Oneshot #7

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Warm water was dripping rithmically and repeatedly down the tall man's body in a non stop way.
His short, brown hair were soaking wet, when he stopped the hand shower to cast water on his person.
He dried himself a little to put on at least his underwear and trousers. When he did so, he went back in his room, which was in the basement, and so was the bathroom, though there was an hallway in the middle to connect the two rooms.
He walked in there with a towel on his head, that was being rubbed agaist it to blot the, by now cold, transparent liquid.
Eren took out of the pants' pocket the key, which was the answer to get to knowledge titans' secret, at put it back around his neck.
Opening the door slowly, he noticed that the room was conteining a person: his captain.
He went on allert and scared to make a bad figure in front of him like that.
'I didn't expect him to be here now! Wait, what time is it?!' He thought, while a cold sweat crossed his front.
Levi was sitting in the white sheets of Eren's bed, in his subortinate room, whom was half necked. Plus, he knew that the brunette was showering, so why was he waiting for him in his room? Was what he wanted to say so important that it could not wait ten minuts more?
The older man's looked up from his hands and saw the six packed abs that were on Eren's bust.
"Mh... Not bad..." He stated standing himself up to go closer to the male.
"Eh-Ehm... Captain, what is that you have to tell me?" The young boy asked, quite embarassed for himself. What would Levi think of seeing him in this state?
"Why are you so embarassed? I know how men's body is, I am one too. Don't think that I'll scold you for that." The black haired male began. "However, if you don't feel comfortable, just put a shirt on." He finished, with his usual monotone tone, but his body was talking differently. It seemed like he would've be a little disappointed if he put it back on, but he was not the one to decide, plus, he did like to see a scared and embarassed Eren, but the manly and brave side of him was way better, in his opinion. It made him feel like he was not alone and not, understood, since Eren principally talked through the body too and no one could understand him better than Eren.
The brunette got to think twice about what he said and decided to stay shirtless, even if it was kind of strange to stand or even be close to a superior without shirt.
"So, I am here to lock you like all nights, but I have a thing that I wanted to tell you: tell me everything that bothers you, more of all if the cause of the problems is shitty glasses. Having all those experiments and hearing her talk about titans all the days must be exhausting. So, if you feel your chest heavy, just talk to me about the problem instead of keeping all in, got it?" Levi reassured him. Their bond had to be fond to complete their purpose, or rather gain humanity's freedom.
They were humanity's strongest soldier and humanity's last hope, leaded by the great commander Erwin, it was a chance that they could not lose to take back Wall Maria and Shiganshina and discover titans' secret. They could not lose, so they had to be close to each other, to know the limit of the other and what could make one feel stronger, making him go beyond that limit.
"I got that captain, but I probably look tired because I am always wondering if I am not just a weight that the soldiers of the Survey Corps carries around. Just for that. The experiments with Hanji-san aren't exhausting at all... And, well, when she starts talking it is, but that is not a problem, I can deal with it!" Eren told him looking down, while Levi had a kind of confused face.
"The titan brat, a weight, huh? I don't even get what would make you think so. A person of fifteen years, that closed Trost's breach, created by the colossal titan, is a weight... Do you use that tiny brain of yours or is your head completely empty?" The raven asked to the boy, whom emerald eyes glowed bright in his orbs, while his soft cheeks turned on a pinkish shade.
"I might think I have none, then." He laughed in return, making the older man feel a little of pity for him.
"Just don't worry about it, okay, Eren?" Levi told him, patting the head of the brunette that was standing in front of him.
"Got it, captain." He smiled, trying to get that thought off of his mind.
"I thought I already told you that you can call me by my name, when we are alone." His superior sighed out, face palming.
"It's the force of habit, ca- Levi." He explained, almost making the same mistake. The both stayed silence for some time and just decided to stay like that.
Voice was no needed, their eyes were showing their thoughts as an open book, suddenly a thought came upon Levi's mind as he remembered that Mikasa wanted to talk with him.
He told Eren to go check what was tha thing that made her so worried and he did so, after waving him with a soft smile on his mouth.
'Still pure...' The raven thought, walking away from that place, returning to mind his business.
"Eren! Where were you?! Are you hurt? Did something happen? Was that the horse made you something?" Mikasa suddenly began to ask him, after she ran to the she boy, who was walking in her direction.
"Calm down, it passed, thanks to the Captain." He simply told her, but her worries did not stopped and ran in Jean's direction with a threatining aura, while Armin was attempting to make her stay away from him, by trying to drag her back to Eren.
"Mikasa! Stop it. It's not a big deal." The brunette stated, but she answered that he was taking this hatred for too long, he needed a lesson.
"Huff, Mikasa..." He started walking towards her. "Don't take this too seriously. It's a thing between us and us only. Got it?" He continued, placing an hand on her shoulder, making her calm down and nod, blushing a little when she saw the smile on Eren's lips.
"So, we have to back up to work! I already gave you way too much problems to y'all. I have to pay back." He stated, giving an hand on what they were doing: washing the clothes.
"You can say it for sure. You gave us a lot of problems." Jean scoffed, continue to do his part.
"Eren, the Captain is way more appreciave with your cleaning standards, so could you please go sweep the floor, while we wash the clothes?" Armin politely asked him, receiving a playful 'Yes, sir!'
'So, Levi appreciate my cleaning work? That's nice to know, by how strict he is about this. Wonder if I am in his standards...' He thought while picking the broom in the closet, starting to neat the room.
Meanwhile, the raven walked in the room while the brunette was cleaning and watched him as he did so.
After little time he noticed that his feeling of being observed was caused by Levi, whom silently watched him from aside.
"Hi again." He nervously said, as he continued sweeping the floor.
Levi walked closer to him and told him that he was good in cleaning, placing an hand on his shoulder and, then he walked away, going in his room to finish his paper work.
"Levi..." Eren unconsciously murmured, making the male turn back.
"Oh! Nothing, nothing!" He spoke back, getting that he thought his name aloud, while the raven gazed at him weirded.
"It's just that it's a nice name! It fits you."
"How can a name fit someone?"
"By the face and the meaning, I think."
"Does names even have a meaning?"
"Sure! For example Eren means 'Saint' and Armin means 'Universal, powerful, big and complete'. Wonder what Levi means."
"Some day we could search together, okay? But now we both have to get back to work, if not we won't ever find the time to do that kind of research." He calmly said, heading to his bedroom after seeing the espression of approval of Eren.
'Did I just asked him out like that? I thought it would've be different... That's one way to start though.' Levi sighed out, walking upstairs.
Day passed quickly for the entusiast Eren, whom did his best at cleaning and the raven haired man noticed that.
'Later, I will tell him. He becomes way too excited when I tell him a compliment, so better be only the two of us. Mikasa could act as overprotective as always, minding to know what I told him. Hm... Yes, I'm still on my idea.'
"Eren, later we have to discuss about your job." He said in his usual cold manner.
'Isn't it that I did something wrong?! Did I forgot a room or to clean something?!'
"...Okay." Eren responded, looking at him with a slight hint of fear.
After eating their meal, they went in the basement, in Eren's room and sat in his bed.
Eren nervously looked at him, wondering what was happening.
"I wanted to compliment you. You did a good job in neating." Levi said bashfully. He was not used to compliment people.
Eren's eyes swiflty widened in surprise and a little blush followed that action.
"Ehm! I did not expected you to... Well, not that I even aspected me to clean almost at your stardards, probably I did not even reached them, but thank you!"
"Mh? Why are you thanking me?"
"I spent most of my energies in cleaning and was pretty off, but this made me turn on again!"
'Huh? I hope that I just misunderstood... Yeah, I must have misunderstood. His soul is too pure for make he think such things.'  Levi thought, looking weirded the boy, who stood puzzled in front of him and that tried to get him off his thought.
"Levi, are you free tomorrow?"
"Mh... I shouldn't have great things to do, no. Do you want to go see for my name's definition? Why do you want to see so much the explaination of 'Levi'? It's just a name."
"It's because it's yours, that makes it important." Eren chuckled, leaving a big smile on his lips.
The raven haired male stood up covering his face, as it was deep red, and went out of the room closing the door shut behind him.
"Eren, tomorrow we will seek for that definition, but for now, get some rest." He stated while walking through the hallway, going to his room.
The Sun rised, leaving rosy, purplish and orangish tapering to all the sky.
Since the raven haired male was already awake due insomnia, he started working early, so he could hang out with Eren.
By 10 in the morning he finished his job and went with Eren in the communal library, where all sorts of information could be found.
"Levi, I found the book!" Eren shouted next to him, just to get his ear pulled with fierce by the male.
"Keep your voice down, it's a silent place this!" He whisper-yelled, to the brunette who gave a faint laugh, accompanied by a nod, which gave Levi assurance that he understood.
"So... Based on what it says... Levi means..." Eren  paused due to him searching for the information he seeked for.
"Here! Levi means: attached, combined, joined in harmony. Well, that's pretty true. You seem a blunt man and indeed you are-" Eren stated getting a small kick in the leg, that made him chuckle.
"Well, you seem even strong."
"The fuck? I did not mean it like that it was a: So what?- Hold up. I am what?"
"Strong? Yes, you are."
"Don't play dumb. What did you say next?"
"Ehm... If I don't play dumb, I think I won't make it out alive, so... You know... I have titans to defeat and freedom to gain so... Eheheh..." He managed to say between several pauses, staying vague on what he said.
"Tch... I won't do you anything, just tell me already."
"I... Don't believe it much, but you can't kill me anyway, so... I said that you are lovable..." Eren said refering that he still was Humanity's last hope, so he had to stay alive until the retake of Wall Maria.
He gazed the bookcase, not to make eye contact with Levi, whom was pretty shocked to have heard the right word before, so he decided to just confess it here and now. None other occasion would've be more fitting.
"I want to stay by your side forever, if possible." He told him looking at Eren's eyes with rosy cheeks, while he walked a little closer to him, making him hint that Levi was meaning that sentence as a romantic confession.
The brunette smiled softly and took a step in front of him to hold his hand.
"So do I."

This was the chapter!
I would like to know your opinion about this, if possible.
See ya~♡

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