16. Everything

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Harrison; ''First of all you're an amazing girl.''

You; ''uhm thank you haha.''

You feel a little uncomfortable because you may know what Harrison is about to say and you already know that you dont feel the same.

Harrison; ''Alright, im just gonna say it.. I like you Y/N. And quit a lot haha.''

You; ''Uhm Haz. Please dont take this personal, I mean you're a great guy, no doubt. But it-''

Harrison; ''Its Tom.''

You; ''I dont want to call it that yet.''

Then you both hear footsteps. Its Tom with Harry next to him.

Tom; ''Not yet?''

Harrison; ''Tom? Ofcourse.''

Tom; ''Sorry mate, I didnt want to ruin the moment but you called me.''

You; ''Listen im really sorry Haz.''

Harrison; ''No its fine, I get it. Thank you for the photoshoot.''

You; ''Haz..''

Harrison; ''Please just dont. It will only make it worse for me.''

Harrison gets his jacket and leaves. Tom follows him.

Tom; ''Haz!''

Harrison; ''No Tom nothing will change between us and the group. I just need a little walk to think.''

Tom; ''You promise? You know im nothing without you.''

Harrison walks up to you and hugs Tom.

Harrison; ''Pinky?''

"Pinky'' is something Tom and Harrison used to do as little kids. ''If you ever break a 'Pinky' this is over.'' Tom said at the age of 11.

Tom smiles.

Tom; ''Pinky.''

Harrison walks away and Tom comes back inside.

You; ''Is he okay?''

Tom; ''Just a little bit upset, he's going for a walk now and promised me that nothing's gonna change between all of us.''

You; ''Im going home to take a bath.''

You put in your earphones, you heard Tom say something but couldnt hear it bc of the music. You get your jacket and walk home.

Harry; ''Happy?''

Tom; ''Shut up.''

Harry; ''She told me about this.''

Tom; ''About what?''

Harry; ''Her feelings for you.''

Tom; ''She did?''

Harry; ''Please promise me one thing.''

Tom; ''What?''

Harry; ''Dont let her walk away. I know you're scared for other people's opions and that ''The maybe getting famous'' part will hurt her but she really likes you. I can see it when she talkes about you and when I look at her I just see that she wants to do this together.''

Tom; ''This is the first time you actually like a girl I meet you know that?''

Harry; ''The other girls couldnt do this Tom. They just wanted to be with you and Y/N wants to be with you and do it all.''

Tom; ''What do you mean.''

Harry; ''She wants to do it all with you. She wants to tell the world that she likes you because she knows that this will last. She wants to travel the world with you for your job just so you can fall back on her when you need to because she actually knows how hard this job is. The other girls you brought home just wanted to be with you and thought that it was easy what you do.''

Tom gets a big smile on his face.

You forgot something and got back. You heard what Harry said.

You; ''He's right... I'll see you guys at home.''

Tom; ''Y/N.''

You walk up to Tom.

You; ''I know its not gonna be easy, especially with the fandom you have, but I can take the busy life.''

Tom; ''Its a lot.''

You; ''I know Tom but I like you so I have to like every little thing of you. You love what you do and the people who support you so I will love that too because its a part of you.''

Tom kisses your cheek.

Tom; ''Thank you.''

SORRY ITS SO 'SWEET AND ROMANTIC' hahah but I hope you still like it.

Meeting the love of my life - Tom Holland storyWhere stories live. Discover now