Oneshot #8

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Eren walked down the empty hall, he needed time to think and he needed to have some time alone.

He was thinking about Levi's previous words, his previous actions.


Levi tapped the shoulder of Eren to order to inform him to follow him, and he did so.

They standed in front of each other, while the cold breeze gently touched their body, making their hairs move in a slow pattern: in front of her face, then backing off to their position

Levi's usual cold gaze felt more gentle and not that distant, but Eren, for some reasons, felt uneasy around him.

"Eren, I wanted to talk you in private." Levi's deep voice played, making Eren's fear increase.

"Did I do something wrong, sir?" He asked him back with a nervous tone, which made Levi sigh.

"Around me you act as a scared kitten. Is that still because of that time a beat you up at the court?" Levi asked, pausing after the question, but didn't paused long enough to let him get a response. "And no, you did nothing wrong. I just wanted to have a little chat with you."

"Well, may I know what's the topic about?" Eren asked his captain, still filled to the brim by uncertainess.

"It's about you."

"But you've just said I did nothing wrong-"

"Indeed, so why do you feel so uncomfortable, brat? I wanted to ask you what is the relationship between you and that raven haired girl... What was her name again...? Mikasa, was it?"

"We spent our childood together and we deeply care for each other, though she is too over protective over me... She seems my mum."

"You two seem pretty close. I am glad you have such friendships."

"Oh... I am really happy about it too! Mikasa and Armin helped me out a lot of times! I wonder if I was just a weight for them back then... And now i happened to be a weight even for you, sir.." Eren laughed at his memories, sadding internally.

"I'm sure you aren't, they care for you. And they aren't the only ones." Levi told him, mumbling the last part.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"The meaning is what you have to seek for. I just wanted to ask you if everything was going fine."


'What did he mean yesterday? What did he try to tell me?'

"Oi, Eren! Shouldn't you be already in the basement? Captain Levi will-" Oruo scolded him, trying to imitate Levi's talking behave, just to bite his tongue hardly, making some blood escape from there.

"This is what you get for ruining Captain Levi's image with your grotesque imitating skills!" Petra told him annoyed by Oruo's behavour. "Don't mind him, Eren. He is just a deadhead. You seemed to be overthinking, is there something bothering you? Tell me, I could help you!" She said sweetly to Eren, to help him out.

"Oh, Petra-san! I would really appreciate you help!" Eren told her, but gently asked her to go in another place, one more comfortable.

He explained what happened the day before and asked her what she felt he meant by that sentence and giggled about his pureness.

"Sometimes you seriously play dumb." Petra sweetly told him giggling, with no intention to hurt him. "Captain was quite transparent in what he said. He meant that he cares about you too and you... Well, ruined an opportunity to get closer to him." She sighed displeased by what Eren told his response was to that: "And they aren't the only ones."

"Petra-san, Captain Levi doesn't really seems the type to tell such a thing..."

"I know, it surprised me too, when you told me, but trust me, he meant that."

"So, I really ruined a chance to get closer to him! I... I will go to talk to him! I-Is it a good idea, Petra-san?" Eren told her loudly, muttering his question.

"Yes! It sure is, but choose your words wisely. It's still captain Levi the one we are talking about. And don't do anything reckless!" She cheered and waved him, as she stood up from her bed.

They were talking in her room, as Petra felt that in there Oruo wouldn't eavesdrop their conversation and she was right.

After he walked out her room, Petra felt sadness overwhelming her heart and a tear silently made her cheek wet.

'I will work my best to receive such a word by the captain! I already know he cares about all of us, but... Well, the choice it's only Captain Levi's one.' Petra smiled at her thought, whipping off her tear.


"Captain Levi! I have the response!" Eren stated excited as he entered in the canteen, knowing that at that time, Levi would've been drinking some of his bitter cup of black tea that he loved so much.

"Response? To what?" Levi asked, not losing his composure for he heard loud, fast steps heading to the mess hall, even though he thought they were Hanji's.

"Well, it's not really a response... I have the meaning of what you told me yesterday! Or at least, I think..." Eren quietly giggled nervously. "I don't really know, if it's right or not..."

"However, I do. Just tell me what you got and I will say if it's wrong of right, won't you?"

"Ehm... Okay... I think you meant that you cared for me, but I'm not sure, so don't get angry, please!" Eren said speedily, but clearly.

That action made Levi chuckle.

"You almost got an heart attack for telling me that?" Levi asked him sipping from his cup. "Yes, it's right."

"I care about you too, sir." Eren stated poking his fingers.

"Oh, you do?" Levi asked taking another sip of his tea.

"Yeah, really much!"

"Is it because I'm Humanity strongest soldier and your superior?"

"No, sir, it's because you are a marvellous person!" Eren stated loudly, almost yelling. He, then, got what he said and covered his mouth.

"I... made it awkward..." Eren said blushing.

"Yes, but I appreaciated it... Thanks, Eren... You are fine too..." Levi stated, patting a seat next to him offering Eren a cup of his prized tea.

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