Chapter Five: Battle Training

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Izuku sat outside on the roof of UA, his lunch sat right beside him as he finished off his cigarette. The boy had escaped the rest of his class as he felt as though he needed some alone time. After telling Jirou his secret, she had been making more and more of an effort to be around him.

He honestly enjoyed the attention, and kindness from the girl. But right now he had a lot on his mind. He was questioning a lot of things, such as if he made the right decision. Was it right to tell her about his identity so soon? They haven't even known each other for more than a day or two.

But much to his discretion, she had kept true to her word. She hadn't told anyone about his identity and they had even begun to grow closer to one another. They were good friends now, which was something he had never had before. It was... Oddly nice. They had exchanged contact information and texted all last night, and- Speaking of which, his phone had just gone off with a text from the girl.

He pulled out his phone to read the notification, and it was her asking where he was. He smiled; she was trying to find him. He texted a quick response; "Somewhere I can smoke," And began to eat his lunch. Soon enough the girl had appeared from the roof entrance, and made her way over to the boy.

"Why out here?" She questioned, taking a seat next to the boy. The girl was honestly confused on why he was up here by himself. He took a large helping of his Katsudon, before answering.

"I like the view. Plus I can smoke out here without getting in trouble." He answered, shrugging. "Why were you so persistent in finding me today? You head over heels for me already?"

The girl blushed and glared at the boy. Honestly sometimes his teasing was too much to bear sometimes. She quickly whipped the boy with her jack, eliciting a grunt of pain from the boy. He really needed to stop with his flirting.

"Shut up! Is it so wrong for me to want to hangout with a friend?" She exclaimed, attempting to hit the boy on the head. He shielded himself with his arm and chuckled at her attempts at harming him. He knew she wasn't seriously trying to hurt him, but it was cute to see her get flustered like this. Plus he just enjoyed causing mischief.

"Oh so I'm a friend now? Can't I be more?" He questioned with a playful tone. The girl glared at him once more, and jacked him in his neck, causing him to spasm on the ground in pain. He was lucky that he finished his food as he probably would've spilled it everywhere.

"Shut it, mophead!"

"So we have heroics class today, right?" Izuku asked, as him and Jirou made their way back to the classroom. Jirou nodded, as he held open the door for her. They then stepped inside, before a certain pink-skinned girl rushed her way over to the two of them.

"Oh my gosh! Are you two dating!?" She questioned, frantically. She had gotten way too close to Izuku, and made him uncomfortable. Luckily Jirou was quick to push the girl back a couple paces before things got too out of hand. Did she have any idea what personal space was?

"First off, I don't even know who you are." Izuku stated before turning to the purplette beside him. She quirked a brow at him, before he spoke. "And I don't know, are we?"

"We are most certainly not!" She growled, blushing as she jacked the boy in his neck once again. This time though, he was lucky as she hadn't begun pumping vibrations through him. "Quit your delusions!"

"Well, there's your answer." He mumbled, turning back to the pink-skinned girl. Jirou had simply stomped back to her seat, and watched on as the two conversed. Jirou's heart really couldn't take all of this guy's teasing, though she had to admit it was nice to get attention from him. He was really sweet when he wasn't trying to mess with her.

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