Chapter 8: Festival For Who?

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"Don't concern yourselves with me." The dark haired teacher of class 1-A instructed as he stalked his way to the front podium of the classroom. The man looked like a mummy, bandaged from head to toe and probably still healing from his injuries after the USJ.

Tenya Iida had just asked if the teacher was faring well, to which the man only replied with his prior statement. It wasn't of any concern to the students how he was doing or not, though the concern was appreciated, it was irrational and unprofessional.

The day came where the students would arrive back at school to continue their normal learning, and Izuku was already feeling completely exhausted by it. He sighed as the man slowly walked to the podium, preparing himself for another god awful speech to introduce the class.

"UA's Sports Festival is fast approaching. Now you may be asking, 'Why are we doing this right after the USJ,'? Well, that's exactly why we're doing it. To show those villains that they can't stop us from operating like normal." Aizawa stated, his eyes peeking through the bandages over his face. "Think about the benefits of the Sports Festival because you'll be scouted by pros the entire time. Just don't act like idiots, and you'll probably do fine. Most of you at least."

The man then opted to leave the room and head back to the nurses office to receive further treatment for his injuries. Izuku rolled his eyes at his teacher's excuse to take a nap in the nurse's office, but relented the free time to quickly swivel around in his seat and cross his arms over Kyouka's desk, laying his head upon them.

"So, are you ready for the Sport's Festival? Seems exciting, yeah?" He questioned, watching the girl scribble idly in a notebook. Kyouka shrugged before putting her pencil down and locking her gaze with the greenette in front of her. More noticeably the hat on his head.

"I guess so. It's our chance at pro heroism... Say, what's your reasoning for wanting to be a hero? You seem to really have the drive to save people, but it makes me curious." The girl questioned, laying her head on her desk as a means to be at proper eye level with the boy.

"A deep question right off the bat, really?" Izuku questioned, chuckling softly as she reached over and removed the greenettes beanie. Pouting as she did so. "I guess it's mainly just the want to prove the world wrong. Change the standard by being the best damn hero in the world. I want to make people hopeful for a brighter future, something I never really had."

Kyouka put Izuku's beanie on and stared at the boy, "Huh... That's a really good reason, Midoriya." She said, tilting her head slightly. The greenette shrugged and quickly snatched his beanie back.

"Don't touch my hat without permission. So what about you?" The greenette questioned, placing his hat atop his head as the girl in front of him pouted once more. She had it only for awhile, but wearing his hat was fun! "What reason does the multi-talented Kyouka Jirou have for wanting to be a hero?"

Kyoua glared at the boy and lightly smacked him upside his head. "Don't patronize me. I guess my reasoning would be that I wanted to dedicate myself to saving others. I wanted to be someone that could bring a smile to people's faces, and while music is a passion of mine I just really wanted to be a hero instead."

Izuku stared at the girl, his face showing surprise. She had a noble reason for wanting to be a hero. It honestly gave him all the more reason to admire the girl, and have that much more respect for her. They both wanted to give people hope and make them smile, that's what all heroics should be about in Izuku's mind. That's what every hero should strive for; being the light in the dark for people.

"Our reasons aren't that much different then..." Izuku said, raising his head from Kyouka's desk. The girl soon followed suit and quirked a brow at him, only to see his smirking, cocky face. "That just adds to your appeal. You're cute, and noble. Real girlfriend material."

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