The Hecate Kids

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///New P.O.V.
"GOD DAMN IT, NOT AGAIN!!" I jumped under the table as yet another green explosion went off. "Way to go, Arthur. Yet again, another failed potion." I grumbled as I wiped green dust off of my clothes. Arthur glared at me with his green eyes, "Shut up, Ash. Like you could do any better..."
I shrugged and put on some gloves. "Is that a bet?" Vlad, another friend of mine in the room smirked, showing off one of his fang looking tooth. "Ooo~! THE LOSER HAS TO TRY TOO MAKE LUKA SMILE!!" Lukas, the most emotionless human ever to walk this planet, just sighed and continued looking through his book.
Quickly, I put all of the ingredients in the cauldron and mumbled some ancient words. Suddenly, the cauldron spit out some fire. I covered my eyes with my arms. When the fire died down, I peered over my arms and smirked. There, in the cauldron, sat an egg. A dragon egg to be exact.
"Ha! Take that, Iggy!" I exclaimed while examining the egg. Arthur, Vlad, and Lukas came over to the cauldron to take a look at my dragon egg. "HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" The Brit screamed in my ear.
"I followed the directions, that's how." I answered bluntly as I reached down to grab the egg. It was midnight black with some blue designs on it. "It's quiet a beauty, don't ya think?" I asked, smiling at my creation. "Of course it's a beauty, that's a Night Crawler egg, they're one of the most dangerous and gorgeous dragons out there," Lukas pointed out.
"Yup~! And it's all mine!" I said happily. "This is fantastic! When that dragon is hatched, we could learn more about them!" Vlad exclaimed. I nodded, "Yeah, but I'll have to be careful not to have dad see it..."
"Right.... We could always switch off everytime we have a meeting. That way we'll all have a turn in taking care of the dragon," Arthur put out. "And we all have to watch out for some idiot not to break it..." Lukas growled. Everybody sighed and nodded. I have my dad to look out for, Lukas has this Dane named Mathias, Arthur has a man named Alfred, and Vlad.... Well, I'm not really sure about him. He has never really told me about his enemies, but claimed that he had some.
I looked over at the time and gasped. "CRAP! DAD'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I yelled as a gathered all of my things. "Lukas, you take care of it this week! I trust you the most!" I yelled as I ran out of the door.
My dad doesn't know that I go out with my friends. Usually I'm there until 12:00 and everyone's asleep. But, the sun was rising right now. My dad is a pretty heavy sleeper, though all he pretty much does is sleep. My little brother knows that I go out but he doesn't mind. I even let him come to a meeting once.... That was a bad idea.
I entered the house through my bedroom window. Stepping inside, I slid my bag off of my shoulder. "Ashlyn?" A quite voice asked. I smiled a little at my bed, "shouldn't you be in your own bed asleep, Alec?" Alec, my eight year old brother, sat up in my bed and looked at me with his big green eyes. "I couldn't sleep... And all of the cats were on my bed and wouldn't move!" He cried then crossed his arms.
I chuckled and walked over to my bed. "Yeah, I don't really like the cats that much either. But dad is obsessed with them." I said while rolling my eyes. Alec nodded and fell on his back on the bed. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" He asked. I nodded and took off my shoes, "of course you can."
A few minutes later, Alec was sleeping soundly. I sighed and crawled into bed next to him. Alec turned and snuggled into me. Smiling, I wrapped my arm around his smaller body and closed my eyes. I was about to sleep, until I smelled something. It smelled like smoke.
I jumped out of bed and went downstairs. Dark and thick smoke was coming from stove. "Oh my god," I whispered and ran back up to my room and grabbed Alec. "A-Ash? What's ha-happening?" Alec mumbled as I jumped out of my window. I ran for awhile then put him on the ground, "Stay here. I have to get dad."
The house was puffing out smoke right now. I ran inside without thinking. "DAD?!" I called, then started coughing. "A-Ashlyn?" A voice called out from behind me. My dad was laying on the floor, looking at the state of unconscious and conscious.
Without saying anything else, I grabbed both of his rough hands and dragged him out the house. I kicked the door down and dragged my dad out of the burning down house. He was heavy, but I didn't care. He is my father, he is the only one who has taken cared of me and my brother. Well, sometimes.
There was policemen and firefighters outside of the house. One of them grabbed my dad and another picked me up like a baby. I felt sleepy, but I didn't want to go too sleep. I wanted to make sure my family was safe. "A-Alec..." I wheezed.
"Your little brother is safe, miss." The firefighter told me. "C-Can I see him?" I asked. He nodded and brought me to one of the trucks.
When we got there, Alec was talking to six teenagers. "Yeah! And then my big sister saved me!" I heard him exclaim. "Is that her?" One of the girls with (Y/H/C) eyes said, pointing at me. Alec gasped, "Ashlyn!"
The firefighter put me down to my feet as Alec ran into my arms. I scooped him up and hugged him tightly. "Is daddy okay?!" Alec asked, with worry in his eyes. I smiled weakly and nodded, "yeah. I saved him." Alec nodded and started crying, "I was scared you wouldn't make it back..."
I wiped his tears away and smiled softly, "I'm not going anywhere bud."
"Where's my father?" I asked a random policeman. He pointed to a direction, "The Greek man with green eyes and long brown hair moaning for his kids and cats is over there." I ran over to where the policeman pointed with Alec in my arms. Those kids followed us too, maybe they were trying to get a scoop on the burning house.
My dad was sitting in a ambulance truck with a shock blanket. "Ashlyn, Alec!" Dad exclaimed and jumped to his feet and hugged us tightly. "Papa!" Alec yelled and hugged him back with tears in his eyes. I just hugged him, glad he was alive.
We stayed in each others arms for awhile. It was nice, and comforting. Dad pulled back and looked at me, "You saved me..." Smiling, I nodded. "Yeah, I did..."
"SHE SAVED ME TOO, PAPA!" Alec exclaimed.
Dad chuckled and patted Alec's head. "Uhm, excuse me." Somebody tapped on my shoulder. Looking over at the voice, I saw it was that girl with (Y/E/C) and (Y/H/C). "Hi, sorry to interrupt but we need to get the kids to safety."
I glared slightly at her and fully turned my body to face the girl. "We are safe, thank you."
"No, you don't understand," a boy with green eyes and (Y/H/C) came in. "Other dangers await."
"What are y-"
"Demigods," my dad whispered.
I looked at him strangely. "Dad, I think you inhaled some smoke. These kids are not demigods."
"Oh no, we are. We were ordered to save you from your mom-"
"I don't care what my mother thinks." I growled. A strong hand was placed on my shoulder. "Ashlyn, please. Go with them." Dad said softly.
I looked at him, then at the so called demigods. Sighing, I nodded and said, "Fine. We'll go. But, first I want to say goodbye to a couple of my friends." The girl nodded, "Of course."

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! And sorry for taking so long to write and publish this chapter... ENJOY, LOVE YOU!!

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