8. Music Party

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You arive home and immediately start putting the groceries on their place.
Tom; ''You dont have to do that.''

You; ''Its the least that i can do.''

Tom; ''Ill help''

Tom gently grabs your waist to move you over a bit so that he can reach the other groceries.
You immediately get some butterflies in your stomach and sigh.

Tom; ''Everything okay?''

You; ''Uh yeah im okay.''

Tom; ''You like that?'' *Tom pointed at something but you didnt see it*

You; ''Sorry what?''

Tom; ''Right there.''

You; ''Oh yeah.. sure''

He grabbed some flowers in the store while you were getting your icecream.

Tom; ''Everythings done so i figured you might want to get ready or something? You dont have to, you always look like shit so.''

You; ''No i will get ready.''

When you didnt replied Tom noticed that something was on your mind bc you always have a good comeback to his jokes.

Tom; ''Alright"

*You walk to your room*

When Tom didnt hear any noises he came to check on you.

*knock knock*

You; ''Yeah?''

Tom; ''Its me.''

You; '''No shit. Come in.''

Tom; ''Hey you alright?''

You; ''Yeah.''

Tom sits next to you and grabs your waist again to pull hisself a little closer.
Again you feel the butterflies coming up and immediately you have goosebumps.

Tom; ''You really sure?''

You; ''I promise"

Tom; ''Alright so getting ready?''

You; ''Your so fucking annoying.''

Tom; "Im sorry haha but Harrison and Harry are here in less than an hour''

You; ''Yeah alright''

Tom; ''Alright see you in 30 min?''

You; ''Jup''
He walks away and you put on some music and start getting ready.
Tom walks up to your room bc he heard you singing really loud and bad.

Tom; "Y/N! My ears are bleeding!''

You; ''Fuck you! Come in btw!"

You put out the music, you are doing your makeup when Tom walks in.

You stand up and ask Tom; ''What do you think? Would I make a good first impression or not?''

Tom; ''Uhm yeah. You look very beautifull''

You; ''Thank you. You know pink actually looks really good on you"

Tom; ''Thank you.''

Tom sits down on your bed and puts on the music again, you start singing really loud togheter, eventually you both start dancing really funny together.

Meeting the love of my life - Tom Holland storyWhere stories live. Discover now