Big Brother Is A Sneaky Bastard

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                 -Noah's P.O.V.- *collective gasps in the distance* AN: (Y/E/C) MEANS YOUR EYE COLOR AND (S/N) MEANS SHIP NAME OKAY?! OKAY!!

I walked over to my little sister-kins when I got the chance to get out of the crowd of Demigods. She was over with, what it looked like, the big seven. Wait. Hold up a sec...

"HOLY CRAP, THE BIG SEVEN!!" I screamed. My head was fuzzy and i felt a jolt of both happiness and nervousness.

"Aye! It's the man with no pants! Hey! That rhymed!" A latino, I'm guessing Leo, said. I gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah. Sorta forgot about that..." (Y/N) rolled her eyes,

"Everyone, this is my some how older and idiotic fanboy big brother, Noah. Noah, this is the famous big seven" (Y/N) introduced.

"Shut up, (Y/N). You love me!" I said with a smirk. She smiled and giggled a little. A boy with blond hair and electric blue eyes came up to me,

"Hi, I'm Jason Grace. It's nice to meet you" Jason said, with his hand out asking for a shake. I contained my urge to drop to the ground and start crying and squeeling like a little girl beCAUSE THE JASON GRACE IS STANDING RIGHT IN FLUFFING FRONT OF ME!!! I managed to smile widely and grab his hand,

"Nice to meet ya, Mr.Grace! I'm Noah (Y/L/N), but you can call me Mr.Winchester or the Doctor, your choice!" You could hear (Y/N) face palming like a mile away. "Just call him Noah..." Little sissy-kins mumbled. Jason nodded and let go of my hand. Hehehe, you should have seen his face when I told him that. Shock, confused, and the classic 'You're kidding, right?' mixed all in one. Ah, I love doing that to people.

"Anyways, we should be going to bed unless you want to be eaten," Piper said with yawn. Everyone else nodded. "Can we stay in the Hades cabin?" (Y/N) asked. Hazel, at least I think it's Hazel, nodded with smile.

"Sure! We have plenty of bunks in there! Follow me," Yeah, pretty damn sure that's Hazel. We said our goodnights too everyone and followed Hazel.

      We were about half way to the Hades cabin when I nudge (Y/N) I nudge in the ribs.

"So," I smirked, "Any reason why you wanted to go sleep in the Hades cabin? This doesn't have to do with an certain death boy, does it?" She blushed slightly and cleared her throat. "Of course not! I just thought it would be a good idea since he was the one who brought us here and everything," (Y/N) said a little to quickly. My smirk grew a little,

"Yeah, okay. I can believe that." This is sooo going on my shipping list.

After another five minutes, we arrived at the death cabin. "Make yourself at home!" Hazel said with cheery smile.

"Sadly, I have to be going to my home. But I'll see you soon!" She said, then left the cabin.

"BYE!!!" I screamed as Hazel shut the door.

"Guys? What are you doing here?" Turning around, I saw Nico in his pajamas.

"We are sleeping with you tonight! In a non-sexual way of course. Unless you want t-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, Noah" (Y/N) interrupted. I shrugged,

"It was just a suggestion." Nico nodded with a blush on his face.

"O-Okay... The bunkers are over there," he mumbled and pointed to the left. I nodded and replied with,

"Thanks, cutie!"


-*-*-*-*-*-*The Next Morning*-*-*-*-*-

I woke up to (Y/N) jumping on my bed. Psh, and you thought I was the only crazy one. "NOAH!! NOAH WAKE UP!!" My little sister yelled in my ear. I groaned and pushed her face away.

   "No thanks, tired. And the world is stupid," I grumbled. (AN: If you know where that's from and who said it, I'll love you like Italy loves pasta.) A few seconds past, and I thought the little one left. Sighing, I started drifting off into my SuperLock dream world once again. That was until the fire nation attacked.

    Well, at least that's what it felt like. First, I heard quick pattering of feet. Then, a voice yelled out,

"NE NE PA PA WAKE THE FLUFF UP, SOLDIER!!!" Then a body crashed onto mine making me groan iN AGONIZING PAIN!!!

"HOLY CRAP FISH, (Y/N)!!!" I yelled. The said demon child was cuddling into my side.

    (Y/N) looked up at me with big (Y/E/C) eyes and a small cute smile on her face.

"Are you awake now, Großer Bruder*?" she asked sweetly. I glared down at her. "Yes, very much so," I replied. She giggled,

"Just thought you didn't want to miss out on the food! There's a change of clothes on the dresser." (Y/N) said while getting off of me. My eyes widen at the word 'food', and rushed out of bed.

   "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" I exclaimed (maybe yelled) at my sister. The change of clothes were a bright orange shirt with 'Camp Half Blood' written on it and a pair of jeans. I grabbed them and quickly put them on. I ran outside and into the pavilion while screaming "FOOD, DON'T WORRY I'M COMING FOR YA!!!" For a normal organism, it would've taken maybe five minutes to run to the dining area from the Hades cabin. But, it will only take literally one minute for a hungry Noah.

      I ran up to my place up on the big area and sat down in the place I was last night.

"Give me three stacks of pancakes with maple syrup, five strips of bacon, an apple and a Dr.Pepper please," I asked. They magically appeared in the thin air. "This is the best thing ever!" I squeeled and dug into my food. It taste like freackin heaven doing a lap dance on my tongue.

    About ten minutes later, (Y/N), Nico, Leo, Piper, Percy and Annabeth (I believe by their apperance that that's them) came into the mess hall. I waved from my seat with a piece of bacon from my mouth. "HEY GUYS!!" I exclaimed. The group looked up at me and waved back and went to their tables. (Y/N) followed Nico to the Hades table and talked.

   Okay, this probably the best thing a big brother is suppose to do, but I am totally shipping my little sister with death boy. Oh gods, they would be so cute together!! Of course, I'm going to have too give death breath the 'Hurt-my-sister-or-I'll-burn-you' speech. I had to give it to someone once, lets just say they were not cold in that alley corner. And it's totally obvious that they like eachother! I mean, look at them smiling, giggling, and blushing at eachother! I now have a mission, but I'll need help.

   I walked down over to Piper, Leo, Annabeth, and Percy. I smiled at them,

"Hey!" They smiled back. "I see you have pants," Leo smirked. I chuckled,

"Yeah. But it's not as airy..." They bursted out laughing. I smiled and sat myself down at the end. "So," I began once the laughter died down,"I have a little proposition for you guys." Piper giggled, "Yeah, and what is that?"

   I told them my plan, and they said that they'll help. I glanced over at (Y/N) and Nico. Plan (S/N) is a go.

HEY THERE, FELLOW DEMIGODS!!! I finally updated!! I seriously need to create a Noah and sell on Ebay or something. But I get to keep one. AND GUESS WHAT, MY SISTER AND HER FRIENDS JUST GOT HOME AND THEY BROUGHT JACK IN THE BOX!!! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!! BE BACK LATER OKAY, LOVE YOU!!! Btw, Großer Bruder means Big Brother in German.

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