Oneshot #2

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'Shit, I'm late!'
He entered in class looking kind of angry.
"Late again, Jaeger?"The teacher said.
"That's not how to greet a person, Shadis-sensei."He said giggling a little.
"I did tell you yesterday, now I won't tell you another time. In the afternoon, after school, you are going to detention." The teacher said firmly and clearly.

Eren looked at his desk where Armin was sitting.
He looked at him with kind of pity.
'What have you done, Eren...' Armin thought.
"Hey there, Armin."The emerald-eyed boy whispered to him.
"Don't talk to me, you'll get an even more serious detention!"The blond boy whisper-yelled.
Eren looked at him as he sat on his chair and reluctantly nodded.

He was bored.
History, English, law and economics, law and economics, german , german.
That was their itinarary and he didn't like it at all.

As the last hour bell played, Eren got escorted by the support teacher, who had to watch over him only.
They got a class for theirself.
As the support teacher entered in the classroom, he gestured the student to do so, too.

He took a chair and put it in front of the teacher's desk.
Eren sat in there and the support teacher sat in the other side of the desk.
"So, Jaeger, why did your teacher put you in detention?" The teacher asked.
"Well, you can see, my house is far away and I have to take the train to come to school, so I almost always come late in class." Eren answered the most honest way possible.

"I see. Well, I don't want to blame you, since I even have to take the train to come here and work. By the way, call me Levi. You can do your homework, if you want, but you can't play with your phone. It's like we are in lesson right now. "
Eren nodded and took his diary to check which homework there were.
The hours he had to spend in detention were two, after that, he could go home and do whatever he wanted.

He looked to the page of October the twenty-eighth, it was a Wednesday.
'I have to do law and economy from page 23 to page 30, German study for the verification and English from page 35 to page 40... So much homeworks...'
He started by giving a remind on what they have done in German's class and he founded himself to remember everything, the thing he struggled the most was English and some laws he had to know.

"Excuse me, Levi. Could you help me with this exercise?"
"Sure thing. Let me see... Law and economy?" The teacher looked at Eren in disbelief.
"How the hell don't you know this?! You are in fifth high school! This is a basic thing that you should've studied in the first year!"
Eren explained the situation and Levi sighed, saying he understood, and he helped him both with law and economy and English.

Small chit chats filled the rest of the time the males had to spend together.
Giggles from Eren and insults from Levi.
He was a teacher, but even so, he didn't lose his bad manners.
Eren appreciate them, they weren't fake as the usual teachers' manners.
They were more natural.

As he exited from school he found his step brother Zeke waiting for him.
They had the same father, whi was named Grisha, but the mother was different.
Zeke's mother was named Dina Fritz, she and the two sons' father got divorced, while Eren's mother was named Carla, currently Carla Jaeger, because of she being married with Grisha Jaeger.
"Hey, Mikasa told me everything, so after work I came here and waited you. I won't blame you, lately the trains are always late and never respect their hours' itinerary." Zeke worked in the same city as Eren, he did the baseballer, while Eren currently was occuped in a cafè, doing the waiter.
His work was part-time by the fact that he had school programms and wanted some free time to spend both with his friends, brother or alone.

He really liked Zeke, he was the lovely brother type. The empathetic, caring and the undestanding one.
He was really a good brother.
Zeke was dated with a girl for two years, she was named Pieck Finger.
They were a beautiful couple in the brunette's opinion.

A bad habit of the blonde was smoking, thing that he was doing in the car and that was annoying Eren's nose.

"Today Armin, Mikasa and Pieck will come over. Do you want to make a pijama party?" Zeke asked chuckling, lightening the eyes of the emarald eyed boy, who asked if they actually could. The answer was a yes.

He spent his time playing videogames in the same room as Zeke, who wanted to read, but then gave up to spend time with his little brother.
As they continued to play, evening arrived and so did the guests.
They got escorted in a big room, which was the one where the five would spent the night.

They dinned and got back to the room, where laugh, little chats, puns and light yells of scare escaped, until 4 a.m. when everything was quiet.
At five he had to woke up, yet he did not want to and thought that he could skip school, but Armin did not let him to, even though he was tired too.
"C'mon, Eren, we have to go! I don't want to lose the train because of you!" Armin exclaimed unwilling to let him home.

"Five minutes..." He replied and Armin wanted to slap him hard, but found another way to woke him up for sure.
He walked to the bathroom and took some cold water with a big bucked, then returned to Eren and put his head in it.

Eren was awake like never, but sure angry.
"Armin, what the fuck?! I-" Eren got interrupted by Zeke, who told them to relax, because he called school and they would enter at the second hour.
The three thanked him a lot, that was a smart idea, not like have a sleep over in the middle of the week, while they are students.

Eren was puzzled: who at 5 a.m. was at school?
He asked his brother and he told him that the one who answered was a certain: Levi Ackermann.
'He is at school that early?!' He thought surprised and he shown it as Zeke asked if he knew him.
"Yes, I spent detention with him yesterday. He is a support teacher of our school and he is really nice. He has quite a vulgar way of talking and insult a lot tho."
Zeke was happy for he saw an expression on Eren's face he never saw.
Probably it would've gone further than a normal teacher-student relationship, or maybe it was onesided.

A month passed and Levi and Eren knew them more as Eren always gotten detention for him be late.
Levi grew more gentle and soft with Eren, but still he was a teacher.
Dating a student was no good, plus he was way older than him, though he did not seem a thirty-four years old man.
"Hello, Levi! How is it? Would you like some black tea" Eren asked, blushing at the raven, who entered in the cafè where he worked, as Levi looked at him in surprised: he was a waiter?
Levi looked at him embarassed.
"Hi, yes black tea will do. I'm fine by the way... And you?" He replied stuttering a lot.
"Fine, too. Happy to know that you are too Oh, I am quite worried...
Well, I think I am in love with a certain person,but I don't know what to do... Can you help me, please?" He asked him gently, placing a cup filled with black tea without sugar, making Levi disappoint himself to think that he could actually be loved by someone so young.

"I'm sure that if you just confess to her, she will fall in her knees in disbelief because of you loving her." He said still stuttering, but this time lesser and drank his tea.
"Ah, I didn't know you were a girl, Levi!" Eren said laughing making him choke on his drink.
"Huh?" He asked, not understanding.
It took a while to Levi to get what he meant, but when he did he was a blushing mess.

"You love me?!" He exclaimed.
"A-ha, sure thing I didn't expect love back, so don't worry, everything it's fine." Eren said chuckling and added: "It was just to be honest with you."
Levi told him that they could not stay together, they were teacher and student after all.
On this he was quite clear, though you could hear sadness in those sentence.
"Levi, do you like me back?" Eren sadly asked the raven, who slightly nodded in affirmation.

Eren took a minute or two to think for a solution.
Everything was silent and that was embarassing for the icy-blue eyed male.
"I have an idea. How about us stay together after I finish school?" He asked and Levi was quite puzzled, but understood what he meant.
"When you finish high school, we will stay together." Levi affirmed not stuttering anymore.

"Promise?" The brunette asked him and Levi nodded.
Eren placed a gentle kiss on the short male, who started to bickering with him because he hasn't finished school, yet, and he was already breaking their pact.

The chapter was it.
I wanted to make a fluff, I hope you liked it.
I would like to know your opinions.
Bye, bye my fujoshi~♡

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