Chapter 8

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Therapy was rough for G since he was so used to doing things on his own, but, in the end, it was slowly paying off. He could now at least move around in a wheelchair after a month of Ryohei's help. He, however, still had a long way to go to be fully mobile again, and even longer to be both as strong as he was and to get stronger than he was. He hadn't seen Giotto once so far which was both relieving and irritating. Relieving in the sense that he had the time to dig through his thoughts and feelings. Irritating in the sense that he realized that it had been four hundred years, it was time to let go of his anger and find out the truth.

There were times he thought that Giotto being in the same time was a lie, but every so often he would catch a glimpse of blond hair rounding a corner. He chased it but lost it the moment he rounded the corner. G huffed as he lost the blond again.

"Stupid wheelchair," G grumbled slowly going back to his room. He was almost there when a leopard hijacked the chair and pushed him to a private sitting room. The leopard gave the chair a hard shove into the room before the door was shut. G yelped slightly trying to keep the chair from falling.

"G..." Giotto's voice said shocked. G looked at the blond before freezing at the sight of his friend. Giotto looked older than G last remembered.

"Giotto?" G asked not really believing his eyes. The blond looked drastically different than the last time they saw each other. G sure looked the same just a year older. Giotto, however, was taller, his hair was longer and pulled into a slim ponytail at the base of his head, and his blue eyes, they weren't the same, they were darker and hurt. Hell, Giotto looked six years older than G was currently. G only stopped staring in shock when his chair tipped over. He crashed to the floor painfully.

Giotto stood grabbing the cane that was near him for support. "G?"

A pained groan met his question. Giotto limped over to the redhead to help. He pulled the wheelchair off of G and set it up. G pushed himself up as much as he could. Giotto kelt down to help G offering a hand to the redhead. G smiled a bit and took the offered hand. Giotto chuckled a bit and helped G back into the wheelchair.

"Are you alright G?" Giotto asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Though what happened to you?" G asked.

"What do you mean?" Giotto asked wheeling the chair over to where he had been sitting.

"You look a lot different," G replied looking at Giotto as the blond sat down.

"G, I'm 28 of course I'd look different than I did at 21," Giotto started smiling a bit. "Though you don't look that much different."

"Oh come on that's not fair," G groaned. Giotto tilted his head confused. "I'm 22." G answered Giotto's unspoken question. Giotto blinked in surprise before he started laughing. G folded his arms glaring at the blond that was laughing.

"It's not funny," G grunted.

"Yet, you use to be older than me by a few months. Now its flipped by a few years," Giotto laughed smiling.

G rolled his eyes smiling lightly. "Yeah, yeah, shorty."

"Oi! Don't pick at my height! I'm taller than I was!" Giotto exclaimed faking a hurt expression.

"Whatever you say," G sighed looking away from Giotto. Giotto looked at G confused and shifted to look at the redheads face.

"There's something wrong isn't there?" Giotto questioned. G rounded on him with a glare.

"What do you think?!" G snapped startling Giotto. Giotto flinched shrinking back, not having been on the receiving end of G's fierce anger for quite some time. "Huh? What do you think?! With what you did without telling any of us why! Giving into Daemon! Your cousin we didn't even know about! Sealing the rings! Dropping everything you ever knew! Leaving the bloody country! Never once sending an 'Everything is okay' note or something! What the hell were you thinking you, idiot! Do you have any idea how any of us felt?! No, you don't! You didn't think to ask. Luckily we had places to go after you made that decision by yourself. You three who ran were the only lucky ones. Mafia doesn't leave you alone. You should have known that! But being selfish by running away from your problems is not the way that it should have been done! WHY!?" he seethed shaking in complete fury.

"G... I..." Giotto tried to speak but got cut off by G who was rightfully furious.

"No! I will not settle for one of those excuses you give or the 'I'll tell you later'! I will not calm down! Not until you tell me the bloody truth!" G yelled glaring his red eyes glowing due to his raging storm flames. G's necklace was glowing slightly to keep his flames in check. Giotto's blue eyes were wide showing surprise and slight fear. The blond opened his mouth to speak but closed it looking down. He needed to be truthful with G, just how to word the truth that even he hadn't had time to fully think about himself. G sat waiting as he glared angrily at his childhood friend.


"What the hell were you thinking!" G seethed once he found Giotto leaning against a cobbled wall of the waterway. Giotto looked up at the redhead holding his bleeding side. He smiled sheepishly, he was about to speak when angered shouts came further in the waterway tunnel.

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