33. Being Back

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~Next morning~

You; ''Baby you realy need to get up!'' You scream from the bathroom.

Tom; ''Just 15 more minutes!''

You; ''Tom, Haz is gonna be waiting for us! We have to make breakfast!''

Tom; ''We can get something while driving!''

You; ''We need to clean the house!''

Tom; ''We divide the tasks!''

You; ''Omg Tom! You have to shower! And dont say ''We can shower together'' cause you know how that ends!''

Tom; ''Babyyy!''

You wash your hands and walk into the bedroom. Tom is still in bed.

You; ''Get upp.''

You throw a pillow at his head and he starts laughing.

Tom; ''You are going to pay for this.''

He takes your hand and pulls you onto the bed so that you fall on top of him. He starts to tickle you which makes you laugh.

You; ''5 minutes.''

Tom; ''10.''

You; ''8.''

Tom; ''9.''

You; ''9 but were not showering together.''

Tom; ''8.5 and a shower.''

You; ''Ughh fine.''

You and Tom cuddle for 8 minutes but when you try to get up Tom pulls you back and holds you really tight.

You; ''Tom we really need to shower now.''

Tom; ''2 minutes.''

You; ''Ill give you everything you want when we get back but please can we get ready now?''

Tom; ''Ughh okay.''

*He gets out of bed with a grumpy face, you give him a kiss*

(Little 18+)

You; ''Not so grumpy or you will not get pleased tonight.''

Tom; ''I guess I will need to please you than.''

You; ''Lets get ready before I dont even want to pick up Haz anymore.''

*You wink. He smirks*

You hop in the shower but nothing happend since you unfortunaly had to say ''no'' 6 times to Tom because you needed to pick up Haz.

~Time skip to the airport~

You: ''Ready?''

Tom; ''Are you?''

You; ''Definitely''

You take Tom's hand and walk towards the place Harrison should be waiting.

You; ''Haz!''

You run towards Harrison and jump on top of him wraping your legs around his waist.

(All in a friendly way!)

Harrison; ''Darling!''

You; ''I missed you! It wasnt the same without you!''

Tom catches up and looks a little mad. He puts on a fake smile.

Tom; ''I missed you bro.''

Harrison puts you down and gives Tom a hug.

Harrison; ''I missed you too bro.''

Meeting the love of my life - Tom Holland storyWhere stories live. Discover now