Off To Camp Half-Blood!

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           ~-*-*-*-Your P.O.V.-*-*-*-~

   When we got back to my apartment, Noah was sobbing on the couch with Supernatural playing. I ran over to him,

"Noah? What's wrong?" I asked in a soothing voice.

"BOBBY JUST DIED!!" He cried. I sighed and pulled out the McFlurry.

"Here, I had a feeling you would need it." I said, but I mumbled at the end. Noah took the McFlurry, but looked over at Nico who has been just staring at is for the last few minutes.

"So uhm... Who's your friend with the freakishly accurate cosplay of Nico?" Noah asked, taking a bite of the flurry while staring at Nico.

"Oh... Ummm.... That actually is Nico di Angelo..." I said.

Noah scoffed,

"Psh, yeah. And I'm Poisidon. Seriously, who is he?" Nico walked over to us. I can see him shaking a little. But, then again, we are characters from a so called book. But, so is he.

"My name is Nico di Angelo. I'm the son of Hades and I am currently 15 years old. Your Noah (Y/L/N). Your parents, Chris and Amy (Y/L/N), left you at the age of 15 along with your sister. Your bisexual and you are what some people call a fanboy.

    You are obsessed with Supernatural, Sherlock, The Avengers, and Nutella." Nico took little steps closer to us in his speech. There was an very awkward silence before I broke it by saying,

"That was a little creepy, Neeks. Next time, say that we're in a book first and after he doesn't believe you, then say your speech. Now, he thinks your a stalker".

    Noah just stared at him, the looked at me, then back to Nico.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN WE'RE A BOOK AND HOW DID THIS GUY NOW ALMOST MY WHOLE BACK STORY?!" Noah yelled. So, I told him what happened down at McDonalds. From seeing Nico all the way to getting our food. Noah stared at me, having a blank facial expression during the whole story.         He nodded slowly at the end.

"So, your the actual Nico di Angelo?" Noah asked, staring at Nico. He nodded.

"And your a fan of the story about our messed up lives?" another nod. Noah thought for a second,

"Well, our lives are already pretty messed up so why not believe you?" Noah decided.

    Nico smiled which, from what I have read, is pretty rare. Yet, he has smiled so much tonight. Nico exhaled loudly,

"Good, because you don't know how excited to see you right now!" Noah smirked,

"Hopefully not that excit-"


I interrupted/yelled at him. Noah chuckled,

"Sorry, when I see the chance, I take it." Looking over at Nico, I can see a little blush on his face.

"Sorry Nico," I apologized.

"You know how Noah can be..." Nico nodded.

"Its fine... But, I do have a question" I raised an brow,

"Sure, what is it?"

"Who's the author of the series I'm in?" I gulped. Oh gods, if Nico found out who caused all of the murders to his loved ones who knows what he'll do!

"Rick Riordan. But you gotta promise on the river of styx not to kill him!" I exclaimed. Nico nodded and murmured under his breath,

"I promise on the river of styx I won't kill Rick Riordan" I patted his head,

"Good Nico". Noah coughed,

"I have a couple of questions myself!" Nico looked at him.

"What is it?" Noah smirked,

"Are you bisexual or just gay?" Nico blushed a little while I facepalmed.

"How am I the youngest, again?" I mumbled. Nico cleared his throat

"I'm bisexual..." Noah raised his hand

"BI HIGHFIVE!!" He yelled. Him and Nico highfived while I just watch it happen.

"Anything else?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, is camp half blood real?" Noah asked. Nico nodded,

"Of course. Its not far from here actually."

"I WANNA GO!!" Noah exclaimed, jumping up and down on the coach like a five year old. I smiled widely,

"Yeah Nico! Can we go? Please?! We are already blessed by the gods, maybe they'll let us in!" I begged. Yeah, when me and Noah were first born the actual Greek Gods blessed us with special powers. At least, we think its just gifts...

    Nico thought about it for a couple of minutes.

"Yeah," he nodded

"We can try it. Annabeth would most definitely like to meet you guys. She is the one that got me into the book" I laughed in happiness while Noah literally squealed.

"Yes! Wait, how are we gonna get there?" I asked. Nico smirked,

"That's where my powers come in". He started walking towards the wall, where a shadow was...

"We're gonna shadow travel?!" I exclaimed in peer excitement. Nico nodded,

"Yes, now get over here" Me and Noah ran over and held onto Nico. Suddenly, there was a darkness surrounding us. It was cold and you can hear voices. I gripped onto Nico a little tighter, and I could feel him sqeeze my hand a little too. Then, the scene changed from darkness to a room.

The room was all around black and red. The walls were black and along with the sheets on the beds. The floor was a blood red, along with all of the doors.

"I'm guessing this is your room?" Noah asked, letting go of Nico and checking his new surroundings. Nico nodded,

"C'mon. I'll show you the camp. I think everyone is eating right now." We followed Nico to the mess hall. That's when I noticed that me and Nico were still holding hands. Holy crap, his hands are soft as frickle frackle! I blushed,

"Hey Nico..." the said male turned his head to me.


"We're still holding hands..." I mumbled. Nico blushed a little and let go of my hand.

"Sorry..." He mumbled.

"HEY LOVE-BIRDS!! HURRY UP ALREADY!!" Noah yelled back at us. I blushed even more and I think Nico did to. We all got to the mess hall, and Noah being Noah, he burst through the doors and yelled;

"WHAT UP, HALF BLOODS?!?!" The whole room got quiet. That's when I realized that my idiotic, some how older brother, was not wearing pants. Noah was standing there, with his hands on his hips and a black sweat shirt on, but his spongebob boxers were very, very, noticeable.

"Noah," I growled

"Where the hell is your pants?!". Noah looked down,

"Oh, of course this happens to me..." he mumbled. The next thing I know, Chiron came down. Woop-de-fluffing-do.

"Nico, who are these children and where is this young man's pants?" Chiron demanded. Nico cleared his throat nervously.

"This is (Y/N) and Noah (Y/N/L), sir. And I have no idea where his pants are..." Chiron's eyes lite up with curiosity and surprise.

"Noah and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? As in, the two kids who are blessed by all twelve gods?" Me and Noah nodded. Chiron smiled widely,

"Welcome, Noah and (Y/N) (Y/L/N), too Camp Half-Blood!"

YAY, YOUR IN CAMP HALF BLOOD!!! I just, really want a brother like Noah... And the picture has nothing to do with the story, I just found it funny. ANYWAYS, I'LL BE UPDATING SOON OKAY BYE!!!

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