.

Giotto looked at Tsuna as the brunet started to leave. "Which one of my friends did you save?"

Tsuna looked back at Giotto with a hand on the doorframe. He smiled gently. "G."

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