Chapter 10: Take It Easy

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Izuku sat at the table with his head propped up by his hand, idly watching as his classmates conversed amongst themselves. It was pretty boring sitting here and waiting to be called out to the field, but it seemed that no one else was bothered by it. Maybe his boredom was because Kyouka wasn't around yet. He didn't have anyone to mess with, though one person decided it would be a great idea to mess with him.

"Heyyyy, Midoriya!" The pink skinned Mina Ashido called, rushing over to pester the greenette. Izuku would sigh and turn and stare at her with a blank look on his face causing Mina to giggle at his expression. "Don't give me that look!"

"What do you want, Mina?" He asked, clearly wanting her gone so that he could brood in peace. The pinkette would simply hold her phone up to show that Kyouka texted her to say that she was changed and on her way.

"She's almost here, -pants." She revealed, smirking as his face seemed to brighten up. "But how'd those videos I sent you help? Do you think you learned what you wanted to?"

"Oh. Well, I'd say just wait for the surprise, little-miss-alien." He'd say, his tone teasing as she pouted with a lilac blush adorning her face. Her appearance was a bit of a touchy subject, though she knew that he only meant to tease her lightly.

"Geez! What's with you and always wanting to be secretive!" She complained, crossing her arms and continuing to pout before the door opened to reveal Kyouka had arrived. The purplette quickly searched the room before finding her friend, and her now... Well, she wasn't sure if she should call him her boyfriend yet.

'That does bring up the question... He never clarified what he wants from us. Maybe he doesn't want to be my boyfriend at all...' She thought as she approached the greenette, watching as Mina smirked at her and skipped off as if she was some kind of wingwoman. 'I-I'm sure I just need to ask him, right? Yeah, it's not like there'll be an issue with that.'

"Mina, where are you going?" Izuku questioned, scowling as she just walked off right when Kyouka arrived. The pinkette would simply grin mischievously and blend into the crowd of their classmates, silently watching the two of them as she got out of their sight. "...Right. Anyways, hey Kyouka. It's good to see you after last night."

His tone was hardly above a whisper, though his smirk and gentle gaze spoke louder. He was genuinely happy to see her, and Kyouka smiled as her worries seemed to disappear, though that wouldn't stop her from asking him to clarify.

"Yeah, I'm happy to see you too." She replied, smiling as she seated herself beside him. She'd then steal the beanie off of his head and smirk as he furrowed his brow at her, his soft hair now looking messier than ever. "Say, think I could ask you something?"

Izuku ruffled his hair. "Sure, what's up?" He'd question, not noticing that a certain dual-haired boy had begun to approach the two of them, his eyes set on a specific green-haired boy with a smoking habit.

"W-Well, um-" She started before being startled by Todoroki suddenly appearing before them. Izuku would peer up through his hair as Kyouka had suddenly stopped speaking, and realized that her attention was now on something, or rather, someone else.

Izuku gazed up at Todoroki as he was standing, and scowled. How dare he interrupt their time together. Izuku would rise from his seat and put his hands in his pockets menacingly as Todoroki matched his glare.

"What?" Izuku demanded him to speak. Kyouka could tell that he wasn't very happy with being interrupted but this guy was definitely here for a pretty serious reason as he hardly ever spoke to anyone. Izuku's scowl would deepen as the boy didn't speak, and he'd slam a hand on the table, drawing the attention of their other classmates. "Out with it!"

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