Chapter 13

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Cozart was there mentally, but he had no control over his actions. It was as if he was chained to a wall or chair watching a projection of himself do things he would never do, even if he wanted to. He had tried to struggle but each time he did whatever was holding him back grew stronger. Now he closed his eyes to think as he extended what little of his flames he had access to around, hoping they wouldn't be detected. As he thought he couldn't decide if what he was feeling reminded him of mist flames or of desert flames. Though at the same time it didn't feel like either.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he felt two familiar flame signatures in the distance. Cozart perked up, unable to keep the smile off his face. They were here, then that meant they could hopefully help him. He couldn't give up and needed to somehow get a message to them. How was the question he had to answer and quickly. Listening to what was going on, he knew he needed to make a plan.

Cozart heard something about an interview for something called a TV station. He wasn't sure what that was exactly but he knew enough that people all over the world could see it. The concept still fascinated him. Which made him hope his two friends had figured out how to work the 'TV'. The thought caused him to chuckle knowing how G was around new things. Giotto was also always curious about new things, it had been amusing to watch and feel his friend's excitement. He frowned as he remembered how empty he felt when Giotto sealed his flames away. Though he didn't feel empty anymore, he felt like before the blond sealed his flames.

'Did he?' Cozart mumbled, his mental voice echoing around the black abyss. Something zapped him causing him to tense in pain. When it subsided his body went limp, a groan escaping his lips. Had he missed a question? He wasn't sure. Feeling his consciousness be pulled to the front pain bloomed in his body.

Cozart blinked a few times before glancing around seeing no one in the darkroom. He had heard a door close before he was fully back in control. Usually, the men were in the room waiting for him to come back. So what made this time different? Pulling on the restraints he couldn't break nor could he access his flames he began to panic. Something wasn't right. It made him nervous. He looked over his shoulder at the door waiting as he tried to struggle.

"Come on..." Cozart mumbled, focusing on trying to escape. He was a don even if he was in a different time period, a different era, he was a don he had to escape. The problem was he had no idea who he was dealing with. Cozart cursed under his breath realizing he couldn't bring his flames to the surface as he could before.

The room was dark, therefore he had no idea what or who was actually in the room with him. Cozart sighed internally, he hated everything about this situation. The instincts he had lost had returned to him, which caused his mind to overwork itself. As he looked around a spotlight turned on above him blinding him. He closed his eyes, wincing against the light as a door opened behind him. Whoever came in was walking over to him given the footfalls that were getting closer to him.

"I must say Signore Simon you have quite the collection of information on Vongola. Maybe it's time for the Simon family, hmm?" The man mused, patting Cozart's shoulder. Cozart glared against the bright light, eyes being slow to adjust to the brightness

"I hope you get turned to ice," Cozart growled, struggling. The man laughed amused as something cold was put around Cozart's neck causing him to glare more. Cozart watched the man move around so he stood in front of him, an amused smirk plastered on his face.

"Now that's not possible as Vongola Decimo is in prison and I doubt your dear friend Giotto could as he sealed his own flames away." The man stated, grabbing Cozart's chin smirking. "Plus no one can find us, not even that failed experiment Decimo calls his mist guardian."

"Decimo? Tenth generation? Already? Then I'm assuming by what you've said you have already had deals with him. Yet what it also sounds like is you've lost more than once." Cozart mused. That deduction got him a slap across his face. He knew he was right given the reaction. "Then I must say. You greatly underestimate Vongola."

"You know nothing about the current era." The man growled as another zap coursed its way through Cozart's body. His body tensed, as his fingers locked in a half-closed gnarled position as he gritted his teeth bowing his head.

Cozart bit back a groan looking out the top of his eyes at the man. "I may not know a lot about this era. But I don't need to, to know how badly you are screwed."

What he said was followed by an even stronger zap. Cozart let out a reluctant pained yell, already unable to move from the two previous electric shocks. He glared at the man as his hair was grabbed harshly, close to his forehead making him look up with a wince.

The man looked very unhappy given the frown lines and the dark look in his brown eyes. "The information on your precious Simon family, Cozart. Or do we need to do it the hard way again?"

"Rot n infernu tu coward," Cozart growled, spitting in the man's face. The man growled as what was around Cozart's neck tightened, starting to choke him. His tired body struggled against the restraints so he could hopefully claw at the collar. The man let go of his hair simultaneously kicking the chair over. Cozart's back hit the concrete ground with a painful thud, further knocking the wind out of his lungs. He struggled to gasp for air, tears stinging the corners of his red eyes.

As his struggles started to grow weak the collar loosened. Cozart gasped and wheezed, closing his eyes taking deep breaths. A heavy booted foot stomped on his chest causing him to cough harshly groaning in pain.

The man leaned forward pressing down harder on his chest, smirking amused. "You seem to like the hard way. As we will get the information we want one way or another."

Cozart glared weakly, trying to ignore the pain in his ribs. He looked up towards the door when he heard it cry as it opened. Several scientists walked in rolling those carts again. Cozart gulped pushing down the fear that was bubbling up just under the pain. The chair he was strapped to was sat upright, the metal legs groaning and scraping against the concrete floor. Knowing what was going to happen Cozart struggled as much as he could while his body ached. He didn't want to be stuck in that projection again, and to be forced to do things he never would.

"There's no use in struggling Signore Simon." The head scientist said walking up to him. "Struggling and fighting against it, as you well know by now, only makes it worse." He said before turning to the others who were preparing the equipment. "Let's begin."

"Stop-" Cozart began, but his protests were cut off when he was gagged so his screams were muffled. Adrenaline from fear fueled his already weak struggles as the men came closer to him to begin the process.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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