Meeting an Fictional Character

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~Your P.O.V.~

I put down my Percy Jackson book. It was my third time reading it, and every time it gets better and better. It was The Titans Curse, the one where Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia finds Bianca and Nico di Angelo. I just got to the part where Bianca died, and I know this is my third time reading it but I felt like crying, again! Mostly because I know how Nico will react after he finds out.

Sighing, I put on my (favorite band) sweatshirt and my black vans. I wanted to go on a walk, to clear my mind about Bianca's death. Yes, I am that emotionally damaged. I decided to walk to my favorite hill, mostly because of how beautiful the view is and plus I got a stash of (favorite snack) up there. I picked up my book and left. What? Just because I'm emotionally ruined doesn't mean I don't want to keep on reading.

Walking down stairs, I saw my big brother, Noah watching Supernatural. My brother has big bright green eyes and (your hair color) hair. Noah is my only family, and we're pretty close. He's 19 while I'm stuck at 15. Our parents left us when I was 11 and Noah was 15. I'll tell you that story later.

"UGH, WHY WON'T YOU TWO JUST KISS ALREADY?!?!" Noah yelled at the screen. It showed Castiel and Dean doing the 'eye thing' as Noah called it. I giggled at his fan-boying. That's right, my brother's a fanboy, a very rare species.

"Calm down, Noah. They'll probably do it soon" I reasured him. Noah just glared at me,

"Yeah, they'll probably kiss once I go fully straight! WHICH WILL BE NEVER!!" Oh yeah, and he's bisexual. Noah usually go for guys, but only a couple of times has a girl caught his attention. I fought the urge to laugh while Noah screamed into the coach pillow.

"Well, I'm going for a walk up to my hill. Be back around five!" I exclaimed while walking to the door. I only got a groan back and an 'okay' from my brother.

We lived in an apartment up in New York. It has a total of five rooms. A kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms, and a living room. It isn't much, but its home. Noah works at a bakery not to far from here. He makes a good pay, enough for me to get schooling to. Plus I walk dogs and babysit for some people in our apartment complex, so it all works out well.

After about fifteen minutes, I got to my hill. It has the most prettiest sight ever. You can see the whole city up here, all the lights will go on at night and light up the whole place. There's a lake under the cliff, and sometimes you can see a family hanging out under there, having a grand time. Sometimes I feel envious for the kids who have parents, and spending their time together while mine decided to leave me and my brother to help eachother. But, then again, I remember that Noah is the only family I'll ever need.

I sat down on the soft grass and pulled out the (favorite snack) stash from the hole I had digged up. It was covered by a rock and stored away in a lunch box so no creature could get my precious food. Wiping off the dirt from the (favorite cartoon) lunch box, I took my snack and started reading my book. This is my favorite and yet again least favorite book of the series. Its my favorite because they show the di Angelo's and Thalia, who I find bad ass. But its my least favorite because Nico changed so much by the end of the book because of Bianca passing on. And maybe because Thalia leaves to join the huntress' and I don't see her again until The Last Olympian.

I had gotten to the end of the book by four, and I was suppose to be home by five. So why not go get some dinner? I put my stash back on its rightful place and grabbed my book, heading to the nearest fast food place. Mcdonalds. I don't usually go there, but Noah likes their McFlurries and I think he's gonna need one. Mostly because either somebody died on Supernatural, and even if they have died already twice or more, he still cries. You do not know how many tears were shed with that episode where Sam is repeating so many Tuesdays and Dean dies everytime. Its like he was on his man period.

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