Chapter 12

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Early one morning the Vongola manor was visited by the international police. Giotto and G watched from the shadows as they observed the two agents be escorted to Tsuna's office. Giotto noticed how worried everyone looked and turned his attention towards the office. There was some arguing and a small crash or two before Tsuna walked down with the officers. Giotto glared noticing Tsuna's hands were handcuffed behind him. The guardians watched silently from the second-floor balcony between the two sets of stairs.

"What happened?" G asked quietly, glancing at him.

Giotto shook his head. "I'm not sure. If I understood what Tsuna's cloud told me. No one in Vongola could be held accountable for any crimes they do commit."

G thinks putting a hand to his chin. "Then what evidence do those police have to hold Decimo accountable for whatever crime they took him in for?"

"I have no idea, let's go talk to his guardians," Giotto stated, stepping out of the shadows moving to the stairs. G sighed as he followed him.

Hayato, Ryohei, and Takeshi waited for Giotto and G while the others went to look for information. Hayato didn't look happy and practically glared at the two founders. G glared right back despite being the youngest of the adults. Takeshi tried to keep Hayato calm.

"What happened?" Giotto asked looking at the three guardians.

"Why don't you tell us," Hayato snapped. G gently pulled Giotto back away from Hayato.

"Oi, watch your tongue kid." G growled, glaring, feeling that Giotto was now suddenly scared.

Giotto took a deep breath and looked at Hayato. "Context would be nice."

Takeshi shook his head lightly. "It was about an unsolved murder from your time Primo. Something about a French Military general being killed. The officers had been looking into the case when an anonymous caller gave them solid evidence that it was Vongola's doing."

"There's no cut-off for murders, unfortunately, and the French Government and Military hold grudges especially when it's an important part of their history." Ryoehi sighed after telling Hayato to take a walk to calm down. Both Giotto and G stiffened when the murder was mentioned. Giotto glanced at G, both confused.

"How did they find out about that? We purposely left it out of our records and only let certain people know." Giotto said after a moment.

"Hell the only other one that knows..." G trailed off looking at Giotto who had the same thought.

"Who else knows?" Takeshi asked, confused by their reactions.

Giotto looked at the two younger men. "Cozart Shimon."

"What?" The two asked confused.

G thinks. "Bermuda did say he could still feel Cozart's flames and you did confirm that it wasn't a lie Giotto... So with this, that should mean Cozart is also in this time period?"

Giotto nodded thinking. "That would be correct. However, the problem here is that Cozart would never share any secrets especially that would cause problems for Vongola."

Takeshi put a hand to his chin in thought. "If that's the case then... Esterano is still around. Given that possibility, it could mean they have your friend and are somehow getting the information from them whether it be from torture, or something else."

Giotto and G froze, they didn't want to think about their best friend being tortured for the secrets that could literally bring Vongola to its knees. G cursed under his breath trying to think of something that they could do in this situation that already wasn't obvious. They needed to find and free Cozart as well as get Tsuna out of prison.

"Takeshi, Ryohei... I think you four will want to see this..." Chrome called from a nearby office. Giotto and G followed Takeshi and Ryohei into the office where the TV was on and playing the news. Giotto and G looked at each other confused before focusing on the TV just as a dramatic sound came from it.

"Breaking news! Vongola's CEO, Tsunayoshi Sawada, was arrested today for a 400-year-old murder of a high-ranking French military officer. It seems as though the French Government has never closed that case and surprisingly new evidence has come to light, according to the lead investigator. Stay tuned for more as further information is being released." The woman on the TV said, clasping her hands in front of her on the table. Shortly after that was said something else began to play that wasn't the news.

"That sounded ridiculous when it's spoken without knowledge of the Mafia..." Mukuro grumbled, folding his arms. Everyone in the room agreed.

"Though with how ridiculous that sounds we could use that as a way to get Decimo out of prison." G commented, gaining the tenth generation's attention.

Kyoya nodded a bit. "It could. Yet it might be in our best interest to stop whoever is giving police the information."

"Then we need to find where the last group of Esterano is hiding," Takeshi stated.

Mukuro growled standing straight as he glared. "There's more still out there?"

"It would appear so. Added on that G and I aren't the only ones from our time that were essentially frozen." Giotto sighed. Just as he said that Takehsi's phone rang causing the rain guardian to answer it and put it on speaker.

"What did Tsuna do this time?" the caller asked.

"Well he did nothing technically, Enma... that uh... blame I think... goes to the first generation," Takeshi said sheepishly. Giotto and G couldn't even argue as the statement was true. The current situation was in a way their fault as they are the ones who killed the one who sent Alaude to die.

"...What?" Enma asked, confused by the way Takeshi worded his answer.

"Just come here Enma, we may need your families' help on this," Kyoya said.

"Right, we'll be there shortly," Enma said and ended the call.

G sighed, folding his arms. "Who was that?"

The tenth generation looked at them and smirked.

"That was the current boss of the Simon family. Enma Kozato. Our, once again, closest ally." Hayato said, walking into the room.


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