Chapter 9: Neon Industrialist

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The light that shined over his eyes was bright. It felt as though he had laid there for hours on the sand. His environment felt like some dry desert, but the sounds of rushing waves would always remind him of his position. Sometimes, however, he would envision himself in the desert, and the waves were from some distant oasis waiting for him. His last chance of survival, or maybe a sliver of hope that it could be there.

'God, I'm getting philosophical again...' Izuku stated as he sat up from the sands of Municipal Beach Park. He sighed, this place was starting to get to him and he was getting tired of this environment. It didn't suit him to just be sitting on a sunny beach, training the day away as if his life depended on it. He had been at this for hours, trying to perfect his neon techniques, but the sand of the beach was proving to be a bit of a challenge.

Izuku sighed. "I keep slipping due to this damn sand... I need somewhere else to go." The boy complained under his breath. Sometimes muttering to himself like this just helped hs thought process, but others would tend to be weirded out by it. This was seriously some kind of big pain in the ass, he just wanted to get these moves down already.

The greenette stood and looked up to the cloudless blue sky, a nice day for those who enjoyed the sun and the beach. Izuku, however, was not one of those people. He was a nyctophile; someone who enjoyed and found comfort in the dark. Sitting out in the sun like this was just bound to make him uncomfortable.

"First and foremost, let's get out of the sun... Maybe one of those abandoned warehouses." Izuku mumbled as he grabbed his bag and leapt up from the beach, onto the pavement above, and eventually finding his way atop the roofs of the city. He was lucky his neon abilities allowed him to scale the buildings quite easily, what with his light dash basically making it easy for him to move at lightspeed.

The boy leapt from rooftop to rooftop, parkouring his way around the city, and switching from neon to smoke when necessary. Seems city travel was quite easy when you were able to move like Izuku could, and he found himself at the old docks in no time. Izuku looked around at his surroundings, seeing the sun reflect off the waves of the ocean as he sighed.

He hadn't been this stressed in a long time, the Sports Festival was right around the corner, and he told himself that he'd hold off on contacting Kyouka so that she could focus on her own individual training, and he could focus on his. He both didn't want to distract her, but he was also beginning to realize that he was developing a crush on the purplette. And Izuku Midoriya did not crush on people.

So he opted to go for another route; If he placed in the top three, he'd tell her. If not, he'd have to bottle up his feelings and wait for another day. Probably not a good idea, but it was just a small crush, right? They were only friends, and something like this was bound to happen eventually. It would pass.

Izuku, however, was more occupied with getting into this warehouse so that he could train. This wasn't the time to think about a girl he fancied, he had work to do. Izuku smacked his hads to his face to snap him out of his thoughts, and quickly absorbed some smoke coming from a nearby vent, before smoke dashing through said vent, which led straight into the warehouse.

Izuku landed on the floor of the abandoned warehouse with a rather large tuft of smoke dispersing throughout the warehouse, helping block out the sunlight. His surroundings grew dark, and smoky. Izuku inspected his surroundings, finding old neon signs and a few industrial crates and chains. Seemed this old shipping warehouse was used to store old equipment for the city's many stores and night attractions.

"This... It's perfect..! Hell, I could turn this into a studio for my art!" Izuku exclaimed to himself, smiling as ideas started flooding his mind. Signs could go there and be lit up, he could bring in some old furniture that remained at the recycle center back when Izuku trained on the beach! This place could definitely be transformed into something greater for himself. He could even tag the walls of the building!

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