Oneshot #3

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It was already time for Eren.
Time to clean, obviously.
For the Captain nothing was more important than it, inside the walls.

He hasn't gone to his first expedition, yet, but still, he already had to do a lot of cleaning with Levi and his squad.
It was making him really stressed out, but he was willing to do all of those things, so he hided the whole time his being tired.

He wanted to work, to be not considereted a monster, one that doesn't have fierce, brave or that was not quilified.
He wanted to be accepted, he wanted to have connection with his squad, to get some love from them as he admired them so much already.
They were the élite squad of the Survey corps after all, who would not admire them?

Eren managed to have the trust of his squad, but something bothered him.
'Today was the first day with the experiments, indeed, it didn't gone too well.
But still, I don't get why the Captain quickly protected me from his squad, when I accidentally shifted my arm...' Eren looked at the bars in front of him.
"They trust me and still, I have to stay in there..." He whispered to himself only, making enchoing his voice in the cellar.

"I already told you, brat. It's a rule that we have to follow to make you stay here. Don't make me repeat it a third time." Levi said looking straight in the eyes of Eren.
"Captain?! Since when are you here?" Eren asked, kind of confused and suprised. He didn't hear him arrive, how could he be so quiet?
"Long enough to see your birth." He sarcastly said.

"Are you going to sleep early? It's 9 p.m. Are all of those things making you dead tired?" He then added, but Eren refused to tell him that he indeed was, his pride didn't allow him to and, plus, he was awfully selfless.
He didn't care of himself, if that was for the sake of humanity.
He had to learn how to transform into a titan without losing his coscience or going crazy, if he wanted to go back in his house. He wanted to know what was the mistery behind the titans.
He wanted to know what his father did not told him.
He wanted to know all the things his father hided.

"I have a thing to do." Levi said turning on his heels and waved a good bye to the boy.
"Good night, Captain!" Eren said, stuttering a little at first.
'Our first meeting was... Strange. Well, he insulted me more than once or twice, but still, I can say he appreciate something I said, or maybe he just saw a broom, but I can exclude that.' He chuckled on his own joke around Levi's cleanlines standards, he was a clean freak after all.
Above that, he still cannot say that he don't respect him because of that, he was his captain after all, and humanity's strogest soldier. It didn't matter to him if Levi had a passion for neat.

'I don't get it.
Why would someone, in the right state of mind, like anything I could've say? I don't even know what he liked!' His thoughts were interrupted by the door, which was opening.
Not the one of the cellar, but the one of his cell.
He looked up and saw a minute figure holding a tray, which was keeping two cups of tea and a jar of sugar.
"Captain? Why are you offering me tea?" He said puzzled by the actions of the black haired male.
"I wanted to have a conversation with you. Is that a problem, brat?
If you don't want to talk, just drink the tea and we both stay in silence. Not a problem to me." He added a second option.
"Mh?! No, no, Sir! You must have got something wrong!
It is not a problem to me to talk you." Eren specifically said, though the grey-blue eyed man did not believed him much.

"You can call me Levi, it is a permission of mine.
You can decide wether to do it or not.
Good to know that you have no problems with me.
Furthermore, do you have any bad dreams? You seem to not sleep way too good." Levi asked Eren, trying to get some honesty out of the brunette.
Luckly, he got some.

He said that ,when he slept, he had nightmares.
The raven asked which tipe were them and the emerald eyed boy answered by:
"It happens that I see my mother die in different ways, or I see everybody die, while I am helpless, or even that me, myself, kills the ones that I care or admire the most in my titan form... Quite the stupid, yet realistic, things, aren't they?" He said slightly chuckling in sadness at the end of the sentence.

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