Oneshot #5

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A huge crowd was walking up and down the street.
Some people felt the sweet and attractive scent of someone.
That someone tho, hadn't got caught by those strangers.
The person swerved in a alley, where there was a shop to buy medications.
He opened the door, making its bell ring a couple of times before stopping.
"Hey, there! This is Hanji! How may I- Levi?! Buddy, why are you here?!
Do you have fever or-Oh... You finished your suppressants, didn't you?"
"Y-yeah... Do you have some here?" The black haired male asked, looking forward in all the pharmacy, assuring himself that nobody was there.
He felt safe only going with Hanji during his heat.
She was a delta, or rather a person that usually is aggressive and territorial and their character is like alpha's, but they are second in command with them, even so, his heat didn't affect her for some strange reason.
He was an omega, who's scent was always sweet and his heat was usually every two months.
An omega is a person that eighter male or female, during their heat, can get impregnanted.
An omega can't make impregnated another omega and have a kid with them though.
They can get pregnant with gamma, beta, belta and alpha.
Suppressants were made to stop that annoying sweet scent that omega's produced during heat.
"Sure thing! But if you knew your heat would've arrived and you finished your pills because of the last one , then why didn't you come here sooner?!" She said in a worried, yet frustrated, tone, going to take the
"I didn't remember to buy them!
I-I am so-" He started to mumble but got interrupted by another client, who entered in the shop.
"Oh my~ So it was really here that slutty assed omega~
Come here, baby, daddy will make you feel so good."
"Huh?!" He yelled as the boy was already taking him away, going in another near dark alley, where they could have some private moments.
"Here they ar- Levi?" Hanji said, looking right and left in the pharmacy not finding the raven anywhere and sighed in annoyance.
"Ah, from where should we start, sugar cube?" The man said taking off his pants, showing his dick to the thirty years old male.
"I-I don't want to..." He said covering his manhood, backing from him, trying to escape.
"Oh~ But you are really hard there." The alpha said touching the male's cock.
"You b-bastard! Le-eave me alone~" Levi squealed under the rapist's touch.
Suddenly the alpha went down, laying unconscious.
"Tch... Filthy bastard. Touching a person without his consence... Are you okay?" The brunette said, covering his nose because of the strong sweet scent of Levi.
"Huh? I am fine... Thank you." Levi said trying to re-compose himself in front of the emarald eyed young boy.
"Are you- a beta? Or maybe a gamma?" He asked, because betas are average people, whose scent is calming both for omega and alpha, while gamma are people that doesn't realize when an omega is in heat or an alpha is in his rut(or rather the heat of the alpha, when they are more dominant than usual and more aggressive),until that person tells them.
"Does this really matters now? You have to take your suppressants now, where are them?" He asked the grey-bluish eyed man, who told him that right now he didn't have some.
"Ah, you must get some, your scent is getting way too strong." The taller man said taking Levi in bridal style, carring him back in that little pharmacy, where Hanji was waiting for him, not knowing where he was.
"Levi! Where were you?! I was about to think that you went away without your pills! And Eren, why are you with him?! Back off, he is in heat!" Hanji yelled, making her voice echoing trough all the place.
Levi didn't have to brave to tell her that he almost got raped, so the brunette took responsabily for him.
"Hey Hanji, you know... Your friend, Levi, got dragged away in a alley near here and almost got raped by abother alpha.
And yeah, I know he is in heat, but don't you worry: now I'll leave." And as he said it he placed the raven on his feet and gone away, going back to his house.
'No, wait! I- I want to stay with you...' Levi thought while trying to reach with his hand the person that once was here.
Hanji opened Levi's mouth with fierce and pushed the pills in it, making him swallow them in surprise.
"What the fuck?! I could've take them by myself, shitty glasses!"
"Your scent is way too annoying, so I had to.
I can't believe that you, who can defend himself from everybody, was about to get raped by an omega's fucker.
Was it even that strong the alpha?!"
Levi stayed silent.
He was not strong. The rapist was fat, with ugly features.
Surely the young adult that helped him was one thousant times better.
"Oi, four eyes. Do you know who is the man that helped me?" He asked puzzled and full of curiosity.
Both of them knew their names.
He wanted to know if the mark on the shoulder of Hanji was the bite of the brunette.
"Huh? Why does that interest you?
But well, yeah, I got to know him.
His name is Eren Jaeger, he is an alpha.
I got to know him because of his father.
He is a doctor and I worked with him two years."
'That boy is... An alpha? Then why my heat didn't attracted him?' He thought, but promptly Hanji got what he was thinking and answered to his tacit question.
"As I always saw, Eren isn't the type that want a forced relationship.
He is not the type to rape someone or having sex with a person that he doesn't love.
Maybe he is just searching for a soulmate."
"Hanji, with who are you married?"
"Nh? A-Ah... You saw the mark didn't you? Don't you get mad at us, we wanted a secret relationship...
I am married with Erwin..."
Levi's eyes wided, but hoped his best that, that marriage, would've last long.
He bought the pills and went back home.
Wanting his heat to finish soon.
That night he was re-thinking about the boy that saved him.
'So is name is Eren Jaeger... He is a beautiful young man...
Those bright and mischievous emerald-green eyes...
That tight grey shirt he weared showed his sporgent abdominals...
His dark brown hairs, collected in a bud...'
"It hurts!" He whisper-yelled at he felt his manhood in pain as he was hard and his pant and trousers were making it painful.
He took them off swiftly and put a finger in his ass, adding one sometimes.
"Nh-Ah... Eren~" He said while thrusting up and down his fingers.
The room was full of his scent.
His finger and bottom hole with his slick and his mouth with his drool.
His face deep red, while his mind was wandering on erotic positions and angolations that the brunette could've done to him right now and went on doggy style.
"Ah~!" He was about to yell as he hitted another time his prostate, his thought wandering in sexual fantasies about the bright eyed boy.
His face fell on the pillow, silencing his moan.
"Ah... What has he done to me?" He sighed out, trying to change the sheets, as they were full of slick, cum, blood and sweat.
When he finished to make the bet, he layed on the neat covers and closed his eyes, making his tiredness falling off him by sleeping.
Continuing to release his scent, he woke up in the morning.
He flushed remembering that he masturbated last night, on a boy that he didn't know.
'Ah... What the fuck is wrong with me...?!
As Hanji told me he is nineteen, he has fifteen years less than me! It can't work.'
As he prepared himself to go work, he exited from his apartment and, afar from him he found the cold gaze of the boy of the day before.
'H-He lives here?! What the fuck is happening?! I never saw him around!
W-wait... Don't tell me that he is the one that just got to trasfer in here...!'
Levi rememvered that he did not used his pill, so he went back in his room.
"Okay, I am good and absolutely tired pf this feeling. I want normality back in my body, so you, Levi, have to calm your fucking self." As he said so, he sighed heavly, trying to calm down.
He exited once again from his flat, going away from the enstamblishment alone, or at least he thought so.
"Hey, you are the person from yesterday, right?" The guy behind him said, sending a shiver in Levi's back, he turned around just to see the chest of the tall young adult.
"E-ehm... Yeah, Eren, right?" He asked for confirm.
'You knew my name pretty well last night...' The alpha thought blushing a little.
"Yeah, if I remember right you are Levi.
Do you feel better than yesterday?
Did you take your pill?" He asked wispering in the male's ear, sending a shiver in his spine.
"Oh, ye-yes... I did before exiting home."
"Do you want to spend the day together?
If you are free, obviously."
"Fine, I had nothing to do... Let me just write Oruo that today I am busy..."
"Oh, you don't hav-"
"No, I'd like more being with an alpha, like you, than a beta, for the time being that I am in this state..."
"Oh, I see. Fine, text Oruo then!" Eren said smiling, sweetness in the whole phrase.


Oruo, I have heat.
I am not coming to your house.
Call Petra and tell her too.
Feel sorry for it.

Oh, nothing Levi-san!
Hope it will finish soon.
Don't get raped.
I'll tell Petra.

Levi nodded to the medium-length, brown haired young adult.
He nodded back and tied his hairs in a bud and they walked in the city together, spending the whole day together, until deep night. It was 3 a.m.
Eren escorted the omega back to his room.
"E-ehm... D-do you want to come in?" The adult asked, flushing and covered his crotch.
"Oh, sure I want."
They talked for a while and Levi asked him if he wanted to stay over for the night.
"We just got to know each other, even though I can feel a deep connection...
I know that this may sound strange and an idiocity, but... What if we are soulmates? I already talked with a few omegas, but I felt nothing for them.. But with you... With you I feel different."
Levi lowered his head, blushing deeply as the boy said so.
"S-so if we are, w-would I be allowed to do t-this?" He managed to say between stutters and pauses as he pressed his lips on the ones of the tall younger boy.
Eren's reluctant gaze, suddenly became a sweet one and drove the kiss in a lewd way.
"Please, do not be as loud as yesterday, Levi." The brunette told him and the black haired man nodded before completely understanding.
He blushed hard as the taller male began to get rid of his clothes, then spoiling himself from his.
'H-Huge! How will that even fit in me?!'
"Your scent is driving me crazy... Levi~ Forgive me if I do something without your will, it will be probably because I will not be in the right state of mind."
The bottom nodded, waiting for the other male to top him.
"I have to get myself hard, before doing you, even if you are quite a splendid person to jerk off to." The alpha chuckled.
Levi moved on his knees and moved Eren's hand away, licking the perky tip of the cock of his soulmate starting to take all the member, even if he couldn't make it fit with his mouth.
"W-wha?! Are you seriously going to do this?" Levi answered with a 'yes', sending shivers to Eren's whole body.
"J-just until I'm fully hard, fine?" The raven nodded, in total submission, continuing his blow job, until Eren took it off his mouth.
"You are make me reckless... It's no good~" The taller male said with an husky voice, making the other male more excited, yearning to have Eren for himself for this night or even his whole life.
"You are so wet down there, there is so much slick..." The brunette talked to the air, while putting hinself a condom, torturing Levi with the wait.
"You already are prepared right? Last time you scissored yourself, so now I can just enter you with my member, no?"
"Ye-es!" The raven told Eren, as the moment he craved for was arriving.
Slowly the younger man slipped in the shorter one, knowing that he was way bigger than what Levi prepared himself for, letting him time to adjust, starting to move when the bottom was fine with his dimention.
Sloppy noises filled the room for the rest of the night, along with loud moans of the bottom and groans from the top, both of them not even trying to suppress themselves.
"You should at least try to keep that beautiful voice of yours less loud~" Eren groaned out, in the sweeter way possible, as sweat was falling down from his forehead.
"Y-you do me so good, I don't have even the possibility~!" The black haired male returned, turning the alpha even more on, if it was possible.
Cum began to grout the condom once again. He already had already change two before of that one, this was the third he used this night.
Horny was not enough to describe what they actually were, not to say that for some days Levi couldn't walk straight, as his butt hurted way too much, while Hanji made fun of it.

So, this chapter kinda suck, in my opinion.
I was inspired at the start and, then *poof*, my creativity floated away from me like: "Oke, I'mma head out, bye bish."
I still want to hope that you kind of enjoy it, even if it's the lowest possibility.
See ya~♡

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