Oneshot #1♡

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Eren and Levi were arguing in the shower.
"You won't last long." Eren said and Levi thought about it as a sexual meaning, little did he know is that he was meaning his anger.
Levi got himself to be even more angry to his boyfriend.
How could he say that he couldn't last long, when they haven't even done it yet?

'I'm gonna eat that brat.' Levi thought.
Levi looked straight in Eren's emerald eyes as he put the cock of his boyfriend in his hand, squeezing it a little.
Eren blushed instantanely and stared at Levi with a questioning look.
"Why would you want to do it? Isn't it a little too early, Levi?" He asked.
"You said I wouldn't last long, so now you have to testimony that you are dead wrong." He answered making Eren look down with an embarassed smile. 

From then, he knew that Levi got his sentence wrong, but if his beloved was ready to do that, why should he interrupt the atmosfere?

"If you mind to know, I am not actually willing to take it in the ass." Eren said, making his gaze fall in Levi's dick, who was getting flushed because of it.
"Well, I never said you would be the one that would take it..." Levi said in a raspy voice while smirking, still embarassed as hell.

Eren got turned on by that voice, the voice of the one that saved him, the voice of the person he loved long time.
"I thought you would be a top from what I see everyday." The taller boy said smirking, looking at Levi, who was a blushing mess.
Eren looked sweetly at Levi and kissed him softly, making their gaze lock into each other.
Levi, then backed up slowly and Eren followed him.
Eren made the kiss go deeper by tilting his head as Levi couldn't back up anymore, by the fact that his back reached the wall.

A soft moan escaped from Levi's lips.
The feet of the raven male got lifted from the shower's floor and his bottom reached Eren's penis.
He was way more flushed by now, could some sense and coscience have reached his brain? Absolutely not, but that was fine. They were already a couple, after all. Sex is a part of love.
"Levi~? I'm feeling uncomfortable here, why don't we continue this on the bed?" The brunette asked with a sensual voice, which gave the shorter boy an almost fully hard boner.
"I- Ehm... Do- As you please..." Levi said trying not to making escape a moan, while Eren was kissing his neck.

A few seconds later Levi's butt was in mid-air, his legs united and lifted in the air, while his back was on the bed.
"Spread your legs, captain." The tallest said humming and the raven did as he was told.

Eren kneelted on the bed of his room and got his face down to face the dick of his beloved. He took it fully in his mouth after teasing a little the tip by licking it.
"A-Ah... Er-Eren..." Levi moaned out softly as Eren bobbed his head up and down.
"Yes, Captain Levi?" Eren said with his boyfriend's penis still in his mouth, which sended shivers to the Levi's whole body.

After seven minutes or so Levi was about to came, but he wanted to keep his cum in. He started it to demonstrate Eren that he would not came so quickly, that he could last long.
Eren got that Levi reached the climax long time, so he hummed again his boyfriend's name while his cock was in his mouth and that made Levi release reluctantly. He couldn't hold it in anymore.

Eren didn't swallow, but took his right hand under his mouth and made the cum fall in his hand.
He took an handkerchief and cleaned his hand with it.

Then he grabbed Levi's chin and kissed his lips and he continued the way down the jaw and the neck, where he searched for sweet spots, which he found many, but didn't marked them. They had a secret relationship after all.

Levi kept an hand above his mouth for silencing his moans, if not someone could've discover them. He didn't want to listen Erwin's scolds. He could've say things like: "He's fifteen, a teenager. You're a thirty years old man, Levi. You are kind of a pedophile." or "You are meant to watch over him. Not do him or be done by him. He is a titan shifter. You don't know him. What if he got hurt? He could've transform into a titan and you would've been killed." He really didn't wanted to hear those words.

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